Let's support each other!

I'm very supportive to everyone on my friends list but no one ever returns the favour! What's up with that! So yeah, please add me if you want! I need all the support I can get since I have no friends in real life (not one)..... or even on the internet actually haha - I'm also not close to any family. The only person I have is my boyfriend, who I live with but he won't let me eat healthily so it's a recipe for disaster! <3


  • AshyyMM
    AshyyMM Posts: 131
    I'm the same way.. though I've recently found more active "friends" on here..
    but I have no actual friends... I have my boyfriend, and he knows how much I want this so he is really encouraging me and been more willing to eat the healthier foods with me...
    You can add me if you want... I try to be very active with all of the people on my friends list! :)
  • hcoleman84
    feel free to add me! always looking to support others! :)