I weight in this morning and gained yet ANOTHER 2 pounds!!!
I dont understand i have been eating my calories and exercising intensly!
i am know 10 pounds from my goal!!!

:ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

I just wanna know if anyone else is going through this???
CAn yu pleae give me any words of support it will be really GREATLY appreciated! i just feel so upset!


    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I weight in this morning and gained yet ANOTHER 2 pounds!!!
    I dont understand i have been eating my calories and exercising intensly!
    i am know 10 pounds from my goal!!!

    :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I just wanna know if anyone else is going through this???
    CAn yu pleae give me any words of support it will be really GREATLY appreciated! i just feel so upset!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have been gaining as well but losing inches. I don't know what kind of excerises you are doing but I have been gaining muscle and that has been accounting for the scale going up. I know I am losing fat though because I can see it and feel it. Don't get discouraged and don't rely so much on what that scale says. How do you feel? That is the most important thing.
    Hang in there, the loss is just stalled for now, it will pick back up!
  • butterfly4u2us
    I am going through the same thing. I do not know if mine is because of the depo shot or something else but it is agravating. You get on the scale and gain.It makes me depressed and not even want to get on a scale. I a 10 away from my goal too. Maybe somebody will have some advise.
  • butterfly4u2us
    I am going through the same thing. I do not know if mine is because of the depo shot or something else but it is agravating. You get on the scale and gain.It makes me depressed and not even want to get on a scale. I a 10 away from my goal too. Maybe somebody will have some advise.
  • butterfly4u2us
    sorry didn't mrean to post twice.lol I am fitting into some pants that I couldn't before. Thge scale is driving me crazi.lol
  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: Ok don't get bumbed out, you can fix this!

    I would suggest looking at what you are eating, like maybe too many carbs and not enough fruit & veggies. Plus look at what time you are eating, good rule of thumb is not to eat after 6:00 pm. Also eat your heaviest meal at lunch and keep your lighter meal for dinner. Another thing I do is not eat any carbs like bread, potatoes etc. for dinner; this really helps!

    Also look at maybe chaning your excercises a little, maybe if you are walking without weights carry some 2 lbs weights now. Just little changes can help your weight lose tremendously!

    You can reach your goal and we are here for you!:flowerforyou:
  • Caramel Cutie
    I agree with Natasha. If you're working out and gaining muscle, then you may be heavier on the scale but your inches may differ. Are your clothes fitting differently?:indifferent: I know that if I eat foods with a lot of sodium, my weight differs by almost 2-3 pounds!:frown: So, definitely watch your sodium intake and make sure you're still eating plenty of veggies and lean meats! Fruit will help you "cleanse", too, so eat bananas and watermelon!!:drinker:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    It's possible that you're replacing fat with muscle but only you can assess that by looking in the mirror. If you don't see a change in waist, hips, chest, arms, etc then you're probably right you're not losing weight. Usually the gain of 2lbs in muscle mass in a week is not the norm so it might be water weight retention or any number of other things. Since this is the 2nd week in a row you might give it another couple of weeks and then go see a doctor.

    Another possibility might be what I went through early on in my joining MFP when I discovered that there is an error in the website calculators - I believe it still exists based on my recent adjusted inputs.

    Review the data that you provided when you first began or the last time you adjusted your goals. If you included the amount of exercise you're doing now then the website based your calorie intake on that work out level and your daily activities. From my experience the error comes from the fact that the website calculates your calories again when you enter your exercises into your log giving them to as bonus calories.

    I stopped eating to my bonus calorie level and concentrated strictly on my base calories (MFP suggested value) only going over that when I felt I needed to. Adjusting myself to this saw me losing weight instead of gaining.

    Rember that it all depends on what you entered into your initial entry level or adjusted goals so don't go to eating less than your body needs.
  • shashod
    shashod Posts: 103
    Also allow a rest day or two in the week. Working out can damage your muscles and they need time to repair and grow stronger which will help increase your metabolism.
  • turtle
    turtle Posts: 49
    I am going through exactly the same thing! I started off 10 lbs away from my goal of 115 lbs and now I'm almost back to 130! This is so frustrating and when your so close to what you worked so hard for, the weight being muscle still isn't great news. I've been trying to stick to 1300 calories and working out but I don't know if there's anything else I can do or even if what I'm doing is what I should be doing. GRR! this is frustrating!
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    there's been a lot of discussion lately on the message boards concnerning the "zig zag diet". i dont know if you've heard about it, but basically you take your weekly caloric needs and split them up a little differently each day (for example: 1400 calories one day, 1200 the next... depending on your neeeds of course). try this out, i heard it speeds up your metabolism bc your body has to keep guessing!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    I'm having your same frustration. I am actually getting frustratingly depressed about it. I've decided to put my scale away for the next week and give my mind a break about it and just concentrating on exercising and being healthy. It's scary for me because I'm scared that I'll 2 lb MORE next week, but I think it's the healthiest thing I can do for my mind right now. I guess all I can say is, DON'T GIVE UP. You're worth more than the scale.
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    Thnk you so muh for the words of support guys!!! I REALLY appreciate it!
    i will keep going and doing the same and hopefully its muscle or water retention i hope so anyway!!!
    I will defintely keep you all posted and please to all thse that are going through the same thing keep me posted!!!
