For Women Only!!! (Men, you would have no interest)



  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    I should have asked this :) I weighed in and gained 7 lbs.! And THEN, being discouraged and all, felt like this is a waste of my friggin' time and pigged out...lost 5 when it was over, and probably would have lost all 7 had I not lost all control for 2 days. Now I have 2 extra to deal with. So, now I say SKIP IT! :)
  • wantmycurvesback
    I should have asked this :) I weighed in and gained 7 lbs.! And THEN, being discouraged and all, felt like this is a waste of my friggin' time and pigged out...lost 5 when it was over, and probably would have lost all 7 had I not lost all control for 2 days. Now I have 2 extra to deal with. So, now I say SKIP IT! :)

    I agree..... cuz the same thing happened to me this weekend!! :(
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I weigh in out of curiosity, but don't count it.....unless I actually lose. Sometimes I do. I like to drink Yogi Tea, the Berry Detox blend, after my period. It helps with the water gain and bloating. Just a cup a day for maybe three days. Its not an actual detox type thing. Just a herbal tea. Tastes really good. The blend is diuretic, so I drink tons of water too. Helps a ton.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I think it depends on how well you can handle the expected up tick. I ran into this irritant this week. I typically put on 5-8 pounds in the week prior to "day of fun one," and it takes a good three days after I start for that to go away. I KNEW my weight was going to be up, but weighed in any way. And have spent the last three days weighing in obsessively every time I'm near the scale. I'm watching my weight inch up, knowing exactly why, but am still beating myself up. Seriously! Next month, I'm circling 7-days out and not allowing myself to weigh in for the next 2 weeks. Now, obviously I'm slightly insane, so if you can handle it, weigh in. That will give you a gauge (and a great drop when the horror ends). If you can't avoid it like the plague!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    So I did my weigh in.... and lost 2.5 lbs! :) Even tho TOM is here! :) Thanks for all the feed back. I was just way toooo curious, and that got the best of me! :)
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    I'm glad I found this post!

    It answered all my questions!

    Thanks guys!
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    skip it! i gain 7-10 lbs and used to go CRAZY every month (crying and all) because i just thought maybe i eat too much during that time, then i realized (once i started actually tracking calories) that it was totally all water!!! i used to weigh myself right b4/first day of it then the day after just to see the difference and it actually made me feel better KNOWING it was water weight! good luck, dont get down on yourself though, its tough not to but rewarding when you tame the demons in your head that are tellin you one thing when its really just your body retainin water to drive you crazy lol... <3
  • MissBarb77
    MissBarb77 Posts: 3
    Totally understand ya! I am dealing with that now. I feel like I have let myself down because I feel and look pudgey. But I know in a few days it'll be ok. So skip it!