I have $7 for groceries.

And they have to last me til March 11th or as long as possible.
I have currently: condiments, feta cheese, marinara sauce, and Indian curry sauce.

What should I buy?


  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    a dozen eggs, dried beans, rice
  • jiggy_gibby
    call your local church or food shelter. don't let shame stop you. when you are in better $ position, donate in return to place that helped you!
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    Bulk dried beans and bulk rice.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I hope you're joking.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    call your local church or food shelter. don't let shame stop you. when you are in better $ position, donate in return to place that helped you!

    Agreed! Go to a few of them if you need to; this is why they exist.
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    a dozen eggs, dried beans, rice

    Ditto!!! And what JiggyGibby says...no shame; then give back. Many blessings to you.
  • kellie1055
    kellie1055 Posts: 80 Member
    The dried bean suggestion is a good one, those are super cheap. Frozen veggies are also super cheap.
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    Do you have an Aldi grocery store? Go there if you can. Get some chicken (a small pack of chicken tender is around 3.00 and lots of them have 2.00 coupons on them!!) Get a couple of packages of chicken if you can find them for 1.00. Get SEVERAL cans of .50 cent beans (black and red kidney are my favorites) and a bag of rice. Also a container of eggs. You can have shredded chicken over rice with different condiments. Or, have a non meat night with beans and rice. black beans and eggs one night. It will be tough (I have been there many many times. More then I even like to count. ) but you can do it.
  • amanda_catherine
    ..a sign and a cup that says please donate generously? ...?
  • originalkazila
    As a once frequenter of the local food banks - do it. It's better than starving.
  • fitfortrack1
    Beans, pasta, canned soup... You could easily make pasta with sauce several times, have a can of beans (try cannelini or kidney) and maybe put the curry sauce on it? You could make a bean salad with chickpeas and feta (if it's in your budget, maybe get a tomato and a cucumber). Canned soup is an easy dinner as well.

    I think bananas are also pretty inexpensive and they're a great snack. A big 42 oz tub of Quaker oatmeal is about $3 where I live and it has about a 30 servings in it I think so that will also last a while.
  • Megh757
    Megh757 Posts: 33 Member
    There are many churches that will help as well.

    Eggs peanut butter rice. Things that had protein and calories. Since you will be low on food
  • Lauren6020
    2 bags of brown rice
    some ramen ( normally like 15 cent each) If you have a dollar store you can get 12 for 1 dollar
    Dollar store bread and peanut butter
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Dollar store spaghetti x 7
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    call your local church or food shelter. don't let shame stop you. when you are in better $ position, donate in return to place that helped you!

    Indeed, ths is what you should do!!
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    eggs, bread (freeze it) and try to get your hands on some cheap veggies.
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    $7 for 3 weeks probably isn't going to last, but....based on what you already have, I would get:

    Lettuce head (to go with the dressing)
    Pasta is super cheap (to go with the marinara)
    Rice is also cheap (can also be used with the marinara...or the curry sauce)
    Bulk frozen veggies

    Someone also mentioned ramen...that might be a good idea as well.
  • azalea617
    azalea617 Posts: 109 Member
    Find some friends to go out to lunch with and say you'll pay them back. ;)

    Lentils & dry beans, like everyone said too. Or try to find a farmer's market of some sort, they always have good cheap stuff that's healthy, like produce in bulk.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    call your local church or food shelter. don't let shame stop you. when you are in better $ position, donate in return to place that helped you!
    This and a bean or chicken stew.