Pregnancy Exercise May "Remake" Fetus' Heart Healthier!


I don't know about the rest of the pregnant ladies out there, but finding out that I was pregnant while in the midst of a crazy awesome fitness phase of my life kind of put a damper on my spirits. "But how will I ever get skinny/fit now?" I asked myself. But I still dragged myself to the gym to lift and ride the stationary, if only because it made me feel that "high" and also gave me a break from my other kids. I still logged into MFP to track my calories, if only because I didn't want to "regain" the weight that I had lost, knowing that I would already be gaining about 25lbs from the pregnancy alone. I still kept my carbs complex, my protein high, my fat moderate, if only because I really do love eating nuts/meat/eggs and it makes me feel full. I still drug out my yoga mat twice a week to at least go through the motions to keep myself limber and my back/sciatica from feeling worse than it already did.

Well, along the way, the thought crossed my mind several times, "Is it worth it? Why bother?" Such a thought after an intense ride/lift session today led me to google "exercise benefits to fetus" although I'd already read why exercise was great for the mother. Cue me finding dozens of articles about how exercise can actually CHANGE the fetus' heart function to be healthier!!!! Wow!!!! I had no idea! Reading these articles excited me so much and made me double resolved to keep my exercise up until the third trimester, where they saw the biggest difference in the fetal heartrate activity.

The very notion/possibility that if I can drag/waddle my butt to the gym 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes of elevated HR, it could help this kiddo for the rest of his LIFE or at least head off childhood obesity (a VERY real risk---almost an inevitability---nowadays in America!) is so exciting. Where was this info when I was pregnant with my other 3 kids?

I hope that this will help some of you other overworked, underslept, exhausted mommies-to-be to keep on keeping on in your pregnancies!!!!


  • JenS2586
    Thankyou for sharing this! Made me feel a whole lot better about my activity level. I am just starting the 3rd trimester and I have been active doing yoga, running etc all throughout and keep thinking maybe I should slow it down, even though my body feels so good and it keeps my moods and energy levels good. This gives my reassurance that I don't need to worry so much and should continue on. Thanks :)
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    I always get the warm fuzzies inside when I see pregnant ladies at the gym. Such an inspiration.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I can totally relate to that feeling, especially when doctors just tell you "not to overdo it' with no real parameters AND all the non-exercising pregnant people (and even those who are not pregnant and don't exercise anyway,) are telling you to "relax" and saying "you don't want to hurt the baby or burn your body out, do you?" it's hard to stay dedicated and listen to YOUR OWN body.
    With my last pregnancy (18 months ago,) I started feeling more out of breath and unable to ride as fast toward week 32, so I didn't push myself as hard at that point. But I still got on the bike and did what "felt right."

    Glad to know I'm not alone in the "attempting a fit pregnancy" mindset!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    I always get the warm fuzzies inside when I see pregnant ladies at the gym. Such an inspiration.

    Aw, thanks! I actually always feel self-conscious, wondering if people think I'm crazy for bench pressing at 28 weeks pregnant, (on an inclined bench FAR below my one rep max so no fear of dropping barbell,) or pedaling hard enough to get breathe heavily/sweat profusely. Glad to know there's understanding/admiring people like you out there!
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    I always get the warm fuzzies inside when I see pregnant ladies at the gym. Such an inspiration.

    Aw, thanks! I actually always feel self-conscious, wondering if people think I'm crazy for bench pressing at 28 weeks pregnant, (on an inclined bench FAR below my one rep max so no fear of dropping barbell,) or pedaling hard enough to get breathe heavily/sweat profusely. Glad to know there's understanding/admiring people like you out there!

    Me too! I am 4 weeks away from delivering baby #3 and I feel more self conscious at the gym than anything. I actually will only do my lifts when the "regulars" are in the weight room with me because they know me and my capabilities. with that, I'm still lifting 2-4 days per week depending on the week and doing cardio/swimming as well. Swimming has been an amazing outlet for me when my back couldn't handle running anymore!
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Well, I guess that's what's exciting about this article/these studies---now we have a reason why exercise may make the baby BENEFIT instead of just "not being harmful" but not making any difference for the fetus like we've been told. =)
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    Well, I have three 'babies' - 20 year old son, 17 year old son, and 15 year old daughter. I exercised hard with every single one of them all the way to the very last minute- almost delivering two of them while exercising (but not because of the exercise). And - I have to say - they are brilliant! :) And I am not at all biased. ha ha ha....

    Seriously - I felt great, I recuperated extremely quickly, I was mentally and physically healthy. And I have brilliant, self-adjusted children. Now I know why.

  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Well, I have three 'babies' - 20 year old son, 17 year old son, and 15 year old daughter. I exercised hard with every single one of them all the way to the very last minute- almost delivering two of them while exercising (but not because of the exercise). And - I have to say - they are brilliant! :) And I am not at all biased. ha ha ha....

    Seriously - I felt great, I recuperated extremely quickly, I was mentally and physically healthy. And I have brilliant, self-adjusted children. Now I know why.


    Good anecdotal, (unbiased) evidence! =) I hope I can say the same as you some day about my own kiddos! Congrats on doing the "right thing" before we even knew it was the "right thing" to do!