10 days and counting!

It all started at Christmas when my brother was visiting from Denmark. We decided that we had to do something to lose those extra lbs before the summer and keep them off. So me, my brother and our respective partners joined in to pledge to pay the eventual winner £10 from each participant. Word soon spread and before we started on 3rd Jan I had 11 members of my family pledging to do the same. I started a Facebook group so we could motivate and challenge each other with weekly weigh in sessions. Several of us joined endomondo and posted on our own Facebook pages so we also had friends wanting to know how everyone was doing.

So far my brother in law is winning with 16.25lbs lost in 6 weeks with another 6 of the group members on or near a bouts 14lb. 10 days and counting and I am 3.25lbs behind the leader. Today, as it is half term, I have decided to increase my excercise regime in an attempt to get my hands on the £110.

Everyone is following different plans from just giving up biscuits,cakes, cheese etc, following a strict calorie plan together with exercise and training for a half marathon to myself and a few others changing our lifestyles to following a paleo diet with conditioning and toning - that's me.

Wish me luck
