Difficult Start

I've been counting calories since Feb 1st. I had more bad days then good, but I get right back on that horse. My biggest problem is still being hungry and trying to exercise. I need to lose over 100 pounds. I am in a new State (Kentucky) dont feel safe in an unfamiliar everything. I went for a walk yesterday with my boyfriend, but I was lucky to get stop sign to stop sign from him. Any suggestions on exercise without spending money? Id love to go to the gym, just need to start my job first so I can afford it. Also any and all modivation welcome along with friend request. Lost my mom this past year who helped with my last weight loss journey. All I have is my lazy truck driver of a boyfriend (whom I love very much) but who dont see why I'm even watching what I eat. Hopefully once some of the weight comes off he will want to join me, crossing my fingers.



  • allie_rat
    allie_rat Posts: 49 Member
    To begin with just logging calories and being honest about what you eat is a fantastic start! If you're still hungry after your allotted calories then maybe try and change some of the foods you eat for lower calorie options so that you can eat more which should help you feel fuller. Also, if you have your MFP set to loose a large amount each week it will allow less calories than if you choose to loose slower, so maybe change your settings a little to allow some extra calories? For exercise at home, there are loads of workouts on youtube, look for some beginner stuff if you don't usually do much. Another great way to exercise without spending is just stick on some music and dance :smile:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Awe I'm sorry for your loss. Add me always looking for people to go the long haul with me. Yeah hunger sucks especially those first days when you get back on the horse, but it will get better. Your body will adapt. You know whats kind of fun and your BF might laugh but who cares turn on the music and dance your butt off. It's cheap and you can do it in your undies with the windows closed, LOL! Also if you have any stairs or steps just climb those back and forth back and forth. You will feel a burn believe me. You've got this just need to get the bf off his duff and to support you.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Wow, you have a lot on your mind. First, there is a wealth of info on here......do a search for any question you have, or do what you just did and ask. I have only been at this since the first of the year so I am no expert. Study what BMR and TDEE are and why they are important. As far as exercising is concerned, just walk, all you can. Weight loss is pretty simple, eat less and move more, take in less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. But do it the healthy way. Oh, and do it for you, not him.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I would suggest that you find some healthy snacks and plan your meals out. I have found that for me, it's best to know what I will be eating the night before. So, as I lay in bed I figure out the following day's food. I love smoothies for breakfast with some fresh spinach in it for a morning veggie. Boiled eggs are great for bfast and oatmeal. AVOID any fast food if it is not a salad. Do your research. We eat out a lot so in the beginning I did a ton of nutrition research online before going to eat. Most places have their info available. So, with the places we frequent I now choose the low calorie option instead of the burger and fries. I allow 1 "splurge" meal a week on Friday nights. All other meals are healthy and low calorie (for the most part). It's all a #'s game....think of it as a game. YOU are in control. YOU control your mind and everything that you do. YOU control what you put in your mouth. Think Healthy.....being healthy feels great! It takes a lot of dedication, consistancy and will power. Once you see your hard work paying off by the scale moving, it will motivate you to stick with it!! Good luck!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Let me tell you that you don't need to kill yourself to start dropping weight. By all means if you can move a little more it's fantastic but it is NOT required when you are just starting. Weight loss is 80-90% about how much you eat. Start small, don't try to change everything all in one shot, don't cut out everything from your 'diet' - If you are hungry you are not eating enough - I guarantee it.

    At age 26, 280 lbs (I assumed 5 feet) you NEED around 2000 calories just to lay in bed all day and do NOTHING. If you are like most people you have not modified your MFP settings from the default - you told it you want to lose 2lb/s week (which for someone with 100 lbs to lose is EASY). The problem comes because MFP does not consider your stats at all - I can't see your diary so I don't know how many calories it's telling you to eat but for 80% of new people it will give them @1200 calories a day.. You NEED 2000...You eat 1200.. Easy to see why you are hungry and not losing as much weight as you think you should be. It is VITAL that you learn about BMR/TDEE - search for it here or at least read the roadmap http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12.

    Above all take it SLOW, take it easy, make SMALL changes, take BABY steps.. Get your calories right, THEN make small changes a little at a time until you are comfortable with food. THEN you can start adding more exercise, but make sure you are feeding your body to compensate for the extra activity. Not eating enough leads to stalling weight loss. Enjoy your calories while you can eat them because as you lose you will need to adjust a little.

    I started at 220 - eating about 1800 - I' down about 40lbs now and down to 1500 + exercise. Still losing, no stalls - average about 1.8/week for the past 7 months. Nice healthy sustainable losses with NO working out at all until just recently and now I do ONE class of zumba for about 50 minutes/ week. I wouldn't call it hard work. I will increase my exercise as I get closer to my goal but for now I am happy and healthier then I have been in many many years and I should hit my goal weight by late summer and THAT makes me very happy ;)

