Sabotaged at work!!



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You should take your co-worker outside and beat the **** out of him. You'll work off some of the calories he forced you to consume, AND teach him a lesson. Everybody wins!

    You're welcome. :smile:
  • kg4ulu
    kg4ulu Posts: 39 Member
    You should get right back on track!!
    Having said that, you make your own decisions - whether or not you drink the soda to whether or not you buy sweets because you are craving them - you can't blame anyone but yourself - BUT, you can also decide that this is NOT how you want to continue and start back on track right now. Good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!

    Totally agree with this and other posters. You must take responsibilities for your actions. Saying a coworker did it will not help you control what you put in your mouth. That is up to you and you alone. We aren't saying this to be mean. We are saying this because we all have been there and have to learn control. Next time don't take the soda. Or if you do drink a big glass of water, avoid sweets, just say NO! You must practice control and stop placing blame on anyone but yourself. Best of luck!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    So, are you gonna kill this guy or what?

    this. I'm really good at revenge.

    You know what you could do?

    Buy *him* a diet dr pepper!

    Then, put cocaine in it.

    Then, tell the boss you saw him doing coke in the bathroom.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    This post is Sarcasm.

    This is -Sarcasm- Flying right over peoples heads:

    lol <-(tiny person with arms up)

  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Put a period on the day and start fresh. That's life---full o temptations--daily. Good luck.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    So, are you gonna kill this guy or what?

    this. I'm really good at revenge.

    You know what you could do?

    Buy *him* a diet dr pepper!

    Then, put cocaine in it.

    Then, tell the boss you saw him doing coke in the bathroom.

    I agree.

    If you wanted to keep it simple though, you could always just buy another can and bash him over the head with it.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Do you think green tea extracts will help reverse what I did?

    Raspberry ketones, my friend.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member

  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    Weigh loss is a mental game more than a physical game. Until you can realize that YOU made those decisions, that you were not FORCED or sabotaged, etc... you won't get very far. I am being blunt but honest. Yes, you did make those choices.

    Do artificial sweeteners cause you to craze more sugar? Sometimes. But you can ignore that, or chose healthier options. You could have had just one sweet, or a piece of fruit... etc. You could have walked out of that cafeteria.

    Is green tea extract going to help reverse what you did? No. You fell of the bandwagon. Now get back on, with a healthier mental attitude and keep going.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This post is Sarcasm.

    This is -Sarcasm- Flying right over peoples heads:

    lol <-(tiny person with arms up)


    see if youre going to type sarcasm you have to put in something a bit unbelievable like he spent $50 on snacks and then went to the bathroom to cry in a curled up fetal position. But with all the other posts on here about drinking the devil's brew aka diet soda and becoming fat over night from it we are jaded in the forums.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    Gee, sounds like last week when my work forced me to have a sausage on bread and go over my calories :sad:
    Actually I was over, added it in and and enjoyed the treat. Hell I had done weights that morning and was hungry. I didn't drink the free cans of coke, that wouldn't have help my muscle recovery, but I didn't miss out. Some days I go over, somedays I have trouble eating my calories. I am always in some sort of control. I can say yes or no. By the way I am starving this morning. Hormones? Likely. I was 200 under yesterday, so maybe it's my muscles healing or that I am running late on breakfast. Oh well I am eating a higher calorie, but still healthy breaakfast. We will see what the day brings.

    Just work on your control, and learn to say no thanks. Maybe try and eat cleaner this week.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Just seems unfair that I put in all this effort over the weekend to eat clean and its all undone in one day and it wasn't even my fault!!

    Track the calories and work out extra hard tonight to even it out. And don't stress about it, you will make it worse!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I appreciate your guys opinions but I can not take responsibility for my over eating. If I did that I would have no one to blame for my shortcomings... and that sounds awful! I think im just gonna go with spiking my co-workers drink with cocaine and enacting "Random" drug test. Solves more than one problem for me as of this moment.

    Exactly!! You don't get ahead by 'coming to terms' with being sabotaged. You strike back FAST and HARD. COBRA KAI!
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    This post is Sarcasm.

