Starting fresh

My name is Cheryl, I am a very happily married and I am doing this for me. I am 262lbs, 5'8" tall. My health is not of the best. I am here to get it together and take control. I don't want to be thin, I want to be healthier. I want to learn new and healthier ways of preparing foods and different kinds of activities that help lose weight. I am physically limited but not totally unable. I will accept any and all who are striving for the same as I.


  • carinaedavey
    Awesome! First off, congrats for deciding to take the first step. As you may remember, I was not a petite girl those days I used to hang with Brandi. When I started this journey, I was fresh off a nasty knee injury, facing surgery, and feeling very alone in the path to healthier living. I started slow, worked my way up to a full exercise regimen, and now its second nature to put on the tights and pop into the gym. I've told Brandi, its divine inspiration, diet, exercise.. in that order. So glad to have another MFP buddy! May your journey be blessed and I look forward to sharing the travel!
  • CherylLM1967
    CherylLM1967 Posts: 2 Member
    I do remember and you are looking very happy and healthy. Congrats on many levels. At one time in my life I was all about staying fit and looking a certain way. But I lost that drive when life wasn't all I thought it should be. I am now back on tract, and hoping that with support and encouragement I will get healthier and be able to function at a healthier pace. Thank you for the support, glad to be here at MFP and connecting with people in the same.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Please feel free to add me if you wish x good luck with your journey xx
  • brwneyedbrndi
    brwneyedbrndi Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome! First off, congrats for deciding to take the first step. As you may remember, I was not a petite girl those days I used to hang with Brandi. When I started this journey, I was fresh off a nasty knee injury, facing surgery, and feeling very alone in the path to healthier living. I started slow, worked my way up to a full exercise regimen, and now its second nature to put on the tights and pop into the gym. I've told Brandi, its divine inspiration, diet, exercise.. in that order. So glad to have another MFP buddy! May your journey be blessed and I look forward to sharing the travel!

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • hcoleman84
    feel free to add me if you would like! :)
  • brajocol
    brajocol Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • cuddlescreampuff
    cuddlescreampuff Posts: 42 Member
    Good for you for taking a huge step in the right direction. If you're looking for a friend please feel free to add me. I am a 47 year old grandma of 6 (ages 8 years-8months). I'd love to support you on your journey...we're in this together. :flowerforyou: