
I have been running 2 miles every day and weinft tranning 3 times a week for 2hours with a friend. I kinda feel like on the days that I only run i could be doing more. So I thinking of doing P90x on those days. I was just wondering if anyone has finnish it and what the results were.

( Just as a side note I started in march at 265 i now weigh 234 and I hope to be between 190 and 200 by my birthday in late october. Do you think this is possable. lmk what you think. thanks)


  • Doctorcb
    Doctorcb Posts: 31
    I would do P90X before you do any cardio. P90X is awesome. I have done almost 4 rounds of it. I am trying to get more cut and drop my body fat under 10%. I am actually a Beachbody coach and help people with fitness using Beachbody products like P90X.
    Check out my site www.docbfitness.com and I can help you out.
    I lost 122 pounds in 2007.

    Drop me a line. You should consider also consider joining my independent Beachbody business as you are a great motivator for others that want to lose weight
  • kiragami
    kiragami Posts: 73 Member
    Oh wow I think P90X is awesome! I've only used it for about two weeks solid and I have noticed a difference. I've lost 7lbs. overall and started logging into this site 4lbs ago. I definitely love that program. :wink:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am on round 2 of p90x and love it! Check out my before and after photos on my profile. It is truly a great workout! Good luck to you!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Considering you're doing currently doing 2 hours of weight lifting, I would recommend P90X for you as it would show you a more efficient way to condense your strength workouts onto 1 hour or less.

    Quite a few people run and do P90X at the same time, though not every day. There is a special P90X schedule for runners so be sure to ask your coach about it if you do decide to go for P90X!
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    It seems you are in very good shape as far as strength and cardio. If you really want to push yourself, do p90x and substitute a couple insanity workouts instead of the 2 cardio ( plyo and kenpo) in p90x. This will burn a lot of fat and help with weight loss. I would not get too concerned about weight and concentrate more on what the tape measure says. Your diet will have the greatest effect on how much weight you will lose, but don't let your cal intake get too low, otherwise it will have negative effect. I went from 190 to 160 during my first round of x.