pear shaped body

I recently investigated my body shape and doscovered that i am a pear. I am so bummed and disappointed knowing i will forever be cursed with these hips, thick thighs, and large bum. Most likely the cellulite as well. I feel as though no matter how hard i work, i will never look how i envisioned my perfect figure. Feeling so unmotovated at this point :( any pear shape women have any success stories?


  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    would love to hear some success stories for this myself.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    There is nothing wrong with being a pear. Pear, hourglass, apple, all can be beautiful and healthy. My bra size is 36A but I wear size 12 jeans to fit my hips/*kitten*. The great thing about being a pear? You can have a flat stomach and round booty pretty easily. And you know what a smaller chest means? Less sagging later.

    So cheer up Charlie! Pears are a great fruit :flowerforyou:
  • its not a curse, its a blessing to have big thighs and a big "bum" ;) you look beautiful my friend, just keep up the hard work in the gym and with diet, and you will see all the results!
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I am a pear and while we may have larger hips, we do not have to keep the large thighs and bottom. You can do it, hard work and dedication and you can firm and tighten up those thighs and butt. Don't worry about the hips, they are what they are and give you a nice shape. Just pare down (pun intended) the rest and all will be fine. You got this, just gotta work at it. :)

    ETA: You could also weight train to broaden your shoulders a bit and balance it out. :)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I seriously slimmed my hips and got rid of a massive amount of back of the thigh cellulite from using the elliptical 5 days a week the past 8 months. Also have been doing weight training. Total inches lost in hips so far is 7.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    You know, not everyone desires that shape. I can understand. I'm a pear and I wish I didn't have any curves (I'm an androgyne).

    But unfortunately, realism dictates that these are going to be trouble spots and we have to deal with that. I've seen apple shapes blast the apple right off their bodies, however, so don't give up. You might be pleasantly surprised with how things turn out for you if you keep working at it.
  • tstancom
    tstancom Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a pear. Nobody rocks daisy dukes shorts like a pear does. ;)

    I've found that exercises that encourage long lean muscles, like dance, pilates and yoga are most helpful for preventing extra muscle bulk in the thighs. I was a sprinter all through high school and buying jeans sure can be a pain with powerful thighs. I always ended up with "bucket-butt" - that annoying gap in the waistband when you find a pair that fits your hips properly.

    You can also balance your figure by doing upper body lifting - Jillian Michaels talks about that in her 30 Day Shred videos. The best news here is that you have to fight less to get a smaller waist than apples will, and you'll end up with more of an hour-glass at the end of it all.

    Embrace your booty, and if you're striving for an ideal, start looking for "models" who are also pears to emulate. I always get a kick out of J-Lo's booty. It's awesome.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You can be a fit pear shape. I'm pear shaped. See my ticker, no cellulite. I love my booty.
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm a pear, too...this topic was nice to read! It's definitely nice to know that I can have a nice (and hopefully sexy!) pear shaped body by the end of this journey. Thanks!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I am a pear shape that is quite upset about losing my big butt as I lose pounds... my big butt was my pride & joy....
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I thought I was an hourglass before I lost all the weight off my upper body, pretty set on being a pear at my goal weight!
    I don't dislike it, but I do wish I was more athletic looking!
  • AdrieneJ
    AdrieneJ Posts: 141 Member
    I have slender hips, and you know what? I can't get a fricking pair of jeans to fit me properly, even after my weight loss. Count yourself lucky that the world knows how to make clothes for you!
  • peasantsong
    peasantsong Posts: 107 Member
    There is nothing wrong with being a pear! I'm a pear and, although I have some weight to lose, I love my body shape! My husband certainly doesn't mind either! He tells me every day how much he loves my "shapely" thighs.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    <- I'm a pear. You just have to figure out what clothes suit you best, and then you can have that "perfect figure". I'm tiny on top and will always be, so I wear a lot of patterned tops and also skirts. My bf says I' have an 'hourglass' shape (I'm definitely a pear), guys cant' tell you know lol...they honestly just notice if you're confident or not.
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    I am a pear! Well it is difficult for us to have skinny legs but we can get a pretty great figure but toning up and working out our lowers properly! And embrace your curves! Very few are blessed with them! I for one am glad I am a pear cause it means that most of the time I have a flat stomach! :)
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I wish that I was a pear.. I have never been able to find jeans that fit me in the waist.. I am an hourglass figure and have had a hard time with any clothing.. whether I am fat or thin.. I find yoga pants are the best.. lol
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    <- I'm a pear. You just have to figure out what clothes suit you best, and then you can have that "perfect figure". I'm tiny on top and will always be, so I wear a lot of patterned tops and also skirts. My bf says I' have an 'hourglass' shape (I'm definitely a pear), guys cant' tell you know lol...they honestly just notice if you're confident or not.

    Same with my husband. He adamantly says I am not pear shaped and that I'm hour glass. It doesn't matter. He can call me whatever he wants. I love the way he adores me and my figure.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    UsernameStillLoading Posts: 299 Member
    would love to hear some success stories for this myself.

    My success story was to become pear shaped. I used to be a bell pepper before I lost weight.
    Eventually though, I sort of slid into hourglass body type(or as my friend calls it: coke bottle glass). I didn't think my waist could have gotten smaller. Yet, every month it looks like it lost another inch or so. I'm actually getting a bit scared.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member

    Wow, those are some beautiful ladies.