Need some workout recommendations for a beginner.

I've never actually needed to work out....until now. I have never been a member of a gym, I've never really run. So, now that I am 30 it's catching up with me a little.

I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. First I was doing it everyday and I hurt myself. So, I took a break for a few weeks and now I'm trying to do it every other day. But I am getting so bored with it!

Does anyone have any recommendations for something that's not too terribly difficult (since I'm new to working out) and also doesn't take a ton of time, but burns a decent amount of calories?



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    If you have access to a Wii, there are alot of great workout games available. I've personally been using EA Sports Active (both versions) and had great success with them. It has 40 or so different workouts that are combined into different routines during the 30 Day Challenge. Also, people on here love Wii Fit Plus, it's more like playing games whereas EA Sports Active is more like a personal trainer. I'm also doing the 30 Day Shred on top of EA Sports Active. It's a good combo that keeps things interesting, plus I do the elliptical at the gym twice a week to get some solid cardio in.
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    I started working out in May 2009 getting on the stationary bike for 20 minutes three times a week. I didn't try to go fast or to steep; my goal was just to move. I also had a mantra that was to get on my treadmill and make it move. I started that about 10 minutes at a time three days a week and built up be a few minutes each week until I felt comfortable. Now, here I am a year later and I'm running 12 minute miles. I've gotten to six miles and am considering running a half marathon in a few months. I haven't made the final decision yet, though. Good luck, Becky, and just remember - just move!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    "Does anyone have any recommendations for something that's not too terribly difficult (since I'm new to working out) and also doesn't take a ton of time, but burns a decent amount of calories? "

    lol, not gonna find many things that meet all those requirements....if you find something fun that's vigorous, that's always going to be 'easy'. Like surfing for me was really fun, and in that hour and a half I probably burned a TON of calories.

    imo the easiest thing in the world that burns the most calories is running (some might say elliptical, but then i would argue that it probably just doesn't burn all that many calories compared to running - google if still interested in that bit). Its only easy after you learn it though, but it is very learnable, and probably burns the absolute most calories in the shortest period of time.

    Lot of people like the Couch to 5k program if interested.
  • MandyMay
    MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
    My Sister let me borrow her Turbo Jam set...I realy enjoy it just like dancing...and they have great tunes playing in the background!!
  • Briannah
    Briannah Posts: 50
    I almost dislocated my shoulder doing Jillan's 30 day shred. I would suggest Denise Austins personal training system. It has 3 levels from beginner to advanced, which you can progress to and its really good when you haven't excerised or need to get back into it! Somedays if I am not feeling so great or having a lazy day I put the DVD in and find it really light on my joints and easy but still calorie blasting!
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    If it's available in a gym or in your area I strongly suggest ZUMBA!!! You don't need to be coordinated, have a dance back ground or be in peak physical condition. All you need to do is HAVE FUN and it's so easy with a good instructor. I sweat like a mo-fo, burrn a bunch of calories, and laugh my @ss off. Try it out, even if you are not a member of a gym, most will give out trial passes and you can try the class a couple of times!

    Good luck and have fun!
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    I'm a quick clicker and double posted sorry ....I am seeking help and should have it under control within the next 6 months
  • Pinksapphire74
    When I started I was doing alot of dance workouts, eliptical, walking, mowing the lawn with a push mower, rebounding, jump roping, these are all great starter exercises. Good luck and have fun with it!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Find a Zumba class. They are a lot of fun! I burn about 500 cals/hr doing Zumba, and 200-300 doing Couch to 5k (
    Both are pretty easy :)
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you all so much!

    @ mworld - LOL. You're probalbly right!

    I am interested in the C25k program but I'll admit...I hate the outdors. So, I want to get a treadmill to use for the program. We do have Zumba classes at some local gyms and I will look into seeing if I can do a trial class. And thanks for the info about Wii Fit. I may try that!