Newbie from England

ElsieBelle Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I've never been on a site like this cos I'm not overweight but do have a few podgy bits. I need motivation to exercise and this seemed the first step.


  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    This site and the community are AMAZING! I sure couldn't have done it without them :laugh:
  • bubbledelicious
    bubbledelicious Posts: 6 Member
    I'm exactly the same as you! It is such a great site for motivation and you can track your results. It makes you want to stick at it instead of just following it for a week and then getting bored.

    Good Luck :)
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    welcome - this site is amazing and they even have a group with lots of english people on it - its under motivation and support - have a look

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