Confused, NEED HELP!

I have read through a lot of these posts to potentially help figure out what is going on with my weight loss, but haven't found much pertaining to my specific case so I thought I'd make a new post. I have spent a lot of time researching BMR, calorie intakes, etc and can't figure out WHY I'm not losing weight. Here's what I'm doing:

I am 5'8'' 24 year old female and I weigh 155. My starting weight was 157 the second week of January. I have been eating usually 1300 calories a day, plus exercising 6 days a week with 20-30 mins of cardio and some weight lifting. With exercise my net calories are usually about 1080. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but haven't been losing ANY weight! My goal weight is 130. I know that muscle weights more than fat and being that I had not been exercising or lifting at all previous to the first week in January I know I could potentially just be gaining muscle. I see a little bit of fat loss in terms of stomach, etc, but not much and the number on the scale is not moving! I also know that I probably need to be eating more calories a day but am not sure how to figure out how many. Can I get some advice? Maybe resources I can use to figure this out? I have been telling myself to lose this weight for YEARS and now that I am actually dedicating myself to it it's very discouraging that I'm not seeing any results. Thank you all in advance! Look forward to hearing your advice. :)


  • sarbear1993
    Read through this carefully and figure out how much u should e eating. You probably aren't eating enough
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    You need to eat more! I'm 5'9", 140ish, and can comfortably lose eating 1800 -2000 calories. Find you Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) as a starting point. You can subtract 20% from that, but with so few pounds to lose, 10% might be better. Make sure to eat above your BMR (Base Metabolic Rate), or the amount of calories needed to sustain bodily function. Some people will tell you that its ok to eat under it. You can do that, and won't die immediately or anything, but you will end up burning through your muscle rather than fat. Plus when you start eating normally again, you will gain a bunch of weight back.

    Read the roadmap link, it will explain everything.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I am 5'7" and 155... I would pass out if I tried eating only 1300 a day now. Although when I started losing weight 18 months ago, I did so eating 1200 and rarely working out. When I started to work out (light-moderate intensity for 3-4 days a week) I started getting light headed, dizzy and I stopped losing weight.

    Long story short, I damaged my metabolism by eating too little for too long. Check out and for some great calculators.
  • RowenaBernice
    Thank you all so much! The roadmap really helped. Upping my calorie intake and can't wait to see the results finally come! :)
  • SueFromRI
    SueFromRI Posts: 206 Member
    1. When the weight stalls check the inches.
    2. Check to see if you are under estimating calories. Is that bowl of cereal really only 1 cup (8 oz) or did you pour two cups to fill the bowl?
    3. Are you overestimating calorie burn or are you using a heart rate monitor?