Don't tell me that I can't..

One of the best ways to guarantee that I will succeed is to tell me that I am bound to fail.

I never had a choice in putting on this weight- health problems when I was younger ensured that I would. I have, however, always had the choice to take it off or keep it. For about 8 years, I chose to keep it. Did I realize that I was making that choice? No. But not making a change is, by default, choosing to remain the same. So this year, I chose to change. My health faltered again last fall, and I knew that key to regaining my health was losing weight.

My mother told me that I would fail. She literally bet against me. My own mother...

My friends on the other hand, they believe that I will succeed. Not only do they believe, but they push and prod and hold me to a higher standard. My best friend/brother is teaching me strength training and has joined me in a no-processed food challenge. Another friend taught me the ins and outs of cardio. Yet another friend took a nutrition class at college with me. My sister supports me at every turn.

My advice? Make the choice to change. Don't diet- change the way you live your life. Surround yourself with people who lift you up but also aren't afraid to deliver wake-up calls when you need them. Realize that you are full of potential, and you-and you alone- have the ability to access that potential. Also, don't rely on the scale to tell you your worth, or anything else about you. You have more value than you can possibly imagine. Wake up every morning and thank God that He gave you another day to live- and don't take it for granted.

This life we are choosing by changing our lives, losing weight, using MFP, it is driven by our mental attitudes. If you tell yourself that you will fail, you already have.

Sorry Mom, but you're going to lose your bet. Be prepared to pay up.

One day at a time.


  • :( Sorry that your mom does not support you. You have such a wonderful attitude though & you will succeed :). I agree with all that you said.
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    She can say what she wants- the more she says I will fail, the harder I will push to succeed. I'm stubborn like that :)
    And thank you! :)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Haha, I completely agree.

    After years of 'starting this diet again', and my other half offering words of encouragement and telling me he knew I could do it, I repeatedly failed. When I started MFP and saw his disbelieving, almost bored expression when I told him about it, it definitely spurred me on!

    It's a shame your Mum feels like that, but you are using her negativity in a great way. Good luck. :smile:
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    Thats funny, my mom did/does the same thing. I haven't spoken to her in years because of her negativity.
  • It is the push of negativity that makes people motivated. My mom isn't negative she supports and sees the motivated I have but she does bring in temptations which can be just as bad. Having a great support system helps a lot in changing your life but like everything you need the motivation yourself. You had the motivation to begin with so having the support helped
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You can't ;-) now go kick *kitten* and win that bet! X
  • diana_marie8302
    diana_marie8302 Posts: 84 Member
    Dang, I needed to see that today. You are definitely an inspiration and it sounds like despite your mother's negative influence, you and your friends/family have turned lemons into lemonade! Congrats and good luck on your health and fitness journey! :) Feel free to add me too!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I'm betting you're gonna be a huge success. Not only do you want the results, but you've got the right attitude and you're willing to do the work. Keep it up! I can't wait to see you post your success story... and find out what you do with your winnings from the bet.
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all! If I can do this-and I will-anyone can :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Wonderful post ..... thank you for sharing with us ...... and happy losing !
  • ceciliadoud
    ceciliadoud Posts: 69 Member
    That's sad that your mom doesn't support you, but it sounds like you have lots of people who do! I admire your positive attitude, it's so easy to get caught up in the negativity.
  • scjl132
    scjl132 Posts: 85 Member
    You have a wonderful support system!!! It is difficult when our mothers tell us that we are going to fail:(. I am fortunate to still have my mom and fortunate that she is a cheerleader in my weight loss effort. You are armed (with information) and dangerous (determined to succeed)!
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all :)
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    My family will say things like that and then tell me that it's because they're trying to challenge me. Such as, when I was in college and had gotten an A- on a big exam. When I told them, the response I got was "Why isn't it an A?" They say negative and hurtful things and then hide behind the idea that they're motivating me to do better...

    It's awful, I feel your pain.

    Good job for pushing through and proving her wrong!
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    I know how that goes. Don't listen. Your worth isn't found in anyone else's approval.