Need Motivation and Friends! :)

My name is Brittany. I am 24 years old. I feel i have struggled with my weight for years. I have been a diabetic since i was 8. It makes dieting and exercising a little more interesting. I have been on a diabetic pump for around 10 years now. I have had many medical issues throughout my life. When i was 13 my thyroid shut down. A few months back my mother and i started a diet and began counting calories and trying to exercise. We both did better than i thought and lost weight. It didnt feel like it at the time, but looking back now i was so proud of how we did. I lost around 17 between july and october. Then the holidays came and she had to have a knee replacement surgery. She quit and i guess i did too. I would love to get back into those habits and exercising again. I got pretty down about gaining 3-5 pounds back. Ive been thinking to myself no point in getting depressed and gaining back more. Time to quit being down and get back up and back on track! Time to start making healthy decisions again and getting back to ym goal of overall living a more healthy life and no letting food run my mind. I am hoping to find more friends on here so i can read their stories and see that everyone struggles, and hopefully find little tricks to help me on my way to my goal! :smile:


  • Hey Brittany, I'm trying to lose weight too! I'm finding it hard though because I have easily lost my motivation in the past and feel that if I have people on here, helping me reach my goal, I will finally achieve it(: I'm Sarah and I really hope together we can lose this weight!
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Feel free to add me as your friend. I am 36 and have had 4 kids. Like you I am insulin resistant which makes losing weight hard. I have struggled after each child to lose the weight and I am on that journey again. You can also follow me on Facebook @ Fit & Fab Momma to get inspriation and to see what I cook each week. Goood luck on your workouts and eating!
  • Hi there! Congratulations on overcoming so many obstacles in the pursuit of health! :smile: My mom's diabetic & my thyroid doesn't work, so truly I can understand many of the challenges you face. Take this a day at a time and never give up... the struggle is definitely worth the end results! :smile: