I gained 33 lbs. in 12 months! EEEEKK!!!

Hi Friends,

I'm looking for some pals who are starting their journey or who have achieved great things so we can encourage each other. I believe I can find a healthy weight. I know it's not going to be easy.

My story: I just realized today that I have gained 33 lbs. in 12 months. I had lost 50lbs the 12 months prior and then met the love of my life. Working out and eating veggies turned into sleeping in and eating cake (and chocolate, and hugs, and wine, and pizza). I became fat and happy. I just can't believe it (almost) all came back and that I was in so much denial about the weight gain.

I have been overweight/obese from the age of 8 and it wasn't until regular exercise / eating smart that a weight loss program worked. Damn, it is that simple.

I started going back to the gym in November 2012 thinking my eating would just kick in to gear but it's not. I hope MFP will allow me to become more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth.

I also just impulse bought an expensive juicer. Unfortunately it doesn't buy and wash the vegetables, too. If anyone has any juicing suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Lets be friends! I'll offer all the encouragement I can.



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Add me if you want
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    Add me too!!!
    And I love beetroot juice mixed with celery juice; and orange juice mixed with carrot!
    Good luck!
  • curlygirly73
    curlygirly73 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm starting all over, once AGAIN, too. I have been over weight for a good ten years and have been struggling with losing and gaining the same 12 pounds for the last 3 years. Its ridiculous on my part.

    You sound like you have gained what I like to call Happy Fat ;) you're in good, comfortable place so you don't worry or focus so much on yourself. I know that's the same weight I've been trying to lose since the first year of my marriage.
  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    I gained 30 pounds in one year! If you want, you can friend me.
  • donethisbefore
    donethisbefore Posts: 2 Member
    Please count me in. I have tried this before and I seem to never get a good start at it. If I do lose a few pounds, I get so excited and think I have it under control, that I lose my focus and go back to my old ways. And the weird thing is I am surprised everytime that I have gain weight. I think it's called denial.
  • gabiinacio
    gabiinacio Posts: 124 Member
    OMG, our stories are so similiar. I lost 50lbs, then in the begining of 2011 I ended up getting in a relationship with my best friend of 8 years. Long story short somewhere between April - November I went from 150lbs to 180lbs... I had finally gotten into a size 7 jeans, and am now back in a 12.. UGH! Feel free to add me as well, I currently down 8lbs and hope to reach my goal this year. I've been working out everyday, its just a slow process. It sucks, we are either skinny and miserable or happy and fat. hahah!
  • skinnybunny_x
    Juice is good, but you are essentially doing away with all the good fiber in the veggies that will help you to feel full and satisfied, but keeping the sugar content.

    I am a smoothie queen, could never do without them. Personally I think there is more nutrition in a smoothie, I'd advise you to be careful with your juice consumption. Stick with low sugar fruits and vegetables to avoid an insulin hike.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Sounds familiar.... I have been with my other good looking half for a couple years now, and in that time I slowly started becoming lazy and becoming very sluggish, kind of lost my motivation of working out and eating healthy. Most our time was spent with Netflix, chinese food, and soda. Since the health issues that will effect me down the road won't be HIS but MINE I started working out again and eating better. It'll be hard work, getting back into shape and staying that way is no walk in the park. I think you can be skinny and happy. Your significant other will appreciate you more when he sees the results of your hardwork. Mine does.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    Similar story, lost weight, doing well and then got into relationship so gained most of it back. Starting again so feel free to add me!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I gained 40 in the first 18 months of my relationship. It was a combination of continuing my sedentary lifestyle and eating out and eating garbage with him. Feel free to add me, I'm down 11 pounds and in this for the long haul
  • Oakley82
    My story as well! When I was single I was down to almost 100 lbs. Got back with my ex, gained 40. When we broke up again I was hoping for the same "skinny side effects", turns out I didn't care anymore. CRAP! Now I must do it the old fashioned, hard way! Single AND big, GREAT lol. Feel free to add me (anyone!) :smile: