Menopausal and getting the scale to budge!

Which it won't. If there were a gradual steady decline I wouldn't have a problem with it. If I wasn't 'hormonally challenged' the typical advice and methods of weight loss would work. At least it did in the past.

Here's my big beef:

1) I have been working out, lifting and counting calories for upward of 6 months. Know what I have to show for it? MAYBE 5 lbs. Yes, things are considerably less jiggly but I seriously doubt that I've exchanged fat for muscle pound for pound. (My legs are rock hard covered by a layer of 'insulation' - but they are hard.)

2) I have been watching my calories, trying and succeeding MOST of the time in keeping them at about 1200. Now, NROLFW and 'Road Map' advice tell me to up my calories if I want to actually start losing. I really don't believe it but WTH, I'll try anything. But I swear that if I gain back more than a 3-4 lbs... I'm going to assume that it ain't working.

3) Typical recommended calories, TDEE, etc. all assume a non-menopausal person. There should be a modifier for that.

So, I would love to hear from fellow MFP members that have faced the same challenge with similar issues.


  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Post-menopause and struggling, losing and regaining the same 3 pounds for 2 months now, first on 1200 calories, now on 1320.

    I went through a number of calculators yesterday. The average for me was about 1800 TDEE, with advice that I need to create a 500-calorie deficit to lose one pound per week, so either cut my calories back by 500 per day (so 1320 is about right), increase my exercise to burn 500 calories per day, or do a combination. Obviously occasional exercise and diet alone isn't doing it, so I'm going to keep my calories where they are and increase exercise to daily but only eat back enough calories to keep my net from falling below 1200. That's the plan, anyway.

    Good luck! This is all so frustrating!
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I think we are all in the same boat.............and I'm just HOT! LOL!
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    I'm post-menopausal and, while I'm finding the weight more difficult to shed than it used to be, it's actually going quite well.

    I'm waiting for a doctor's note before the coach at my gym will do some heavy lifting instruction (bah, litigation worries). In the meantime, I've been doing cardio (stationary bike, treadmill, etc.) 3 - 4 times a week. I keep my calories between 1200 - 1400 during the week, ease off (sometimes substantially) on the weekend.

    Like I say, it's been slower than when I was a youngster, but it's steady. I've dropped a couple of sizes, feel some muscle beneath the flab. I do have more to lose than those of you above in this thread with a weight ticker, so might that be part of it?

    Anyway, hang in there!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm 22, medical menopause and lost 12lbs so far =}
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sigh, i think life goes to crap once you hit 40.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    it's not just the cals you eat or burn. It's how and what you eat and how you workout.

    Read Forks Oer Knives. It adresses all these thigns and more
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    34 now, medically induced menopause at 32. This flat out sucks. I gain and lose the same few pounds over and over and over.
  • lrbassmom
    I think we are all in the same boat.............and I'm just HOT! LOL!

    Oh, I was HOT, miserably HOT. I didn't want to take Rx hormones because I figured it was pay now or pay later. BUT I started taking PhytoEstrogens with EFAs... I think the brand is Soloray. It has some Black Cohosh and some other herbals in it but, within a couple days of taking it,... BAM! Hot Flashes... GONE! I had a very very mild one this morning but I think that was just because the house thermostat clicked on.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    sigh, i think life goes to crap once you hit 40.

    For me it was 50.

    But my gripe is that I used to gain weight (and lose it) evenly all over. Now I gain it mainly around my "waist" and lose it mainly from my butt.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Post menopausal and have lost 51lbs in 10 months ( about 5lbs off goal weight). I upped my cals from 1200 to 1400, now to 1600 - and also do NRoL4W and masses of walking. I lost more on higher cals than lower. I'm in better shape now than 20 years ago.

    It can be done. :)
  • lrbassmom
    34 now, medically induced menopause at 32. This flat out sucks. I gain and lose the same few pounds over and over and over.

    How long have you been beating your head against this Wall O'Fun we call 'weight loss'? At least 6 months for me.
  • lrbassmom
    Post menopausal and have lost 51lbs in 10 months ( about 5lbs off goal weight). I upped my cals from 1200 to 1400, now to 1600 - and also do NRoL4W and masses of walking. I lost more on higher cals than lower. I'm in better shape now than 20 years ago.

    It can be done. :)

    But I'm guessing you didn't up the calories to the TDEE or the extra 200 or so they recommend for lifting days? You kept it at or slightly at or above your BMR?
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    Post menopausal and have lost 51lbs in 10 months ( about 5lbs off goal weight). I upped my cals from 1200 to 1400, now to 1600 - and also do NRoL4W and masses of walking. I lost more on higher cals than lower. I'm in better shape now than 20 years ago.

