Anyone else here know the term Orthoexia?

May not be relevant in the intro forum or any at that. I recently saw a documentary about it. Its a type of eating disorder characterized on being 'healthy' to the extreme. When I watched this I saw a girl who would refuse to eat anything cooked, and if she did she would make herself throw up. Also, a guy who ate no meat, dairy, nothing to do with animals. Just vegetables, fruits, rice, and etc. He thought it would give him cancer if he ate them. (What he said in it)

Have any of you heard about this?


  • madworld1
    Orthorexia, yes I have heard of it. I have also experienced it. A few years ago I was "orthorexic." I have also been anorexic and bulimic in the past. Orthorexia is widely being recognized as an eating disorder. Eating disorders are classified as a mental illness.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    Thanks! I know some people don't think so. To me it seems scarier than anorexia and bulimia. I was anorexic in my early teens. Not something to mess with.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
  • madworld1
    You're welcome. Yes, for me, it was the hardest to overcome of the three. You sound like you are in recovery. :) I'm glad bc you are right-- it's not a fun road to go down. And, for those that don't believe it's a mental illness, they need to take a psych course or two. Those of use that have experienced it KNOW that it is a mental illness.
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    If I spelt it wrong my bad. But yeah, they tapped their disorder and how they deal with it and the process to become healthy.
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    Can you share the link?
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    I actually watched it on True Life, MTV. I'm not sure of the link,but I'm sure MTV does have it, or do a Google search or even YouTube it. :)
  • madworld1
    If I spelt it wrong my bad. But yeah, they tapped their disorder and how they deal with it and the process to become healthy.

    Haha. You should hear me try to pronounce it. I had wisdom tooth surgery and it damaged my nerve, so I have a hard time pronouncing words and this would be one of them.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I think there is a very large population on this site that has orthorexia, honestly.
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    I think there is a very large population on this site that has orthorexia, honestly.
    See that's what I was thinking too, why I watched it and brought it up. Some people probably don't even realize they do. Thanks for the link!
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    If I spelt it wrong my bad. But yeah, they tapped their disorder and how they deal with it and the process to become healthy.

    Haha. You should hear me try to pronounce it. I had wisdom tooth surgery and it damaged my nerve, so I have a hard time pronouncing words and this would be one of them.
    Lol. We all have our flaws. That's what makes us well, us! :)
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    I did a research project on orthorexia a few years ago, it's really interesting to me because people who experience it truly believe they are eating healthy. It's tough to classify because it's sort of a combination of an eating disorder and OCD (but then, in a way all eating disorders are).

    I definitely think it's dangerous because the food choices are healthy, but the food restrictions are not. It's also scary because health professionals don't fully understand how to help people who have orthorexia - it's similar but also very different from anorexia and bulimia.

    What was the title of the documentary, I'd like to check it out!
  • NatWillBeSkinny
    NatWillBeSkinny Posts: 111 Member
    how do you know if you have an eating disorder yourself?
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    I did a research project on orthorexia a few years ago, it's really interesting to me because people who experience it truly believe they are eating healthy. It's tough to classify because it's sort of a combination of an eating disorder and OCD (but then, in a way all eating disorders are).

    I definitely think it's dangerous because the food choices are healthy, but the food restrictions are not. It's also scary because health professionals don't fully understand how to help people who have orthorexia - it's similar but also very different from anorexia and bulimia.

    What was the title of the documentary, I'd like to check it out!
    I watched it on MTV true life: I have orthorexia
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    how do you know if you have an eating disorder yourself?
    I'll answer that question how I think you meant it lol

    1.)I'd say to an extent we all do, especially when trying to lose weight at our largest. We all have at least once in our life. Rather orthorexia,anorexia,bulimia, etc

    2.)You know your body more than anyone else, so that's your call to judge or see a specialist.

    I am no specialist in knowing about these into details, just wondered if anyone else knew as well, so I hope I answered your question. :)
  • madworld1
    how do you know if you have an eating disorder yourself?

    The first time I was committed by my parents- I didn't realize it. Then, with treatment, I learned the signs and all of that. So, when it rears it's ugly head I know that it's old ED.

    If you are concerned you have an eating disorder, one of the biggest signs is that you are preoccupied with food constantly. And, I don't mean just an "I'm on a diet" kind of thinking. I mean, day in and out, that's all you think about. You plan your days around how and what you are going to eat or not eat, etc.

    Google "How do I know if I have an eating disorder?" and you will find quizzes that can help you determine whether you do or not. If you think you do, I highly recommend seeing a doctor to get help.
  • Vmg773
    Vmg773 Posts: 49 Member
    Right now, this is not recognized as a mental illness in the field (i'm a psychologist). That being said, call it whatever you want, any sort of calorie restriction/OCD type features around food are dangerous. It's hard to find a balance.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yes. I think that anything that becomes an obsession is certainly damaging to our mental health and could well be damaging to our physical health. Having a "normal" concern about our health and doing things like eating healthfully (and for some people, this might include eliminating certain foods that are deleterious to that individual's health) and exercising are beneficial both mentally and physically. When it becomes obsessive, it becomes pathological.
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    Thank you guys! Its a touchy subject, but I only saw it once and was wondering if anyone else has.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    May not be relevant in the intro forum or any at that. I recently saw a documentary about it. Its a type of eating disorder characterized on being 'healthy' to the extreme. When I watched this I saw a girl who would refuse to eat anything cooked, and if she did she would make herself throw up. Also, a guy who ate no meat, dairy, nothing to do with animals. Just vegetables, rice, and etc.

    Have any of you heard about this?

    just vegetables and rice does not seem like he fits the description you gave.