Underweight with tummy fat, help! (pics)

I am 4'10 and currently 88 pounds, which according to my BMI puts me at 18.4, or barely underweight. However, i have this horrible tummy bulge i have never been able to get rid of! :( I cant wear a bikini without feeling self-conscious. Everywhere i look I hear that spot reduction is impossible, and that the best way to get rid of fat is cardio/calorie deficit.

I am at a loss of what to do. I have started doing pilates ab exercises several times a week. Should I stick with this? I'm worried this will only make me grow muscle underneath the fat. Is lifting weights necessary? I don't have the time/money for the gym, but i do have dumbbells at home.
I have also started doing 20 min of HIIT cardio every other day. Should I cut the cardio? I know I technically shouldn't be losing more weight but right now I feel like that is the only way to lose the fat.

This is not a result of me being too low a weight, as i have been up to 103 before and still had it. I will admit that the reason my weight is this low now is because I have been so concerned about my stomach. But although it has decreased in size it is still very much there.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have included pictures since I have been told before that its all probably in my head :P



  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    You look amazing, I wish my tummy bulge was like yours
  • Help4nb
    Help4nb Posts: 69 Member
    there is nothing wrong with you tummy!! but your very upset by it so i suggest you stick with crunches , ab workouts etc to tone up the area.
    maybe you could find some pictures of when you where bigger and compare? sometime we concentrate to much on one thing and not the bigger picture and dont see the changes, i know i do! some times its just a case of excepting you body for how it is and being happy xxx
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I'm worried this will only make me grow muscle underneath the fat

    Muscle is not a bad thing!!! You can't focus just on your stomach and expect to see results either- You can't spot reduce! Cardio is great for you heart and it will help you gain a caloric deficit- but it's not the only way to lose fat! I've included some links to recent threads that were started that may be of some benefit for you!

  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    to me your tummy is perfect - Id like mine like that. Maybe just do a strength workout 3 days a week plua a bit of cardio too? Im going to do the fitnessblender.com kettlebell workout 3 days a week plus cardio on the same days when Im done with 30 day shred. SHred has helped get me from 33-30 inch waist so maybe try that too?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Follow the info on this link.
    Get TDEE.

    Eat 10% above TDEE every day.
    Lift heavy 3x a week using www.stronglifts.com.

    You are skinny fat.
    Thats okay because its reversible.

    If you do what I say youll lose the fat and gain a little lean mass.
    This will round you out.
  • sarahlove43
    sarahlove43 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the replies! And for the kind words :) It really is more pronounced in real life, I literally have a crease under my belly button from the bulge. even my boyfriend has commented on it asking me why I dont have a normal stomach. :frown:

    A couple questions...

    I have read before that heavy lifting could help, but is it possible at home? All i have is 3lb-25lb dumbbells.
    Would doing a low weight/high rep workout like 30 day shred not give me the right results/make me lose too much weight?

    Also I'm going to admit that I tend to eat under 1000 calories a day. I simply don't get that hungry. Because of my size, I was never able to eat alot without gaining weight. Im worried that my metabolism has slowed down and that even eating at TDEE will make me gain weight very fast=more fat.

    Is the only way to gain muscle by increasing my calories? Will lifting weights stop me from gaining fat as well?

    And is there a point in me doing cardio if i have to eat more?
  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the replies! And for the kind words :) It really is more pronounced in real life, I literally have a crease under my belly button from the bulge. even my boyfriend has commented on it asking me why I dont have a normal stomach. :frown:

    A couple questions...

    I have read before that heavy lifting could help, but is it possible at home? All i have is 3lb-25lb dumbbells.
    Would doing a low weight/high rep workout like 30 day shred not give me the right results/make me lose too much weight?

    Also I'm going to admit that I tend to eat under 1000 calories a day. I simply don't get that hungry. Because of my size, I was never able to eat alot without gaining weight. Im worried that my metabolism has slowed down and that even eating at TDEE will make me gain weight very fast=more fat.

    Is the only way to gain muscle by increasing my calories? Will lifting weights stop me from gaining fat as well?

    And is there a point in me doing cardio if i have to eat more?

    Your boyfriend sounds like a right keeper there babes.... :huh:

    You honesty look AMAZING. I think looking at before pictures will help to boost your self confidence as well,and did you tke measurements,waist measurements before to see the difference? Maybe before when you were "heavier (hate that word) the belly was less noticeable but now the weight has gone from other places it feels more pronounced? You should still be so proud of what you have achieved!

    Personally, I don't know a lot about lifting but I have just ordered my kettlebell this morning to start me off on weight/strength training as so many forum posts suggest this to help lose the "skinny fat" look and help tone up. I would suggest weight/strength training also,and possibly eating more protein?

