If you're 5'6 and have never been a healthy weight



  • I am 5'6 and have ranged from 120-140 in my adult life. I'm 127 now and about 18% body fat. When I got tested at my heaviest (140) I was around 23-24% fat which is right at the top of the healthy range. I think a lot of people misjudge what a "large" frame is if they've never been thin before. 155 lbs would put you out of the danger zone for weight related diseases, but it's not ideal. I usually give clients my height a goal weight of 140 and once they hit it we can reassess from there.

    - Certified Personal Trainer
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    I'm 5'6" and have always been overweight. I have a larger frame and my goal is around 155lbs but I will obviously see how I look and feel as I get closer to that number. I started at 251 and currently weigh 180lbs.
  • I'm 5'6" and have always been overweight. I have a larger frame and my goal is around 155lbs but I will obviously see how I look and feel as I get closer to that number. I started at 251 and currently weigh 180lbs.

  • mybodygallery.com is a great site to see what certain weights look like on other women, you can go by body type too (apple, pear, etc)

    I found it extremely helpful.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal weight is 140. I've been 140 in the past and I was very comfortable and happy in my own skin at that weight. However, I am not going exclusively on the scale. I am aiming for a BF% goal as well and if that puts me higher than 140 on the scale so be it.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Im 5'5" and my goal is 160. It was 175lbs but I think I can get lower (if I ever start losing again). I was in the 170s before I got pregnant so I would like to get back down there. I have no desire to be super thin but I think its ultimately about how you feel physcially and how you feel about yourself emotionally not a number on a scale.

    Start: 256
    Current: 208
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    The (very) rough rule of thumb for women is 100 lbs for the first 5 feet, then 5 lbs for each inch over. Then a 15 lb swing on either side as "healthy range". SO 5'6" would be 130, with the range being 115-145. My ultimate goal is 140, although as I've lost weight I've realized I actually have a small frame, so 130 would be more appropriate. All that said, I intend to know for sure when I get around there and see what feels best.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I am 5'6 and my goal is 148. That puts me 10 lbs into the healthy weight range on the bmi scale. I started out at 208. Am currently about 178. So half way to goal. BUT, along the way, I realized that my goal isn't to get to a specific weight but to get HEALTHY. To be a better influence on my daughters than my parents were on me. And to be in the best cardiovascular health I have ever been in. (Have a heart problem and would love to keep my own heart valve as long as possible!!) At some point, the number on the scale started meaning a lot less to me. The last time I was at this same weight, I was NO WHERE near in as good of shape as I currently am in. I have become a runner. I am registered for a triathlon this summer. Completing that is my current goal. And if I weigh the exact same when I complete that triathlon as I weigh right now, I will actually be okay with that because I will be so much stronger and so much more able!! (Altho I have a feeling I won't weigh this much by the time August rolls around with how much I have been busting my *kitten* in the gym and running!!)
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I'm 5'-6.5" and have ranged between 125-150 lb. throughout my adult life. I considered myself healthy at all those weights but when I got up toward the high end last year I decided I wanted to slim down. I'm currently around 130 and am focusing more on reducing body fat and improving strength. I'm just starting lifting and expect to gain some weight doing so.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I am 5'6" ish depending ont he day of the week.

    Right now I am 185 with 28.5%bf, goal is around 160-165 with 18-20%, so I will be still 10lbs "overweight" by BMI

    For me to be 140lbs I would have less then 10lbs of fat to my body as my Lean Body Mass is over 130lbs so, it really needs to be a person to person goal. As anything really under 160 for me would be very unhealthy.
  • pharma1
    pharma1 Posts: 3 Member
    i'm from Uk where my BMI is 25.6 UK terms I'm over weight, I ride Event horses and train in the gym 4 days a week,also training to go to Nepal trecking. How is it that I'm over weight , need to loose 7-9 lbs before end of March so feel you prob. How about a 4 week session of being good who know what we could achieve,:laugh:
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    5'6.5" here and I have been chubby/overweight/fat as far back as I can remember!

    I have a memory of being four years old and stepping on the scale and weighing 4 stone (56lbs) and thinking it was funny that my weight in stones was the same as my age. Looking back, I now realise that this is far too heavy for a child of that age.
    I also have a memory of being in line for school lunch when I was around 6 or 7, and asking the dinner lady what I should have to eat as I was on a diet. Again, a kid that age shouldn't even know what it means to be on a 'diet'. Pretty all of the women in my family are overweight and I was brought up around people obssessing over diets and calories and SlimFast shakes. I haven't dug too deep but I'm guessing that this is where it came from.

    Anyways, fast forward to today and I'm around 190lbs I think. At my heaviest I've been around 210lbs, and lowest as an adult I have been is 180lbs. I have tried literally every diet program I have come across and had more gym memberships than I can remember. I just seem to keep moving up and down along a 20lb scale!

    Recently I moved from the UK to Canada, and I have been roughly following a guide called The Gabriel Method, which looks at the deep rooted and evolutionary reasons for weight gain. I haven't bought any bathroom scales since moving, but all of the clothes are falling off of me! I haven't been terribly hard on myself with restricting food, as I have found that as soon as you tell yourself something is banned - it makes the craving 10x harder. I eat three clean, healthy meals a day, snack on fruit and drink water. However if an occassion comes up, or someone in the office bakes cookies, or my friends want to share a bottle of wine on a Saturday night I'll allow myself to take part without the guilt. I have been running 3 times a week and usually do at least one full day of snowboarding at the weekend.

    I'm going to quietly work away at what I have been doing, without any emotional turbulance as has become commonplace when trying to shift the lard, and hopefully I'll continue to see a change! My goal is to get to around 140lbs or a US/CAN size 10/12.

    But yeah, it's tricky to know what to aim for if you've never been a healthy weight...it's also tricky to believe that you can get there! Here's to unchartered territory! :drinker:
  • I'm 5"6' and my goal weight is 140.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    I too am 5'6", I weigh 183 at the moment and fluctuating.lol. My goal weight is 160. I am certain that I will fluctuate then as well so 160 to 165 is a good range for me. I am a large frame and noticed that at 150 I look a little under nourished, at this age anyway ( I am 27), when I was 150 and in highschool I looked perfectly fine.
  • monikalama
    monikalama Posts: 75 Member
    i'm from Uk where my BMI is 25.6 UK terms I'm over weight, I ride Event horses and train in the gym 4 days a week,also training to go to Nepal trecking. How is it that I'm over weight , need to loose 7-9 lbs before end of March so feel you prob. How about a 4 week session of being good who know what we could achieve,:laugh:

    I'm from NEPAL and currently in UK if you are planning for trekking in Nepal you better become fit ot=r you will have a really hard time.

    Any ways good luck and i have never been healthy either :/