Hello, new and hoping to stay on track.

Hi, I had signed up for the tracker a while back but wasn't logging regularly. I've started logging this week. For exercise, I've been walking and plan to start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today or tomorrow (whenever it arrives at home). I would like to lose at least 10 lbs, maybe up to 15 lbs. I've also been focusing on eating healthier as my cholesterol and LDL were slightly high at 208 and 133 respectively last time they were checked.

Any tips or advice welcome.


  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome!! Tracking everything is key and staying as close to your # as possible. I had a friend who ate just a handful of M&M's a day and wasn't logging it and not getting anywhere.....once she started counting that she rocked it and down 36+lbs in a year! good luck on your journey and feel free to add me!