when does exercise give you energy?

As all i have experienced is sheer exhaustion! Motovation is very low but i push through it on a daily basis!

My routeen is generally up at 5:30, drive to my yard (some times still in my pjs where im still half asleep) feed, and turn out my horses and launch a big arm full of hay over the fence, home then shower and get ready for work whilst trying to stuff a slice of toast or crumpet in my mouth, go to work for 8am, eat lunch, work and go home, get dressed for yard, muck out, do feeds, hay nets and waters IF the weather is good ride, go home cook partner dinner, get dressed, drive to gym, do a 45 min work out (weights and cardio) go swimming (20-30 lengths of front crawl) go home and crash about 9:30pm..

i am exhausted! i keep being told to keep at it, the energy will come...but when o_0 some how inbetween all this i manage to eat lunch at 12 and dinner is usually about 9:30 after the gym as i dont find the time to eat in between yard and gym loL!

is this where i go wrong? is it purly because i dont eat enough :S or is it something else! the gym i have added a month ago as finances finally allowed me to do join! and i have lost half a stone in this time and still loosing. But i have always been very active as having two horses under the age of 4, im constantly doing ground work with them, and with my pony alot of running ready for show season.

. but i have always been exhausted some one please tell me this gets better lmao!


  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    get energy from excercise when i do it in when i've identified as the time zone that i feel best excercising in, which for me is generally 3-7 ish pm. Although so saying my netball training atm is 113-0-1230 and i'm energised by that but i have to fake energy for the kids so maybe i'm just believing my own press on that one :p
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    Get your partner to cook dinner while you work out, then when you are back enjoy it.....
    Don't forget to thatnk your partner.
  • nebbz
    nebbz Posts: 18
    i find i work out with my eyes closed and zone out listning to my music (i have to appologise also as my spelling is terrible today lmao!)

    i am literally a shell of who i was before i started all this (before i had the horses also) as was full of energy and bubbly, now im evil and tired all the time (doesnt help my job is a bit mind numbing sometimes)

    is there any one who works out between 6:30 - 8? as im half tempted to change my shifts to a late so i finish work at 6 and then can go the gym in the morning to see if it helps? as so far it just nocks me out!
  • nebbz
    nebbz Posts: 18
    Get your partner to cook dinner while you work out, then when you are back enjoy it.....
    Don't forget to thatnk your partner.

    he has never cooked a day in his life, although i have tried teaching him things, we discovered its safer not to continue afer a small fire cooking beans...
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i find i work out with my eyes closed and zone out listning to my music (i have to appologise also as my spelling is terrible today lmao!)

    i am literally a shell of who i was before i started all this (before i had the horses also) as was full of energy and bubbly, now im evil and tired all the time (doesnt help my job is a bit mind numbing sometimes)

    is there any one who works out between 6:30 - 8? as im half tempted to change my shifts to a late so i finish work at 6 and then can go the gym in the morning to see if it helps? as so far it just nocks me out!

    i don't wake up properly until at least 9am. which is kinda awkward when work starts at 830, but there it is lol. i'm the walking dead for the first couple hours of my day. i'd never manage a decent workout then
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    is it purly because i dont eat enough

    I think so. You're probably eating fewer calories than your body needs to function. In addition to that, you're doing exercise. You'll more likely burn out eventually.
  • nebbz
    nebbz Posts: 18
    is it purly because i dont eat enough

    I think so. You're probably eating fewer calories than your body needs to function. In addition to that, you're doing exercise. You'll more likely burn out eventually.

    this is what i am worried about happening, but im not a huge eater! i got to where i am with the weight eating the wrong things just to keep me going lmao!

    i need a specialist to lay out what to eat in a day! i was told i should be eating 5 small meals a day o_0 tbf this idea scares me lmao!

    i have how ever signed up with graze.com as i think thats a brilliant idea!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    i have how ever signed up with graze.com as i think thats a brilliant idea!

    be careful which snacks you get from graze, they can be very high calorie for a small snack.

    unless of course you need the extra calories, in which case enjoy the flapjacks, they are AMAZING!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It's not difficult. Count calories. Eat peanut butter and nuts to boost up (both calorie dense). You have a goal so eat until you hit that goal. Do less exercise or eat more. Eat more carbs, too. I don't mean cake - I mean pasta. Think about all those lean, muscular athletes in London 2012. They didn't get their bodies by training hard and eating 500 calories a day. They probably ate 5000 calories a day and yet they aren't all obese. Magic?

    Edit: oh yes, stuff like flapjacks or just porridge will help. I've got to eat 1200 by 3pm when I train. So I'll be taking my own advice.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I just had a thought. You say you're a light eater. Are you a light eater because you physically have a problem eg oesophageal blockage or is it psychological - you're scared of eating because eating makes you fat? If the latter, then focus on why you have to eat and know that as long as you count calories and eat to your planned goal, then it's perfectly fine so enjoy the food. :)
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I find that going to gym in the morning works well for me, I am full of beans afterwards.
    Are you sure you are eating enough?