    This is -Sarcasm- Flying right over peoples heads:

    lol <-(tiny person with arms up)


    see if youre going to type sarcasm you have to put in something a bit unbelievable like he spent $50 on snacks and then went to the bathroom to cry in a curled up fetal position. But with all the other posts on here about drinking the devil's brew aka diet soda and becoming fat over night from it we are jaded in the forums.

    The wording, itself, made me realize it was sarcasm. Idk, maybe I'm just too sarcastic myself, so I catch it quickly. lol
  • Tash128
    Tash128 Posts: 66 Member
    :tongue: lol
  • jricht001
    Did you co worker open the diet pop, shove your mouth open and then force you to drink it while they were standing over you? If not, I would say its safe to say you made the decision on your own to drink the pop. With THAT being said, chalk it up to a crap day, and make tomorrow better. Really, ONE day of snacks and pop is not going to make that difference in the long scheme of things. Kill it at the gym tonight, drink lots of water, and make tomorrow a better day.
  • francescainwonderland
    So this morning a coworker gave me a diet dr pepper cause he got an extra one from the vending machine. I thought okay that's really nice and its zero calories right? WRONG! That set off a reaction that was totally out of my control. Well it turns out that artificial sweetener found in diet sodas put me into some sort of feeding frenzy. I had the most uncontrollable cravings. Then as I walk past the cafeteria they have a display of cinnamon rolls, chocolate muffins, Brownies, and Cookies. This is totally unfair now because I am already in my crazed hunger state in which I have no control for my actions. BAM!!! all of the sudden im back at my desk with $10 less in my wallet and have consumed all the sweets that I was sabotaged with. This is the exact reason why we are all fat in America. This was not my fault and now I have consumed far too many calories and will gain weight.

    We all have moments of weakness. I do, you do, we all do.

    However, my issue with this isn't so much what happened, but how you describe it.
    "I have no control for my actions"
    "I was sabotaged with"
    "This was not my fault"

    These are all VICTIM words. Unless you were subject to gavage (tubal force-feeding), NO ONE MADE YOU DO ANYTHING.
    You are NOT a victim. YOU made the choice to eat all of those things.

    If you want control of your life and your behavior, start taking responsibility for YOUR actions.

    I know this is all true because *I* have ~135lbs to lose because *I* made very bad choices, *I* didn't exercise enough, and *I* let myself get to this opint.

  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    I laughed so hard reading these posts tears were in my eyes! The green tea extract comment was the funniest. I am kind of new, is this a joke?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    dude, unless your co-worker put a gun to your head and made you drink that (horrid) Dr. Pepper, this is sooooo your fault. Tomorrow's another day.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    So this morning a coworker gave me a diet dr pepper cause he got an extra one from the vending machine. I thought okay that's really nice and its zero calories right? WRONG! That set off a reaction that was totally out of my control. Well it turns out that artificial sweetener found in diet sodas put me into some sort of feeding frenzy. I had the most uncontrollable cravings. Then as I walk past the cafeteria they have a display of cinnamon rolls, chocolate muffins, Brownies, and Cookies. This is totally unfair now because I am already in my crazed hunger state in which I have no control for my actions. BAM!!! all of the sudden im back at my desk with $10 less in my wallet and have consumed all the sweets that I was sabotaged with. This is the exact reason why we are all fat in America. This was not my fault and now I have consumed far too many calories and will gain weight.

    We all have moments of weakness. I do, you do, we all do.

    However, my issue with this isn't so much what happened, but how you describe it.
    "I have no control for my actions"
    "I was sabotaged with"
    "This was not my fault"

    These are all VICTIM words. Unless you were subject to gavage (tubal force-feeding), NO ONE MADE YOU DO ANYTHING.
    You are NOT a victim. YOU made the choice to eat all of those things.

    If you want control of your life and your behavior, start taking responsibility for YOUR actions.

    I know this is all true because *I* have ~135lbs to lose because *I* made very bad choices, *I* didn't exercise enough, and *I* let myself get to this point.

    I don't think you read the post very clear.... As you can tell from my description of the events I never made the choice myself.

    You never made the choice yourself? did he SHOVE the pop down your throat? good grief.