Re-starting, would love some friends on here!

My husband and I are both using MFP (me for the second time), and I would love to have a few more friends to be accountable to on here! We're starting very slowly this time around, because we've both tried to lose weight and have both given up - though I think I have a few more times than him! I'm trying to lose 80 pounds, and hubby is trying to lose 75 pounds. Please feel free to send me a friend request, especially if you're new too!


  • Im also on my second round of MFP and I am here everyday. Feel free to add me.
  • mochomito
    mochomito Posts: 81 Member
    you can add me, i'm also restarting for the secodn time. :)
  • deep220
    deep220 Posts: 52 Member
    this is going to be the time right!!

    to the restarters! of which I am one.
  • Kyledrums
    Kyledrums Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm make sure I log everyday and try to show support when I can :)
  • I am a total newbie!! I need all the help I can get!!!
  • RoyaltyThick
    RoyaltyThick Posts: 39 Member
    feel free to add me i provide support in exchange for support.
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    You can add me! I think the support on here is going to really make a difference versus the times I've gone at weight loss by myself.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Feel free to add x
  • kdtann
    kdtann Posts: 89
    You can add me. I just restarted today after gaining back 20 lbs.. ugh!!
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    I'm not sure what round this makes for me. :)

    but feel free to add.


    19lbs lost
    25 -30 to go.
  • You can add me too support each other
  • I am restarting too. I would love to add others and be added by others who need the support as much as I do. Thanks
  • I am new to MFP but not to the weight loss game in general. Feel free to add me! :)
  • You can add me as well. I'm just logging on today after being away for a month. I can use some support as well. Best wishes.
  • moonsammy
    moonsammy Posts: 5 Member
    I am just getting back to using MFP too and would love some new friends on here for support! and to give support too!
  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    yup kind of new too, add me if you want to :)
  • bschally
    bschally Posts: 8 Member
    Please add me....I need all the help I can get. Thanks and good luck.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    I'm here daily and have been doing this for quite a while now- am always up to motivate and answer questions, feel free to add me!
  • Happy to be added - I love this app and log in every day - on my 80 days straight and have lost 36lbs so far :)
  • laughabelle
    laughabelle Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all I've been using the site off and on for a while but have never connected with anyone else on it and would love to get a good group of support! Feel free to add me!