Just starting and need some support

I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers and I have lost before but, have had trouble with counting points or calories and portion control. I am doing really well today but, tomorrow it's back to work and I am a Elementary Special Education teacher and this is my first year of teaching. I am at my heaviest weight in 14 years and really close to my heaviest weight ever. I have been sick with sinus issues so I am going to wait a week to start exercising. I know I can do this and have done it before but, I just could use some support from otheres to do it again. I know it's a process but, would like to loose as much as I can before my annual physical in May when they check cholesterol and all of that. Also I refuse to go up to a size 16 if I can help it. Thanks for listening.



  • Knae22
    Knae22 Posts: 31 Member
    I can relate with a lot of what you said....I will send a friend request :)
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    I've never done WW. Just never interested in it, partly because I don't want to pay for it. I love MFP. Log in every day and be honest. You'll see a different if you follow the calorie suggestions carefully and start exercising.

    Good luck!

    p.s. there is a teacher forum you might want to join, too!
  • jgarf4me
    jgarf4me Posts: 33 Member
    good luck... the first couple weeks are the hardest but once you get into a pattern,, you will see huge gains. The one major suggestion i would make is cut down on your sugar and eat healthier food that are not processed. you will find major advantages switching to a few organic foods per week. if you want to friend me i will answer. ive only recently come back on after heart surgery and getting back into shape
  • gina2930
    gina2930 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate about the sinus issues.. I hope I could add you as a friend and help you.
  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    I can understand what you're saying. I did weight watchers and lost 20 pounds, but then it became a chore for me so I quit and gained it all back. Weight Watcher's just isn't for everyone. I have a friend that did it and lost over 100 pounds and swears by it. Me - I just want to learn how to eat healthy without having to diet.

    It sounds like we're pretty close in size - I just got into my 16's after wearing 20's and I'm not going back!

    I sent you a friend request. We can cheer each other on.

    I'm with everyone else - the first couple weeks are tough because your body is adjusting - but if you stick with it you'll begin to see changes and you can make great choices and feel really good about yourself!
  • ltate507
    ltate507 Posts: 2 Member
    I can understand what you're saying. I did weight watchers and lost 20 pounds, but then it became a chore for me so I quit and gained it all back. Weight Watcher's just isn't for everyone. I have a friend that did it and lost over 100 pounds and swears by it. Me - I just want to learn how to eat healthy without having to diet.

    It sounds like we're pretty close in size - I just got into my 16's after wearing 20's and I'm not going back!

    I sent you a friend request. We can cheer each other on.

    I'm with everyone else - the first couple weeks are tough because your body is adjusting - but if you stick with it you'll begin to see changes and you can make great choices and feel really good about yourself!
  • I just started this account today on a fluke because as I was perusing the internet I saw an ad for this. So I figured why not? Every day I tell myself, "this is going to be the day that I start and eat healthy". Every day I fail. I am really trying. It is so hard for me to deny what I WANT to eat. I once lost 30 lbs. and was doing really well and felt so much better than I do now. I feel sluggish, tired, and just blah on most days. I am determined. Thus far today, I have had a good day. What I mean by that, is eating. Here's to each other and our continued success!
  • ltate507
    ltate507 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my millionth time, but I know that my health and emotional well-being are at stake. In fact, I rolled back 9 pounds from Xmas. Had I not restarted being honest--logging in to MFP--it could have multiples worst. While gaining bothers me and takes me further from my goal, I take comfort that we CAN "turn this wagon around" and start out fresh each day. Today is my first day back and it feels refreshing. In fact, here I am posting my first replay. Hang in there and I will support you on your journey!