Gym Help - Girls :D

Hi guys,

Just gonna make a post about the gym. I have been going for 2 weeks now and with healthy eating i did loose 8 pounds, it's slowed down now however but my jeans have grown slightly baggy. I don't mind that though as long as i'm loosing! My boyfriend looses so much more though and eats complete junk ¬_¬...

So i was going to ask is there any right workout? I spend 15 minutes on 9-10 fast jogging pace and then move onto the elliptical or the cross trainer for 20 minutes. I sometimes then go on the rowing machine for 5 minutes and the stairs machine for 5 or even go on the bike for 15. I have recently began to used the weights now as-well around 20 kg...i don't want to grow bulky, more slender and feminine built obviously toned though and i heard weights is great for fat burn.

My hrm moniter says i burn around 500-700 calories in one gym visit as well. I'm wandering when results usually start to become prominent? I also do pilates at home as well but i have a desk job for most of the day so only get the gym 4 days a week :(.


  • susannahsutton1
    boys lose more. They just do. It is unfair and they don't deserve it, but is the way of the world!!

    The only rules for a "right" workout are:

    burn more cals than doing nothing
    something you enjoy
    is balanced - so cardio/strength is really important so that your body can cash the cheques you want to write! Mix it up to work everything out and ensure you don't get bored (I have the attention span of a gnat)
    if you have a hrm, which you do, play around with intervals (google it, but basically push your heart rate high for 60 secs, then go easy for 60 secs, builds fitness quicker)

    the first person noticed I was looking good after 10lb lost, which I did with a mixture of exercise and food to create my calorie deficit

    I am doing heavier weights than you and it is slimming me down because muscle takes up less space than fat! (It does NOT weigh more... 1lb of fat weighs the same as 1lb of muscle... one of those MFP myths that does the rounds on the boards)
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I find steady state cardio kinda dull. If you are going to cardio, you will do much better doing sprints.

    This is a good routine for a beginner/intermediate:

    warm up: 4 mins steady-moderate effort (I use the rower because it works the whole body) - try to up your effort towards the finish.

    5x 30 secs effort, 30 secs rest

    10 x 20 secs effort, 10 secs rest

    5 x 1 minute effort, 1 minute rest

    10 x 20 secs effort, 10 secs rest

    You can have a good rest between sets, but as you get fitter, you will want to try and cut it down. I used to do the 1st and 3rd set on the rower and the 2nd and 4th on the bikes, but you could do it on anything - it could all be shuttle runs if you like. The 'effort' on the shorter sets is a sprint and you should sprint - if sweat isn't dripping off you by the middle of set 2 you are doing it wrong.

    If you et tired of cardo, I'm sure someone will be along to suggest weights shortly. I try to do one big cardio a week, which is curcuits these days - lots of bodyweight excercises and I lift weights 3 x a week.
  • VonTinka
    VonTinka Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks guys i will try out some of the stuff you said. I'll up my weight too as i find some too easy on my legs.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Don't worry about weights making you bulky. It's a myth that somehow got started that if a woman touches a weight they automatically look like one of those steroid woman body builders. It just doesn't work that way. Even for men. It takes years of lifting heavy weights to get to the point where you might be considered bulky.
  • susannahsutton1
    For the last 3 weeks I have been pressing 90kg/200lb on the leg press at my gym which judging by what I see other people do is high for a girl and I have lost 1 inch from each thigh already.