food journal

dont like to journal food. i eat too much and the calorie count is overwhelming.


  • bambi5014
    bambi5014 Posts: 79
    It works though! Maybe it would help to log as you eat. That is what I do, and it actually helps me second guess what I put into my mouth next and keeps me on track.
  • melissaogdenrhode
    it is tough! Really it is. But the good thing is that, if you are honest about what you put into your body on MFP it actually stares at you in the face like those stupid GEICO commercials. I agree... log after you have a meal of snack if you can. And don't forget that you get more calories of you exercise too!

    You can do it! Be tough! WOMN ROCK!!!! Get stubborn. KICK THAT WEIGHT'S *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ActSingMom
    ActSingMom Posts: 32 Member
    I bet you'd discover you don't eat as poorly as you think. We are often hard on ourselves.

    Remember: if you ding your car door, do you go ahead and total it?
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    I used to hate it to, then figured out that the reason I felt that way was because of how depressing it was to face all my bad food choices at the end of the day!
    You'll get there, when you start to see the benefits of logging, you'll start to look forward to it :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    dont like to journal food. i eat too much and the calorie count is overwhelming.
    I find that's why it works! Even if you binge writing it down might be overwhelming but it's being honest with ourselves.

    Typically when we see how much it all adds up we realize it's not really something we want to do that often. Even at the very begining keeping track can be very important for our mind and our body to realize just how much we truly are taking in. When I don't write my food down it's far easier to overeat because the total cals aren't in front of me, nor are the carbs, fats etc.

    It'll come and I bet you'll realize it is helpful. It's not easy at first, probably wasn't for any of us.

  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    It is hard in the beginning... realizing that "OMG, I've been eating THAT much", but use it...
    you learn portion control and for each meal substitute one bad thing for something better.
    Ex: instead of french fries try roasted sweet potatoes

    I'm a Texas girl and we love our chicken fried steak... so I still have it every so often, but as a sandwich on whole wheat bun instead of smothered in gravy with mashed potatoes... and I usually can't eat the whole thing anymore anyway,
    soooo whoo hoo leftovers for lunch the next day.

    TRY NEW FOODS... if you don't like it, find a different way to cook it, if you STILL don't like it, then don't eat it lol
    A lot of the things I thought I hated, I found out that I really do LOVE... it's just that maybe the first time I tried them, they were prepared wrong or I just needed to try them prepared differently.:flowerforyou:
  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    I have only been on this site for a few weeks but journaling starts making you realize that you can still eat quite well but you have to find better choices. We got overweight by, in a lot of cases, eating too much high calorie food. I find that entering things as I go makes me more aware of how I am doing over the day rather than trying to do it all at the end of the day. I am eating a lot of vegetables and cutting down on the meat, especially not eating much beef because chicken and fish are more acceptable in the count.

    You can do it girl, it does get easier as you go!!! Lots of help on here too
  • chessie11
    chessie11 Posts: 52
    Hey - give it a try!! The best thing about this is the accountability it helps you to maintain as you proceed to reach your goal. This unique journal program is great resource and I even find it to be a powerful motivator. Good example from this morning: luckily I noted the reduced-fat pastry from a coffeehouse early in the day. The nutrition count was here! Not just that - I learned it was a whopping 500 calories! :mad:

    So with that, I made the choice to eat better the rest of the day to stay under my goal. It was tough day, but for me, it had to be done. Simply writing stuff down and later looking up the nutrition count in some book somewhere later would have been detrimental to my goal today. The database responds so quickly, it's extremely helpful.

    Like anything good for you, it can be a difficult thing to start, but if you want to lose the weight for better health and a hot summer figure - just do it with the Food Diary!:smile:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    This is the only way I've been able to stay on my to thinness . I usually fall back into my old habits in no time. This is the longest I have been able to eat well (better) most of the time. If I wasn't doing this Right now I would be eating a half gallon of ice cream or eating a pound bag of mms
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    Yes, it takes extra time to put what you eat in the food journal, but it brings results. The times where I slacked off and didn't journal my food, I gained that week. It is really easy to lie to yourself, and say you are not eating that much when you don't journal it. It comes down to holding yourself accountable for the things you eat. If you are just starting, it does get easier. The first few weeks can be challenging, as your body adjusts to the change.