Body Media Calorie Adjustment

Can anyone help me. I use the body-media band and it is synced with my fitness pal. Every morning when I get up the body media website states that I have burned 424 calories. How is this possible? I have heard you burn calories when you sleep, so is that how it monitors itself. Confused.



  • It may be an average of what you burn just walking around.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Yes, simply by being alive you burn calories--that's what is called your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. The BodyMedia tracks EVERY calorie you burn--from existing to twitching to walking to real exercise and back again--so waking up with it showing a burn is completely normal. :)
  • pattygstevens
    pattygstevens Posts: 2 Member
    Thank You everyone for the responses.....