Why cant I lose weight?!



  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Im only on the 1200 because that`s what MFP calculated for me. When I exercise then my calorie intake goes up to almost 1500. I still stay between 1200 & 1500. Im confused & learning as I go. When I cut the calories because I was gaining then everyone is saying Im not eating enough. I trusted the MFP to calculate it for me so that is what I was going by.
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Where do you get the HCG?
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    I am 41. I do Tabata (30 minute high intensity interval training) 4-days a week, usually walk/jog 4 miles or eliptical fat loss 30 minute workout. Always do 4 days but sometimes I do up to 6 days a week. In the Tabata my heart rate gets up to 180 and on the eliptical too. I dont care how slow I lose as long as I lose but I havent lost an ounce yet!

    based on your height, weight,age, and an activity level of "moderately active" = 3-5 days activity level which puts your TDEE at 2351 cals a day so 30% deficit = 705 calorie deficit = 1645 calls a day. You could try this for four to six weeks and see how it goes..or bump up to 1450 and try that and then go to 1645 if you are still plateauing...
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    So I should eat 1450 calories and then try 1645 if the 1450 does not work? right? Just making sure I understand.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    1) Get your thyroid levels checked just in case.

    2) Increase your calorie intake to support the amount of exercise you're doing. Breaking down your muscle tissue by undereating and overexercising is only going to make your body less efficient at burning cals since lean mass burns more calories than fat does.

    Don't get discouraged :)
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you. I have had thyroid checked several times. I do have a Dr.`s appt next week so Im gona push for blood work. I changed my goal & calorie intake went up to 1480. I will try this. Thanks for your help!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    How much do you have to lose, and what did you set your weekly loss goal to at MFP? 1200 calories is considered the bare minimum for women, and it sounds like you are fairly active, and likely need more than that on a daily basis. And you're saying you often come in UNDER 1200 a day? :noway:

    Eating too little, especially with a lot of hard exercise, gives the body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Food is fuel!

    Can't see your diary, and don't know your specifics such as height, weight, etc, but I would guess that you aren't eating enough.

    Have a read through this topic - great info there with tools for calculating how much you should be eating. I've been eating according to the info there for nearly a year with great results. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Yes. This ^^^^

    Also, you lose lean body mass when eating too little instead of more fat - resulting in a slowed metabolism.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It took me 3 months to drop my 1st pound. When you don't have a lot to lose, it is a lot harder to see the scale move than if you have a large percentage of body fat.

    At your proportions, I recommend measuring body fat percentage not pounds lost. Also, you need to be eating very close to your TDEE (no more than 20% calorie deficit).

    The fat will go away, I promise. It just takes a really darn long time when you are this close to your goal weight.
  • Tunia85
    Tunia85 Posts: 212 Member
    You are not eating enough calories and your body goes into starvation and becomes more efficient with a smaller number of calories.



    starvation mode is a myth...you have to not eat for 72 hours for your body to truly go into starvation mode. Eating 1200 calories a day will not put you in starvation mode...
    ^^ But eating a healthy amount of calories and losing weight/fat does work much better than stalling and starving (not starvation mode, just bein' hungry!) at 1200 - the info in the link is legit even if starvation mode is a myth. :smile:

    ummmm no - you have to not eat anything for 72 hours to go into starvation mode. That is a fact. check out the research here at www.leangains.com

    if you eat 1200 calories in a 72 hour period you will not go into starvation mode.

    Will you hit a plateau if you just eat 1200 calories? Maybe, but that is not starvation mode.

    I was not commenting on the link, I was commenting on the comment about starvation mode.

    People throw around starvation mode on these threads and have no clue what they are talking about. I used to by into that too, but I started reading more about it and found out that skipping a meal will not put you in starvation mode...

    Isn't a plateau not loosing weight? It's exacly what she doesn't want. Either way a person should eat about 20% less than their TDEE and at or above their BMR (so between those two numbers) to loose weight but have enough nutrients, especially with so much excercise.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    But yeah - eating between TDEE and BMR is the way to go. Use the tools in the thread I linked back in my first post - great info there and the tools you need to figure these things out. I wish I had STARTED with that information instead of finding in two years in. Best progress I've made was after finding and following that info.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    Okay that didn't work...
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Where do you get the HCG?
    1. Find pregnant lady.
    2. Drink her pee.
    3. ???
    4. Profit!!!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I am 5'7" and weigh 170. When I was eating alot I was 170 and now exercising & eating less I still weigh 170. I do hear the starvation mode used alot and I also hear the "maybe it is muscle". I drink all water now. No diet drinks. I am doing the 1200 calorie because that`s what MFP calculated for me to lose 1.6 lbs a week. I do lift weights but not on a regular basis. We include some light - medium weights in our Tabata class. I dont see any kind of change. Clothes still fit the same too. TIGHT!

