New and unsure

My name is Delainey, I've been struggling with my weight my entire life. I tried the HCG diet about a year ago now, lost close to 70 pounds and then gained all of it back plus 30lbs or so. I stick to a tight meal plan and I try to run on my tredmill at home for at least an hour a day 3-6 times a week. I have no lost any weight within the last 4 weeks I've done this. I keep trying new things but nothing seems to work for me. I feel defeated lost and just about to give up honestly.

I dont know what to do anymore.


  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Don't give up yet, Delaniney. Besides just dieting and exercising, start counting the calories that are going in and the ones you lose by exercising. Use MFP to help you with that. Download the mobile app. I swear, without it, I don't think I'd be able to stick with this.

    It's not just about dieting - which I'm sure you know. It's a lifestyle change - a commitment to yourself. Don't deny yourself things, limit them. Cutting something completely out of your life with food only makes you want it more.

    Also - besides just the scale - look at how the exercise is helping you lose inches, transform your body, etc. If your clothes fit looser, you have more energy, you feel good about yourself - you're heading in the right direction. Pounds lost aren't the only things that matter.

    There are a lot of people here who are great for support and ideas! I've just sent you a friend request so add me so I can help encourage you.
  • Lynner77
    Lynner77 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't get down on yourself - there are so many factors that can contribute to peoples weight gain and loss and lack of loss. Keep pushing forward.

    This program is a great way to keep track of your food and exercise.

    Make sure to take measurements and pictures, always a great way to see a difference in yourself in not on the scale.

    Feel free to add me if you like, all the support the better.
  • Penguindeb
    Penguindeb Posts: 24 Member
    You are so pretty...don't give up on your fitness!! If you are using the food and exercise tracker here, it will help you find what's going on. Sometimes if you are not seeing weight might have inch loss. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat and if you are building good thigh muscles, you might not see it on the scale. Being fit is the MOST important part of your health. Your body will eventually catch up to your good habits. <3:)
  • shacala
    Delainey24, I know what you are feeling. In high school (january - april of 2009) I did p90x and went from 230 to 180 and was in the most incredible shape of my life. I could do 25+ pullups and many other things I loved to tell other people about. I went to college, started drinking everyday with a group of friends and I gained 90lbs over the course of 2 years. I was 270lbs. I was miserable. During the summer of 2011 I decided no more. I worked out 3 hours a day, put no alcohol, gluten, or processed foods in my mouth and I dropped to 215.

    Life has happened again, I got wrapped up in drugs and other things I am completely not proud of and while I am not at 270lbs again, my body is in worse shape than its ever been in. Constant aches and pains, hormones are all out of whack, and I don't even understand where to begin to describe the emotional ups and downs I have been through in the past 6 months. I lost 2 jobs, decided to take a break from school to pull myself together... And I have essentially pushed anyone that I built a life with for the past 4 years completely out. I tried cheating my way back to the top (drugs, fad diets, extremely hard workouts and got myself hurt when I was not in good shape) and I paid the price.

    So lets be in this together, I have made a commitment in my life to never give up on myself again. There are no cheats in life. I'm still here and my heart is still ticking so I won't stop trying to have that sense of peace again that I know exists. I need people who support that I am trying to turn my life around.

    You are not alone. :smile:

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • Delainey24
    Thank you for your kind words. I am trying to stay positive and take it day by day. I am just not seeing any results anywhere. I don't plan on giving up but I am not so sure what will happen from here.
  • itsallmebaby
    itsallmebaby Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes the body can get used to what we are doing, trying changing things up a bit. Maybe try a new aerobic activity to shake things up a bit. Instead of walking or jogging, try Zumba or the bicycle. Keep encouraged and we are all here to support you :happy:
  • allie__jane
    You sound like you're trying to do the right things! Hang in there :)
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member

    Few things.
    - On here look at goals and put in your data, so it knows your height, weight etc. Then chose a moderate weight loss like 1lb per week (too much you wont stick to it, long term goals are best. slowly slowly).

    That will then give you how many cals to eat per day. Then add everything EVERYTHING that passes your lips. Be is milk in your tea, or that tiny bit of butter on your veg.

    Dont eat after 8pm.

    It is Cals in v Cals out but food choices also go a long way. I dont want to give you info overload here so Ill just say try to eat "clean". Fresh fruit and veg and real meat (ie not processed stuff).

    Drink lots of water! Aim for around 2L per day for now.

    Dont worry! :) Really, its trial and error. dont let it get you down, if you get knocked down, come back twice as hard!

    A lot of very knowledgeable people around here so keep asking the questions :)
  • Delainey24
    I have filled out all the information needed for a more accurate calorie intake suggestion.
    I am asleep by 7 weeknights (I work at 5am).
    My Fridge is stocked with fruits and veggies ( i rarely eat meat).
    I drink anywhere from 10-20 glasses of water a day.

    I feel my main issue is that I screwed over my metabolism with the HcG diet I did for almost 6 months straight. Nothing seems to be happening with my insides (IE loosing weight or inches or even gaining muscle).