For the ladies: You and your monthly friend



  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Work out more, it helps with cramps and then you can eat more!

    I hate working out on mine. Good for you!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Make sure the food you do get has plenty of iron. Sometimes that hunger feeling is the anemic reaction to losing blood (icky but true.)

  • Make sure the food you do get has plenty of iron. Sometimes that hunger feeling is the anemic reaction to losing blood (icky but true.)


    I take a multivitamin everyday, so I think I am covered on the iron part!!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Oh I don't even bother trying. I do know that as heavy as mine are, I need extra iron to make it through the first two days without getting lightheaded, weak, or fainting (it's a fun part of perimenopause). I take an iron supplement on those days. But I try to make food choices that are also high in iron and protein. So even though I know I'm eating more than goal, at least I'm eating foods that will help me feel better and not just stuffing my face with garbage. I try. It doesn't always work.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I eat an extra protein as well.. work out extra hard! Its NOT easy though. In reality I just wanna curl in bed eating cheese and crackers all day lol
  • Mollyjaw
    Mollyjaw Posts: 5 Member
    I was in the same boat this weekend. My downfall is salt so I ate a lot of air popped popcorn just so I could be eating something. It is crazy how hungry and unsatisfied I feel. The only up is the week after I am not hungry at all and have a huge burst of energy. I would just try to minimize the damage by allowing yourself to eat more but try to make good choices as to what you are eating.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Make sure the food you do get has plenty of iron. Sometimes that hunger feeling is the anemic reaction to losing blood (icky but true.)


    I take a multivitamin everyday, so I think I am covered on the iron part!!

    You might not be. I take a multi every day too, and it says it has 100% of the RDA. But that's 100% of what's needed on a normal day. The last few years, with perimenopause, mine have gotten so much heavier than anything I'd ever imagined. I was fainting, getting lightheaded, feeling weak, etc. Taking an iron supplement and eating iron-rich foods on those first two days has made a world of difference.
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    Add one ounce of protein for lunch and dinner to curb appetite- it is a monthly challenge for all of us. Don't step on the scale until it is over!
  • When TOM visits, I want doritos(salty, crunchy) and chocolate (sweet).

    So I eat a Taco Bell bag of methritos (140 calories) and drink a cup of hot chocolate (60-90 calories depending on brand).

    Count the calories and you can eat anything.... IN MODERATION.

    But really, try to eat lean protein like shrimp or chicken, up your greens (chew, baby, chew!!).
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Drink water and exercise more so that you can eat a little more as needed. I was having some terrible salt cravings this past week so I actually counted out a serving of potato chips. My family members always look at me as if I have grown a second head when I start counting out snack food. It is the only way I can keep from eating the whole bag though! LOL
  • I eat some of my exercise calories . I am a tad lenient with myself . I still try and stick with healthy choices . I was craving chips big time today so I ate a serving of baked Cheetos and a serving of Special K cracker chips .
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    When I get my period I sadly dont eat anything for SOME reason!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I was just wondering if any one out there can tell me how they stick to their calories during their monthly friend or if you don't. I am currently on a 1240 calorie diet and now that my monthly friend is here I'm starving!!! What do i do?? HELP!!

    That bi*ch is not my friend. I usually eat an extra 200-300 calories on those days.
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    I had a hysterectomy in September but since I kept my ovaries I still have the hormones that cause PMS just don't have the cycle I crave just about anything I can get my hands on. I just try to get lots of rest and drink plenty of water and always avoid the scale!!
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    protien shake, lots of water, lots of protien, and sometimes i just eat what im craving ( i notice when i dont---> when i need protien/carbs/etc.... my cramps are horrific) but protien shakes seem to always be the filler upper so you get full
  • becfly
    becfly Posts: 6 Member
    If I just have to give in to the cravings then I go for the healthiest version of what I want. For chocolate I like dark chocolate Hershey Kisses. I grab 5 or 6 of them and walk away from the bag. Once you satisfy your craving your body should feel better, just give it time to register in your head. I also read somewhere that if you are craving something sweet you can trick your body with something spicy; so sometimes I go for a spicy nut mix. ... Just don't sit down with a whole bag or box of anything! That is baaaaaad!
  • trickycoolj
    trickycoolj Posts: 37 Member
    Figure out what your maintenance cals would be and aim for something in between. I was ravenous last week but a 200cal boost helped me get through the days and I was still under maintenance cals so I wasn't going to gain from the extra but I also understood I may not lose as much. I only needed 3-4 days at a slightly higher cal level and now my weight is still down this week. Just make sure you're having quality foods for the extra, lots of protein helped me. I learned last week that an ounce of beef jerky is a fairly decent portion for 80cals. Nice and salty for that fix. I also made some of those "no guilt" Trader Joes brownie mix with apple sauce and made them in a mini muffin tin for 60 cal a piece. Great for the sweet fix. I heard somewhere your metabolism is a little higher just before and when your period first starts (haven't confirmed) but it doesn't hurt to bump up a smidge so you don't have to feel like you're suffering!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Back when I was getting a period, I would just work out extra so I could eat a little extra. I kept a lot of tiny serving snacks around. Seemed to work pretty well. Now I don't have a period, but breastfeeding makes me ravenous. Wish I could figure out how to deal with those cravings!
  • I try and stick to my calorie goal, but some days I get really hungry. On days like that, I will try and do some exercise which adds up to the same amount of food. On others I might just let myself go over. I often get a sweet tooth as well, I try not to have anything, but if I really crave it, I go and have some low calorie hot chocolate, I love the options chocolate here. It seems to keep me away from any chocolate binge which could potentially happen. The one I take is about 36 calories for 1 portion, which is a lot less then a chocolate bar generally.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i crave for a couple days before but then struggle to eat when i've cramps so i fugure it evens out