    I'm 5'7", 37 years old and about 158 lbs... I've gone from 180 to 158 lbs eating about 2100 calories/day... which is NET 1600 or so (1600 + exercise calories daily). Now I eat 2300 daily even on rest days and don't add exercise calories. I'm still getting leaner without change on the scale (that's my current intention though).

    You should try eating more food. You work out hard.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Thank you. I have had thyroid checked several times. I do have a Dr.`s appt next week so Im gona push for blood work. I changed my goal & calorie intake went up to 1480. I will try this. Thanks for your help!

    So your MFP goal is now 1480... you're supposed to add your exercise calories and eat them too. Try it.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    My calorie intake for me to lose weight is 1200 calories a day. Some days with exercising I am under 1200 by 50-250. Some days I may go over but not by great amounts. I do Tabata 4 days a week, walk/jog, and some eliptical workouts. So I mix up my exercises. I burn more calories than MFP has recommended. MFP says my goal is 1248 a week. I have been burning 1500 -1800. I have been doing this since the 1st week of January. No weight lost and no smaller measurements! Help! Also can it be hormonal?

    Do you eat anything you do not log
  • vjniemi
    vjniemi Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my. I'm sorry to hear about your wife. That is a serious illness.
    I'm concerned about your post. It might not be good to recommend a diet that was used by an anorexic for one thing.
    I did a very quick read on the diet's website and was not encouraged. Losing 1-3 lbs a day isn't healthy under ANY circumstance.
    I'm new to this scene, so I'm not an expert. However I do have a lot of experience in psychogy and nutrition of eating disorders. Sorry, but I got red flags from your post.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    It can be hormonal. I have pcos and issues with my thyroid.. I have begun to lose weight on MFP. I have learned that you have to eat the 1200 calories each day. If not your body thinks its starving and holds fat.

    what if you ate 1199?

    what if your food scale is not calibrated?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So I should eat 1450 calories and then try 1645 if the 1450 does not work? right? Just making sure I understand.
    yes bump up to 1450 and try that and see how goes..if no success go to 1645....

    good luck...

    you also might want to incorporate weight training three days a week..just a suggestion.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You are not eating enough calories and your body goes into starvation and becomes more efficient with a smaller number of calories.



    starvation mode is a myth...you have to not eat for 72 hours for your body to truly go into starvation mode. Eating 1200 calories a day will not put you in starvation mode...
    ^^ But eating a healthy amount of calories and losing weight/fat does work much better than stalling and starving (not starvation mode, just bein' hungry!) at 1200 - the info in the link is legit even if starvation mode is a myth. :smile:

    ummmm no - you have to not eat anything for 72 hours to go into starvation mode. That is a fact. check out the research here at www.leangains.com

    if you eat 1200 calories in a 72 hour period you will not go into starvation mode.

    Will you hit a plateau if you just eat 1200 calories? Maybe, but that is not starvation mode.

    I was not commenting on the link, I was commenting on the comment about starvation mode.

    People throw around starvation mode on these threads and have no clue what they are talking about. I used to by into that too, but I started reading more about it and found out that skipping a meal will not put you in starvation mode...

    Isn't a plateau not loosing weight? It's exacly what she doesn't want. Either way a person should eat about 20% less than their TDEE and at or above their BMR (so between those two numbers) to loose weight but have enough nutrients, especially with so much excercise.

    right, but she is not in starvation mode. You can't eat 1200 calories a day and be in "starvation mode" it is impossible. Just trying to clear the air. People tend to say that other people are in starvation mode if they miss their ten pm snack of almonds and a banana which is not accurate. I used to fall prey to starvation mode myth too and the six small meal a day psychology that comes along with it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thank you. I have had thyroid checked several times. I do have a Dr.`s appt next week so Im gona push for blood work. I changed my goal & calorie intake went up to 1480. I will try this. Thanks for your help!

    So your MFP goal is now 1480... you're supposed to add your exercise calories and eat them too. Try it.

    No, please do not eat exercise calories back. your exercise level is included in the TDEE calculation of "moderately active" which assumes you work out 4 to 5 days a week...