    MIND-NUMBING JOB, i totally get that and i find that this turns me into a bit of a dragon lady
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    on the light eating - u can be just eat healthy, nuts are great to add for many good reasons, eat salad and load of on protein, fruit and veg too :)
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Maybe bring a snack to work that you can have an hour before going to the gym like a bananna which will give you energy to exercise?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    when you eat enough to fuel your workouts properly

    if you're using the MFP default settings, eat back your exercise calories

    if you're using the TDEE method, check you've calculated your calories right (see the "in place of a road map" thread for more details)

    Whatever method you're using, focus on post workout nutrition. After exercise, you need to eat something. pre-workout nutrition is less important, and some people prefer to do cardio on an empty stomach (e.g. going for a run before breakfast or something) - but for very strenuous exercise like weight training are not so good on an empty stomach as you need adequate blood sugar to get a decent workout in. Feeling weak and tired during the workout isn't going to do anyone any favours. Personally, I don't exercise before breakfast, and when I workout, my last meal counts for pre-workout (i.e. I don't eat anything additional before my workout). I do eat a lot after a workout though, and I try to get as much of my daily calories in the post-workout meal as I can, even if this means eating less later in the day. Good post-workout nutrition = helps the body repair and maintain your muscles (and build muscle if you're eating more than your TDEE) + having plenty of energy + less likely to experience extreme hunger later in the day. For some people, not eating after exercise results in overeating later in the day to compensate. Note: post workout meals should come from your daily calorie budget, if you're using the MFP method, you're supposed to eat back your exercise calories, the post-workout meal would be a good time for eating the extra calories you're allowed (although you don't have to eat all of them in your post-workout meal if your meal is otherwise filling). This may seem to "cancel out" the benefit of exercise, but actually it'll mean you have more energy for your workouts (=more calories burned each time) and you're likely to feel less hungry later on. Plus exercise benefits your body in far many more ways than just fat loss.

    Good choices for a post workout meal include protein and healthy carbs.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    It seems you are not eating enough for your body. Do not forget, you are very active in your daily activities, beyond the exercise.
  • tunisia86
    tunisia86 Posts: 11 Member
    I tend to go to the gym first thing at 6:30am and get my gym classes in then. I've got more energy for most of the day plus as I know how many calories I've burnt I can enjoy my food more during the day.

    From what your saying I don't think your eating enough to give you energy. If I go to the gym in the evening I have to make sure I've had a big lunch with a fair amount of carbs otherwise I can't workout properly.
    Try and have a couple of protein shakes during the day esp after the gym. Your body needs it to repair its self.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Sounds like you have a very active lifestyle.

    I would recommend cutting out your cardio & swimming sessions and just focusing your gym time on strength training as you seem to be on your feet all day anyways.

    Also . . . .is this something that you're doing everyday? I would really consider limiting your workouts to 3-4 times a weeks
  • Silvara_11
    Silvara_11 Posts: 133 Member
    is there any one who works out between 6:30 - 8? as im half tempted to change my shifts to a late so i finish work at 6 and then can go the gym in the morning to see if it helps? as so far it just nocks me out!

    I work out 6:30am - 8am most days and love it. I used tell everyone that I was NOT a morning person for 3 years I've had an agreement with my boss that I work 10am - 6pm instead of 9am - 5pm. This year I've been waking up at 5:30am to get to Bikram yoga studio for 6:30am for a 90 min cardio + strength session before work at 9am. I'm ready to pass out by 9:30pm but this works well for me and I've had really positive feedback on job performance as well. Plus even though the weight loss has only been 7 lbs I'm 2 dress sizes smaller and slimmer than when I was at 10lbs less.

    Note, when I tried the morning yoga routine in Oct of last year I had NO energy what so ever and I was showing up to work really grumpy so I went to see a doctor and found out that my energy levels were down due to low iron. I'm not on iron supplements and that has really made a huge difference to my energy levels!

    Hope you find something that works for you :)

    Edit: I'm NOW on iron supplements which has made a huge diff to my energy levels!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Maybe up your protein intake, lots of chicken, fish, nuts etc??

    I would drop the swimming and cardio sessions for a while, and concentrate on the weights....And lift heavy!!

    Also ask your partner to prepare a meal a couple times a week or certain days, and you cook the other days. Giving you either more time in the gym or time for you to shower and chill a bit, before you are shattered and ready for bed

    Dont worry, at the moment, I feel like I am up at 6.30am, work at 8am til 4pm, home, dinner, gym for over an hour, then need to catch up on my programmes...but its late, and work tomorrow

    Keep at it... Maybe take some vitamins.... I take flaxseed capsules, and just brought some whey protein for before and after workouts

    ALSO THE MAIN INGREDIENT......................WATER, WATER, WATER, OH AND MORE WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Goodluck x
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Maybe try the workout on your way back from the stables before dinner. Have a snack before you go like some yoghurt and fruit (and lots of water), and have dinner after your work out with plenty of priotein for muscle repair.

    I find I feel full of energy in the evenings now, and ive not been doing it for a long time...If I went home and had dinner first I think I would be exhausted too...