really struggerling after 3 misscarriages in one year

lozla86 Posts: 77
edited January 14 in Motivation and Support
Fri 02/15/13 06:06 AM

Hi there. my name is Laura and I live in Bradford England with my husband of four years. I've been trying to lose weight now for nearly 2 years with no sucess. I lost a little last year which was fab as it was the worse year of my life. Me and the hubby have been trying for a baby for the whole of our marraige, with no sucess the in Dec 2011 we found out we was preganant with twins, to cut a long story short we lost both twins and i was in and out of hospital for nearly 4 months starting suffering from really bad panic attacks and depresion and was to scared to leave the house. Was of work in total for nearly 6 months. Then started to get my life back on track, started looking after myself a lot better, starting loosing weight everthing was loking up. Then on the 1st Nov 2012 (our wedding anniversary) we found out we was preganant again we was over joyed as we hadnt been trying and we was a lot further along then the twins. early december starting bleeding lightly was rushed to hospital from gps as they thought i was having an etopic preganacy as my sides where really hurting. A week later we had another miscarriage so a total of 3 in one year.To say i'm struggerling would be an understatment at the moment. I'm trying my hardest to be postitive but its so hard. I feel sad and down all the time and could really use some help. I already have fab friends added on hear who are great, and my youngest sister who is also on this site and my husband has been my rock thorugh all of this. I really want to lose the weight before we start to try again and i need to get my head in the right frame of mind. Im a working progress. but i know i can do it!! cant wait to meet you all and do this journey together xx


  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My mother had two miscarriages during the course of her life-not so close two sisters with children also had miscarriages...

    I know you must be hurting-I can only imagine the pain you are going through. I'm assuming you've seen a fertility doctor?

    I don't know what to say except that my prayers are with you and your hubby. HUGS
  • Thank you it really means a lot, i'm just really strugerling, i cant stop thinking about and it is driving me crazy. They said we have to have one more before they will do any tests (i live in England and the health care is rubbish) so mentally i'm already thnking if we get preganat again it will end with a miscarriage, and i cant do that to myself again but on the other hand i want to try again incase everything is ok. I just keep wishing that if we had a child i wouldnt try again. xx
  • ambers80
    ambers80 Posts: 20 Member
    I've had 2 miscarriages first at 14weeks2days second one at 9weeks. Hubby & I have been really trying for 4 years, but been together since 2001 & never prevented. I've been through LOTS of test with fertility dr with no answers other than PCOS. And TONS of $$ for treatments. I know your pain. It is very very hard! Then trying to lose weight ontop of it just adds that much more stress. Take time off from trying & just work on you! There is nothing wrong with that. Make yourself feel good! We need it as women & mommies to beautiful angel babies!! You can do this! Just focus & remember you're worth it!!
  • luvs2read1979
    luvs2read1979 Posts: 113 Member

    Sorry for your losses.
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