Need some buddies!! :]

Hi everyone. Well its been over a month that I have started my weight loss journey....these last 2 weeks the scale has not budged...not even a 1/2 pound..and i am getting discouraged....I could really use some new friends to go on this journey with me. Please feel free to friend request me!


  • Don't get discouraged, you can do it.
    I've quit hundreds of times in the past cause it was "too hard" for me to stick with but now
    I'm determined to lose this weight and feel sexy for the first time.
    Just think of why you want to lose weight and remember that.
    We're all here for you.
  • thanks so much. i appreciate that. its just....when people hit plateaus, how can you get past it and start losing weight again??
  • For me I stopped losing weight cause I was worrying to much about how many meals a day I was eating. I would only eat 3 when it's better to have 5 small meals. If you don't eat enough your metabolism will actually slow down . Do plenty of strength training also. You'll burn calories and fat. Just eat healthy and exercise, strength training included!
  • vinaprice
    vinaprice Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Vina and I recently started using my fitness pal consistently. I have been struggling for years with my weight loss. After having my child I'm finding it really hard to lose the weight. I would love to have some motivating friends . My username is vinaprice.
  • reneknales
    reneknales Posts: 1 Member
    Just dial in your diet. make sure you are having 5 -6 meals and don't give up. It happened to me to when i lost 15 pounds it took me 2 weeks but then i just starting losing again. Now i am down 27 pounds. Dont cheat, and be consistent. Success only comes with consistency.
  • JustEdie1
    JustEdie1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Lovely People!

    I've been on MyFitnessPal for almost 3 weeks now, and I'm making some progress! I'm in search for people to encourage me as I go on my journey, as well as me encouraging others! Heck, why not take the steps together!? Cheers :)