P90X'ers! Having trouble getting enough calories!

edavoll Posts: 29 Member
I've set my MFP to 50/30/20 for level one of the first phase of the P90X diet. I am doing the portion control.

Could you guys and gals take a look at what I ate today (my profile is public) and give me some suggestions on what else I can do?

I got to 1440 calories today, and I filled ALL my food blocks. How else can I add calories? Also - I'm not getting true 50% protein, but I am following the serving sizes in the diet.

So confusing! Thanks in advance!


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    it is a hard phase to stay in, I struggle getting all those calories in. I just add snack like raw almonds, string cheese, lean meats, whey protein ....but I still cant get past 1500-1600 a day : (

    Good luck to you!
  • jeffball
    jeffball Posts: 10
    Edavoll - you're doing a great job thus far! First things first - throw the food blocks out of the window! If you're tracking you're information with MFP then the food blocks are doing you a bit of a disservice. Those are there, as they allude to, as a guidance but not a true representation of what you're truly eating. If you've come this far to track your diet on MFP then stick with this as it will give you a more accurate view of what you're taking in on a daily basis. Also - as for the recipes - mix, match, modify. You'll find some of the recipes have filler that is just not required. Take the turkey burgers for example. All I remember is adding bread crumbs and Worcestershire sauce because that's where I stopped reading. The bulk of the protein is in the turkey - so instead of loading it with filler I just increase the amount of turkey I'm eating. For me it is between 6-8oz of turkey in a burger.

    The only things I could suggest is looking at increasing your protein load by adding 2 scoops of your protein powder instead of just 1 to your 1 cup of milk. Also look at adding an extra egg white on the mornings you are eating eggs. My profile is not public but my breakfast, on a daily basis, contains the following:

    10oz (1.2 cups) of Fat Free Milk
    2 scoops protein powder - 52g of protein
    4 egg whites

    I combine all of these ingredients, yes raw eggs white, into a large cup and then throw a smaller cup on top and shake the crap out it. This drink takes care of 91 grams of protein for me right after my P90X workouts. And I don't really notice the raw egg white until the last drink. That last swig is a bit slimier than the rest. But it keeps my house from smelling like eggs, which my pregnant wife is very ecstatic about, and it doesn't dirt as many dishes.

    From there just look at taking some quick changes to your existing plan you already have. The only suggestions I have there are looking at eating more tuna when you have it available. In a sitting I will typically eat a 10oz can for 55g of protein. The other suggestion is to make a container of fat free cottage cheese, black beans, a fresh crack of pepper and a little Tabasco sauce for flavor. This will kick this little snack into a real kicker for an extra 40g of protein.

    In your case - adding 4oz of cottage cheese and an extra scoop of protein your protein powder would give you an additional 54g of protein or 216 calories which would have MADE your Sunday a really kickin' day.

    All-in-all you're really not doing poorly with your new diet. It will just take a lot of focus. I've just today completed my first cycle of Phase 1 of P90X. When I started I felt stuffed at the end of the day. As time progressed I found foods that were richer in protein but didn't quite fill me up to give me a stuffed feeling. Enough testing with my body and by the end of the 30 days I've finding it extremely difficult to get in the appropriate amount of fat I require in my diet.

    Funny that now I have to focus on adding fat to my diet in order for it to properly balance out. Granted, you should take my suggestions in stride. We are completely different body types not to mention gender. My daily calorie count at this point is supposed to be 2400 but I've modified it on my own listening to what I needed and pushed it down to a more obtainable 2,200 with the help and guidance of some friends.

    You'll get there. Just watch your calorie deficit to ensure you're not going to send your body into starvation mode and you should do well!

    Day 30 - roughly 15lbs lost and feeling great. Looking forward to shifting 10% of my diet back over to carbs. Can't wait to chow on some whole wheat pasta.

    By the by - I'm in no way certified to give you any advice. I just know I found myself as confused as you at some points and am doing this with a group of guys. We've all staggered on the plan but I've found the confusion to not be unique in any way. Hope you keep it up and find what's right for you!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I have this problem as well. Since I'm vegan getting 300g of protein / day is really difficult. Tofu and stuff always puts me over the fat target, and lentils and stuff always put me over the carb target. I just do the best I can.

    But then I also do a lot of cardio and yoga on top of p90x (at least 1 hour of either cardio or yoga each day). Over the last two weeks (since I started p90x) I've eaten >2600 almost every day and >3100 three times and still average a 650 deficit. Its getting expensive - all the protein bars and different types of tofu and meat analogues. I'm looking forward to phase 2, when I don't need to buy so much special food.

    That doesn't answer your question though. The short answer would be, maybe consider ignoring the portion control approach. Set the p90x recommended calorie limit in MFP, along with the macro nutrient ratios, and just aim to hit those 4 targets from high and varied nutritional food. That's my strategy anyway, and I feel good about it.

    Oh, I'd agree with Jeffball. MFP is much more advanced than the food blocs. Those are for people who really want to put in minimal effort tracking their food. Its like having a telescopic targeting lens (MFP) and then worrying that it doesn't line up with the pistol grove (food blocks).
    (wow, I can't believe I just gave a gun analogy, must be the picture of Chuck Norris)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I had this problem throughout p90x, which I am one recovery week short of finishing. I ate maybe 1300 average, and that's only cause I would cheat. I feel like I cheated myself out of even better results. Fortunately I'm a mesomorph so I still gained muscle, but I feel I would have lost fat too if I'd eaten more. When I did insanity I also cheated my way to more calories :noway: But now that I'm avoiding gluten, eating more is tough, even with cheating and this is probably why I'm still on this stinkin plateau.

    Nuts and avocados are your friend when it comes to calories. So, unfortunately, is a ton of meat. By the time I get in meat and veggies, I'm usually full but have been eating some peanut butter and that helps. I think I will steal the protein scoop idea from you, maybe you can start eating more nuts and eggs like I do. I know they don't help with cals, but don't forget the veggies.

    Sorry I'm not much help, but I'm rooting for you :flowerforyou:
  • edavoll
    edavoll Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice! I'm going to use the food blocks as my guide but complete it with MFP.

    Day 3 starts in an hour!
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in Phase 3 currently and still eating like phase 2, trying to get 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fat. I don't think I've ever hit my goal for protein. I do the powders, shakes, bars, etc. I love meat but man its hard. I've resigned to trying to get at least 100g/day, some days I even get 150g/day. Nuts are a great source of calories and protein but can kill the fat ratio.

    Anyway, I've had great success just doing what I'm doing and have lost 16lb and 8% of my body fat in the first 60 days. Also my entire body is more built that I've ever been. Just keep getting as much protein as you can and be sure to get close on your daily calories. You'll soon notice that your metabolism and appetite will take off. The first week I had trouble getting all the calories, now with my metabolism so high I don't have nearly the trouble but still can't get enough protein.
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    Yeah, I had to modify my P90X food as well. I am kind of a picky eater so I didnt follow the nutrition plan with P90. I probably cheated myself some muscle, but i did lean up pretty good. I do want to add muscle now that i lost 23 pounds. Good luck to you.
  • jeffball
    jeffball Posts: 10
    hjsyndrome - where in the world did you did your diet plan from? 55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein? It's nothing I've seen in the P90X regiment so I'm wondering what that shift in calories is supposed to produce as your final result....