    Good luck!
  • marniee14
    marniee14 Posts: 19 Member
    I have the problem of i cant afford the gym. i have made that an excuse for a long time.
    i decided that i can walk anywhere. i work nights at a chronic care hospital, so i started
    doing laps around the nurses desk at 2am or in between call bells.
    That made me think, well if i can go in small circles around the desk, well then why cant i go in small
    circles around the coffee table. it is far to cold here right now to walk outside every day. (-40 degrees celcius)
    so i walk inside! it works for me.
    you can also go to a mall in the mornings, a lot of them have a walking program before business hours.
    good luck.
    I have lost 54 Lbs in 4 months, with only the walking as my exercise.
  • Ash_Diya
    I am taking up couchto5K. Simple walk/jog. I am tried of gym and workout dvds. I plan on strapping my daughter in her stroller and plan on going for walk/jog. Check out http://www.runningforbeginners.com/jogging-5k/.
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    also the Julian Michale's dvds are 10 buck and they get great results!
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey,we;ve all started somewhere, don't give up. Im trying to put fiber in my diet, not thru food just benefiber is all, keeps me fuller after a meal, I just put some in a glass of whatever I am drinking before a meal and there ya go, it helps, but get the unflavored kind, no taste. As far as exercising you dont kneed anything more than to just try and walk, even if its only 10 mins, thats how I started.

    Keep the food diary, if your honest with yourself, nothing will stop you....................

    Look on Craigslist for a cheap stationary bike or whatever you like to do.

    I started with a treadmill, switched to a stationary bike, and now am Wii bowling and dancing, keep it real and the weight will come off
    and allow you to do more. And JUST DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!!!
    Go get it girl its there for you!

  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    I'll be straight forward, blunt and honest here....


    Here are some basics for you to know...

    1. Exercise is not Must to lose, but I will tell you that you should.
    2. Your diet is the greatest impact for your lifestyle change.
    3. Set Goals, long range and intermediate.
    5. If you fault one day, realize it, dont kill yourself mentally for it, reset your focus AT THAT MOMENT, and repeat #4

    Motivation comes from within. EVERY time you feel like you dont want to do something, ASK YOURSELF "HOW BAD DO I WANT IT"? And then DO IT. No whining, No pissing and *****ing and moaning. DO IT. For every time you dont, you define that you DONT WANT IT.

    Now, when you do begin exercising, it needs to be more than cardio at the start. You need to get your lungs healthy...this shouldn't take but a month, AT MOST, pending your overall health. You can test this pushing yourself one day weekly beyond what you have become accustomed to. Once you have it the great challenge become your norm, Change the focus to 70% Muscle training and 30% Cardio. YOU NEED MUSCLE MASS.

    As for what you can do to save money...its simple....Walk until you can jog, jog until you can run. Push-up, Sit-ups, USE YOUR BODY FOR RESISTANCE. All of this is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Youtube is FREE! :happy:

    BeFit channel
    Blogilates channel

    Pick something that you can COMMIT TO. Give it a timeframe and do it (i.e.- 30 days, 6 days/wk). In that time, build a HABIT.
  • chellstarnes
    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Any budget calorie friendly comfort recipes, please share. Thanks
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    I don't think exercise is a must, like others have said its mostly about what you eat, but I found that just walking more made a big difference. I tried to go for at least three walks a week, and I really noticed my fitness improve over the walks and was amazed by how much difference just walking made. I hate just walking for the sake of it, so I tried to build walks into my every day routine - walking to the supermarket rather than catching the bus etc. I know that this can be much harder in the US than here in the UK because of distances, but it might be possible.

    As I felt myself getting fitter I felt the need to step up the exercise a bit so I got a bicycle! I now try to go for at least 3 rides every week, as well as a bit of walking too and that has definitely impacted on my fitness as well - inclines I found tough at first seem flat now after 3 weeks of riding. This week I'm trying to ride every day, so I'll see how that goes. I realised how much it had impacted my fitness yesterday when I was helping my friend move out of her house. She lives on the 4th floor and we had to carry heavy furniture up and down and I was going up those stairs and getting to the top and feeling pretty good and still able to talk without having to catch my breath, so I was pretty pleased with myself and it made me realise how much impact I'd made only fitness just through walking and cycling.

    The extra motivation for me is that if I go for a walk, I can eat more... I eat back my calories and if I earn 400 calories on an 8 mile bike ride (to the shops and back) that's 400 extra calories I can play with. Perhaps that shouldn't be a motivator for me but it is, and I figure thinking like that now will help me continue to think like that once I get to maintenance as I will still think I need to earn the treats...

    For some comparison, I've lost around 50lbs since October last year doing this as well as counting calories (some from before I started logging on mfp) and 9" off my bust, 7" off my waist and 8" off my hips, and gone down three dress sizes, so it really does work. Happy to be friended if you'd like. Good luck with your journey, I think getting started is the hardest part!
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Sent friend request. :)

    Forgot to mention in my request but I had just moved to a new state (Illinois) when I first started. I didn't have a job yet, so I decided to take the opportunity before my college program started to get healthy. It can be a hard with all the free time, but it also gives you more opportunities to get out and walk around. I'd pick new roads to walk down every day to get familiar with the area. Just make sure if you're on your own, to walk when it's well lit outside and to take roads where there is a lot of traffic until you're familiar with what areas to avoid.

    If it's hard to reach your calories you might need a smaller deficient, at least until you get used to that one. Then if you want you can lower the calorie amount again. It's better to have a higher calorie amount and not cheat, then to have a lower one and cheat all the time. For me, I know I'll cheat, so I set mine lower than what I want to eat so I feel more guilty when I go over so I know when to stop. lol You just have to find what works for you.
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