Need to disassemble Nordic Track E3800 Treadmill

I just bought this last night in a local bulletin board. It is a very nice treadmill. I knew it was big, but it looked a heck of a lot bigger in the guys garage. We managed to get it up 3 steps and in the front room. I'd say it weighs 250 pounds at least. It will not go down the stairs to the basement. I have not even tried. Does anyone know the best way to disassemble this to move it? I am concerned with having to mess with and disconnect the internal wires. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!


  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Haha....I'm dealing with the reverse problem. I just brought home a treadmill (nordic track also, but not the same one) from my parents and have to re-assemble it! My Dad just took it apart from the bottom and top of the "legs", but I'm not exactly sure how. The wires connected at the top of the "legs" then ran down through each leg.

    Sorry I can't be much more help. Good luck!
  • stubbynose
    try googling your style of treadmill and they may have an online book for that model and may give you assembly information. and then reverse it for taking it apart.We have taken our nordic track apart but only take enough parts off to get it up/down the stairs.Best advice is to make a drawing of what you did and where things go . You think you will remember but after the struggle of getting it to the new location you will forget !!! Good luck !!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I just bought this last night in a local bulletin board. It is a very nice treadmill. I knew it was big, but it looked a heck of a lot bigger in the guys garage. We managed to get it up 3 steps and in the front room. I'd say it weighs 250 pounds at least. It will not go down the stairs to the basement. I have not even tried. Does anyone know the best way to disassemble this to move it? I am concerned with having to mess with and disconnect the internal wires. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

    I suggest

    I know you are asking on here as a pipedream that someone will know but on things like this just contact the manufacture, the support staff there can probably email you over a manual.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    If you can find the original assembly instructions or a copy of them (from the manufacturer) just reverse engineer those. We had to do that with mine (different model) when we moved (it was too wide to fit through the doors--we had assembled it in the room). I wouldn't attempt it without a manual. During assembly there were warnings about electrical shock (danger to you and the machine's console) and voiding the warranty if you got certain steps wrong. On the positive side, we didn't have to completely disassemble it to get it through the doors... just the handle bars and console had to come off. We didn't even disconnect any wires. We just taped the console and legs to the belt and then shrink wrapped the heck out of it so that the movers wouldn't pull them apart (and accidentally disconnect a wire) For each step, put the matching bolts and screws in a ziplock bag and label the bag so that you can reassemble it easily. Also you will likely need multiple wrenches and screwdrivers in different sizes, so put those in the matching bags as well. Tap the bags to the back of the console during the move so that they don't get lost/separated.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks! I researched this a bit last night. I can find the manual online. We will attempt it after work.
  • befit68
    befit68 Posts: 28 Member
    I just sold my treadmill this weekend. The guy who bought it found guys on Craigslist who move fitness equipment for a second job to disassemble it at my house, and take it to his. They were fast and friendly.

    It was basically three things.

    Unscrew covers over the legs and pull up on handle bars, un-clip the wires at the wire harness. Then secure the running track down to the base with a long piece of thick Velcro so it wouldn't try and fold down or up while moving it. two big pieces and the leg covers.
    Not too bad. Two guys to move the track and motor part.
  • ChrisC_77
    ChrisC_77 Posts: 271 Member
    Mission accomplished with mere muscle and a friend from work, along with my wife got it downstairs. Took the console off. Didn't effect the weight much, but made it easier to move. Now, if we ever sell this house in the is staying! :)
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Nice work! They're heavy SOBs aren't they?! lol

    Now, get running!
  • stubbynose
    We just said that about our elliptical we just bought !! Took hubby and step son everything in their power to take it down the stairs came is a huge box which they took apart and carried down separately but the power house and foot pedals was just crazy heavy…they said if we ever move it stays in the basement along with the treadmill…. just easier to buy new ones and have the delivery guys do it !!! LOL Glad you got it down those stairs… I just laughed and said well if that was the case why didn't you do it this time..their answer was…. stupid and cheap on our part !!! LOl they crack me up most days !!! Who was I to argue with that answer !! Hehe !!
  • jillsymmonds
    Just out of curiosity- what did you pay for it used? I've found one but he's asking $450 for it, which seems a bit much.