    It can be done. :)

    I am 47 - medical induced menopause, last year - lost 20 lbs in the past 6 months. Now I am losing/gaining the same 2-3 lbs for the past two months...ugh!! I am also starting to do NROL4W thanks to MFP buddies. Hoping for some awesome results!!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    I've been struggling with this myself. Surgical menopause 12 years ago so basically in the same boat. I lost 20 lbs. pretty steady when I first started this 2 years ago. The last year (a little over a year) I've been losing and gaining the same 3-4 lbs. and can't get any lower. After a 1 year "plateau" and all I was doing was counting calories and doing lots of cardio (sometimes burning over 1200 calories because I was so pissed off that I wasn't losing any more weight.

    I have about 10 lbs. to go and nothing's moving. So...I started taking the advice of SO many on here and started going to a gym and lifting weights. I started 3 weeks ago and feel SO much better about things. I can feel muscles and see cuts in my muscles that I never saw before and my body just "looks" more fit even though I'm still playing with the same 3-4 lbs. I find that I'm weighing myself less frequently though and not obsessing over my weight but instead, looking in the mirror & I'm feeling better.

    I have thyroid issues too but medication has that under some control.

    I would say you DO need to up your calories and be sure it's healthy foods you're adding. Drink your water and start lifting weights. Not barbie weights either. Really work the muscles & they'll stay busy burning fat. I did a body analysis at the gym when I joined and it's time for me to do another one this week (I want to do it once a month to track my progress). I can't wait to get in there and see if I've lost any body fat.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    My average day eating is around 1800-2000 cals as I eat back 90% of my exercise cals on top of my daily 1600 - and I workout around 15 hours a week (have 1 day off a week) as I'm training for a 100k walking event. Definitely eat more on lifting days and use protein shakes as recommended.

    The best thing for me has been seeing the muscle definition, that seriously rocks.

    I'm also paleo as I strongly believe the quality of what you eat matters.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    34 now, medically induced menopause at 32. This flat out sucks. I gain and lose the same few pounds over and over and over.

    How long have you been beating your head against this Wall O'Fun we call 'weight loss'? At least 6 months for me.

    Pretty much almost since recovery.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    52 years old. Full menopause, doing HRT. Started monitoring my food intake in Jan 2012. I calculated BMR (1300ish) and TDEE (1900ish) and I eat in between them, netting 1480-1600 caloiries per day. I set MFP to 1550 and eat back my exercise calories because it forced me to exercise daily. Lost 21 lbs. I am 2 lbs from goal weight and hit a plateau. 3 months with no loss but just this week, 1 inch down on waist & bust and 132 down to 131.4 on the scale for the last two days. It works. Be patient.
  • dansing83
    dansing83 Posts: 47 Member
    Seriously. My whole figure has changed since menopause. I used to be pear shaped, now I'm an apple. The most annoying thing is keeping my pants up with no waist. Suspenders anyone?
  • rachthemidwife
    rachthemidwife Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I am new on here and feeling very upset! I am 51, fit and active all my life and on HRT for about 4 years. I was very poorly a few years ago and gained about 10 pounds on medication despite being rigorous about calorie counting. I have now been tracking since early November 2012 and have only lost 2 pounds!! I have calculated my BMR at 1333 and my TDEE as 2173 (I swim 1-2 times a week for 30 mins, play badminton for two hours once or twice a week and do belly dancing once a week too. I also walk places such as to town etc.) How do I work out my calorie allowance? I have been trying to keep to about 1250 calories net of exercise (around 1400 before). I cannot sustain only eating 1200 before exercise as I get too hungry and shaky. I have tried eating 500 - 800cals for two days a week and 1600 on the other but that hasn't helped. If anyone can please help me make sense of this as I just don't know what to do to kick-start post-menopausal weight loss.
  • juliaschwed
    I have stubborn weight as well. Not menopausal but hormone issues nonetheless. I do not believe those metabolism calculators. My doctor put me on a 1000 to 1200 calorie diet. No extra calories for exercise. My doctor recommended a high protein (80-100 grams) and low carb (60-75 grams) diet. I am expected to exercise daily. Basically, I eat a serving of protein 4 times a day. It is very similar to eating like a diabetic.

    I also take a daily vitamin, Vitamin D, chromium, 5-HTP, and fish oil.

    In the past, I worked out with a trainer + 4 times a week, cut calories to 1400,1200, 1600,1800 to no avail. Trained for and ran 5Ks. Walked 3 times a day. Keeping faithful to these items for 3-6 months before I tried another combination with absolutely zero weight loss. The doctor explained that ex-college athletes sometimes have the toughest time losing weight.

    I was stuck for 3 weeks and then cut my calories to 1000 and have begun to lose again. I don't know that I will stay this low for long, but right now it is moving the scale. I eat 4 times a day to keep the body from feeling like it is starving.

    The solution is complex and different for everyone. I just wanted to offer my experience.