Degenerative disc disease

Anybody else been told they have this? What kind of exercise are you doing that doesn't cause you pain? Seems like my back is always hurting. I walk about 3 miles a day but wouldn't mind trying to do some other things as well. I have to really watch it though as my back seems to get sore fast so I don't want to push it and cause a flare up. I'm sure some type of lower back strength training would help but it's a fine line between help and hinder. Thanks- Mitch.


  • I went to a chiropractor for a bad back and was told that I inherited this from my grandmother. The chiro recommended that I try to do things that don't put a lot of pressure on my back. I was running, jogging, and rollerskating so I had to give up on those. He recommended that I continue walking and add in things such as yoga and stretching. Swimming is also something else that I hope to do more that I live in the climate that permits it mostly year-round. If you aren't sure, go into a specialist or chiro for some direction. Good luck!
  • artadvocate3
    artadvocate3 Posts: 15 Member
    Yoga is AWESOME! You can move at your own pace and just do what feels comfortable. I would also recommend water activities. I did those in physical rehab and it doesn't hurt but also allows for stretching!
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    I don't have DDD but I have 3 bulging discs in my lower back, one had a microdescectomy 2.5 years ago.
    My physical therapists, while rehabbing after the operation, stressed to me to keep everything low impact and never do too much of any one thing. Especially sitting on my can!
    You would need to find your own limits, but I think mixing it up and keeping it short is good advice for anyone with back problems.
  • mberi66
    mberi66 Posts: 17 Member
    Unfortunately I have really gotten completely off track. My busy work and home life has thrown me for a loop. I'm committed to getting back on course though. I bought a new pair of NIKE AIR running shoes to help me get motivated and also hopefully help with my DDD. I went from 248 down to 215 but I have backslid to 235. Im going to look into yoga as well to help with my back.