Need some advice!!!

Ok so back when I first joined MFP I was walking at a track 3 days a week. MFP said based on my weight, height ans activity level.I needed about 2200 calories. I lowered it to 1800 and lost 2lbs a week. I recently started working out at a gym 5 days a week and MFP again says I need over 2200 calories. I had a meeting with a Metabolism Consultant and he said the same thing (eat 2200 calories) since my metabolism is in the dumps. I raised my caloric intake to 2200 and haven't lost a drop of weight despite being more active than I was before. Should I leave it at 2200 and see what happens...or go back to what I know will give me results??


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    You said you recently met with an MC but not how recently. You also mentioned that you recently started working out 5 days per week. The recommended time to see if a new calorie level is working is about 4 weeks. If you recently started working out, your muscles will be retaining water (to promote healing) and that can mask weight loss for 4-6 weeks. My thought (totally just my opinion) is that you should wait at least 6 weeks from whenever you started working out and see what results you are getting. If you don't see any change, you could drop the calories by a couple hundred a day and see what happens. [Or you could try to meet with the metabolism consultant again and discuss your results, or lack thereof, and see what they say.]
  • I met with him aittle over a week ago. I did notice I was retaining water but figured it was the blue cookie rearing its ugly head. Thank you for the advice I will definitely give it a few more weeks. I'm terribly impatient!!!