Please help!!!!



  • annadavis1960
    Your boyfriend shouldn't be telling you what to eat. You have given him too much control. Eat what YOU want to eat. It sounds like you are ready to make a change and he doesn't get to determine if you will stick to it or not. If he can't behind you getting healthy, then he is not good for you and you should dump him. He is too controlling anyway. I agree that you need to get some therapy to talk through your issues.
  • suzinelson72
    Hey I just read your post and first and foremost... you should never let anyone tell you what or what not to eat! I do agree that exercise is how to kick weight loss in to overdrive. I have been on the weight loss/gain roller coaster my whole life and I turned 40 last July... it recently hit me that it's time for me to do something for myself. I want to feel "hot" again... I want to stop wishing that I could go to a store and pick out any cool outfit and know I can wear it. I just had to get my head in the right place to get serious. So, something just clicked recently and I just knew if I wanted change, I was the only one who could make it happen. I am no longer going to be victimized by my own emotional eating. I'm tired of feeling sluggish and unattractive. I want to feel sexy again. I want to feel once again how it feels when I am confident on stage. So I said to myself... this is it... I got serious about my weight loss 2 weeks ago and am fortunate that my live in boyfriend is ready to lose weight too and is doing this with me. We are both singers in our own bands and both have gotten to our biggest weight ever and ready to start feeling healthier and looking great on stage again. It always helps if you have someone to share this with... a workout buddy to help push eachother along. Is he up to working out with you?

    The main thing I am focusing on right now is keeping my calories at or under 1200 and I've basically cut out bread (mostly because I'm curious to see if gluten causes the sluggishness) and these past 2 weeks I truly have felt lighter and I really haven't been craving bread at all.

    Know matter what, just keep reminding yourself that you are so worth it. You are the ONLY one who can change your body... and it's YOUR body. Make the change for you. Get your "you" back. That's what I'm doing!! If you need a buddy along the way I know I could use the encouragement. Add me.

    Take Care!
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I agree with the other commenters that you need to sort out the other issues before you can be successful at healthy weight loss. If you really think that you boyfriend's issues with your eating come from a place of him worrying that you will starve yourself and lose weight destructively, consider getting him on board by asking him to help you plan nutritionally balanced (and calorie appropriate, >1200 cal/day) meals using the MFP calculator. Seeing how you're doing it and understanding your food vs. exercise balance may reassure him that you're not going to do something unhealthy -- particularly if he doesn't currently understand healthy eating as anything other than not starving oneself. If he refuses to support you in a healthy plan, you need to think seriously about why you want to be with someone who is undermining and harming you.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You know who can best help you in this situation is....YOU!

    Youre a woman listen to your heart what does it tell you?

    What is the first answer you get?

    I bet I know what it is, but then you let your fear and codependency on him to take over.

    You have to decide what is most important to you and go from there.

    Not one of us on here can give you the answers or really help you, but we can support.
  • Labrae90
    You only need to lose 22 lbs and you're setting your calorie intake at 900? :(
    Here I was thinking you were this really big/obese person by the way you made yourself sound at the beginning.
    I don't understand why *some* men feel the need to do that to others. But well... since he is all you have, I would say do things in *moderation* and PLEASE up your calorie intake. You are doing more harm than good to your internal organs when you go that low. I don't care what people say, long term this is killing your body.

    There are no quick fixes. Hydrate yourself and if you can't eat healthier, eat in moderation.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    I appreciate your comments about my boyfriend but he's all I have (I have no friends or family). He supports me, I don't make much money so he pays the bills etc. He's a great guy, I'm sure he has his reasons for not 'letting' me. But anyway, can anyone help me with advice about WEIGHT LOSS please? Like, is there a way I can trick him into letting me eat less/healthier. Any really effective diets you know about? Any tips you have for quick weight loss? <3

    Sorry but there is no way to trick him if he knows anything about nutrition. A couple of simple rules:
    If it is fried - not good.
    It is is breaded - not good (usually goes with frying).
    Look at most snacks and pay attention to what they are (mostly carbs). It is easy to over do carbs.
    Junk food is nicknamed that for a reason = junk.

    I don't want to jump on the bandwagon but you need to eat what you want to eat regardless of the boyfriend. Insecure people usually don't want their partner to make positive change because it threatens them. A good supportive person will SUPPORT you no matter what, in all aspects if you are making a POSITIVE change.
  • copelvb
    Ok so I took a look at your diary and I noticed some things that are missing. So I will help out a little here, like a lot of the posters have already said, the diet needs to change. And diet this even dudes do: High protien low carb diet, this is excellent for burning the calories. Definitely add Veggies to your meal. Remember the mantra calories are not the enemy, your body needs them otherwise it will make everything you eat into fat. Put your calorie meater to something more achievable like 1400 calories (of lean meats and veggies).

    Instead of a banana for breakfast eat 2 boiled eggs. Have a piece of string cheese for a snack at lunch have some soup etc. There should be some of these simple foods lying around. Once your diet is level you will notice more energy to want to work out. Feeling like crap because of bad food is normal, you can either use it as a cop out or take control and control what you eat. I know you have a computer, use it to find work out plans that work for you, and whe you dont think you have time, look up the no excuse workout, or workouts you can do before the shower. They are only a few minutes long and pow you just increased your metabolism.

    Now there have been a lot of comments about the boyfriend. He can either be the enemy like you have portrayed him or your best support. One thing I have noticed is he is truly worried about you and wants to make sure you are eating, so you dont die. Show him that you understand that but work together to get educated and find a healthy options. Your boyfriend sounds like he is communicating his concern to your welbeing and these measures seems pretty desparate to try to help you. In the end no one is forcing you, you are making the choices.

    The longer you take to make changes, the more unhealthy and unhappy you will become. Also hint number one: the first week changing to a strict diet and decent exercise regimin normally gives you a large amount of weightloss and thereafter is about 10% of your body weight a week. Also make sure you are taking your vitamins especially vitamin b
  • Lollops
    Lollops Posts: 85 Member
    Wow, thank you all so much for your replies! They are all really helpful and appreciated! Unfortunately, I can't really exercise at the moment because I have an illness which means it hurts to even walk. Hopefully I'll be better in about 1 month and I can start doing cardio. Unless any of you know any cardio/exercises that I can do while sitting/laying that doesn't involve moving the legs too quickly?

    Ah, you're all so awesome! I really need to stick to this website now! I feel so much happier when I'm on here! Feel free to add me, most of the people on my current friend-list don't come on here anymore. <3
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Like, is there a way I can trick him into letting me eat less/healthier.

    Buy a dog and slip your food under the table to the dog when your boyfriend is not looking.

    Seriously, though, I agree with the many others who think it sounds like you need more help than you can get from an online forum. If your BF isn't helping you be a better person, and from the little you told us he is definetly not or being very misguided about how to help you, then you need a major change.

    There are various charities that offer free or fee based on what you can afford counseling services. I think you should consider going.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Well isn't this interesting...the fact that you let your BF dictate what you eat is a problem....the fact that your BF is a good guy yet does all this means he's not being a good guy...why does it matter about anything else...if he respected you he could encourage you in all ways not tell you do what he oh man
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    this will be a first for me:

    you need to dump your dumba$$ boyfriend. you need to then start doing what is right for YOU! don't ever let a man dictate what you do/don't do, what you eat/don't eat. he's not a good guy if he's making you eat the very things that helped transform yourself into an unhealthy individual. exercise is just one part of being healthy. you also need to eat healthy and you need to be emotionally healthy as well!

    good luck.