    Lots of people rate the jillian micheals dvds (all on youtube) and 30 day shred and 6 week six pack are a good mix of cardio strength and compound moves which you may find help tone you up.=)
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    Oh my word you have a beautiful figure - and a lovely tummy! You're a woman, not a robot, girls have slightly rounded bellies unless they work out heavy - a lot - that's NATURAL and you are so not fat! Every single one of us is different - your tummy is in no way abnormal (I'd give your boyfriend a good slapping if I got my hands on him!)

    Right... ok, so eating at 1000 cals a day is NOT healthy, you know that. If you do as suggested, TDEE +10% and work out with weights then you won't gain, you'll just build muscle but your tummy which is obviously upsetting you may we reduce slightly. Don't worry about gaining, you have a LONG way to go before you'd even become 'normal' let alone overweight - chill out, relax and work out. Try the advice given here, you need to eat more to build the muscle you need so don't worry. We're all fed such utter *kitten* about what makes us fat, bulking up, body shape etc so that our ideas are completely warped.

    You look beautiful, you have a body I would cheerfully die for, if you want to change it work at it, don't starve it xx
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I agree. Not a nice supportive boyfriend thing to say. No-one has a "normal" anything, so tell him to sod off next time he is mean.

    Doing some heavy lifting and gaining some weight will help. If you eat the right foods (i.e. real food, high protein, good fats like nuts,avocados) and do the right exercises you will gain mostly muscle not fat. And you will look even better than you already look. AND feeling like a bad *kitten* will help your self confidence, because we can all tell you how beautiful your body is, but you will not believe us I fear.

    I find this story inspirational:
    (have a look at her final photos!)

    The same website has good body weight workouts, and I like some of the dumbbell workouts on this site:

    Good luck
  • Mexie1
    Mexie1 Posts: 48 Member
    Not much to add advice-wise. Just to say I wouldn't rely too much on BMI, especially as you are short. According to a new BMI scale, your weight is in the 'normal' range for your height at 19.9 (there are 14lbs in a st). This is not completely validated as it's new, but the old system is not great either.

  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Can't see your diary, so don't know what you are eating. You are small, so you don't need a lot of calories, but I bet 1000 is still too low, especially if you aren't trying to lose.

    Work out with weights, even the ones you have at home. You don't have to lift "heavy" to build muscle, but you do have to lift, and as your muscles get used to the weight, you have to increase. You can start with just your body weight, tho, doing pushups and squats. Planks are also great for your abs. Check out youtube for body weight workouts. Make sure you are eating at least 80g of protein per day from healthy sources and eat plenty of healthy fats. Carbs can make your belly stick out more than it normally would, so don't eat more than 60% of your calories from carbs, and try to eat much lower--I aim for 45, but lots of MFPers aim for more like 40 or even lower.

    Part of what makes your belly stick out like it does is just estrogen, being a girl, so you don't really want to get rid of that, but you can firm your body up a little. And if you are finished losing weight, you can definitely eat more, but if you are scared of gaining, only increase your calories by a little at a time. Maybe 150 more calories per day this week, then in a couple of weeks if things are going ok, add some more?
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member

    Follow the info on this link.
    Get TDEE.

    Eat 10% above TDEE every day.
    Lift heavy 3x a week using www.stronglifts.com.

    You are skinny fat.
    Thats okay because its reversible.

    If you do what I say youll lose the fat and gain a little lean mass.
    This will round you out.

    Oh, and slap the boyfriend upside the head - that might burn a few calories.
  • applekrisp1988
    You are so beautiful! :) I don't see any fat on that tummy. Don't need to lose a pound. Just stay on track with eating healthy!!!
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    Skinny girl problems! You look great but I can see what you are saying and can understand you wanting more definition in your belly. Everyone has already given great advice and I would echo the weightlifting and any core exercise programs you can find. You look fabulous though so feel good about yourself. You seem in good shape if you are up to it I would recommend giving the P90X a try it really is a good program for that last mile of fitness. I need to work up to that program.
  • Caroline1755
    I have the EXACT same problem! I'm a thin person (5'5", 125 pounds, 27 years old) but I have a gut. When I wear a bikini I look fine from the front but then turn to the side and my lower belly pokes out. Sooo annoying...please reply back here if you find anything that works!
  • amberrro
    I wish my stomach looked like this! :(
  • areumdawn
    areumdawn Posts: 23 Member
    Im not sure. But you do have a very apple shaped body. Maybe it's just our shape, we tend to carry most of our fat in the stomach/waist area.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Have some pity for your boyfriend.

    He's obviously been so unsuccessful with women in his youth that his idea of 'normal' has been gained from looking at Photoshopped pictures of models in dirty magazines.

    Unless he looks like Wesley Snipes in Blade, I'd be asking him why he doesn't look like a normal man as well. In all areas.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I had a similar issue. Eating more and lifting weights is what helped.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    Have some pity for your boyfriend.

    He's obviously been so unsuccessful with women in his youth that his idea of 'normal' has been gained from looking at Photoshopped pictures of models in dirty magazines.

    Unless he looks like Wesley Snipes in Blade, I'd be asking him why he doesn't look like a normal man as well. In all areas.

    ^ This ^