New here

HI all I am new to MFP. I started Saturday and so far have found it very helpful. I am a mom of 3 who recently quit smoking. I was already about 30 pounds over weight and now have added another 10 pounds or so. I am on a mission to reset my metabolisim and get healthy. The no smoking was the first step, now the weight and being more active. I read stories on here and feel more motivated, hopefully in the coming weeks I can be posting motivating stories for others to read.


  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    Welcome!! You're in a great place, and Congrats on the not smoking!! I joined in April and absolutely love it. Everyone here is very encouraging and motivating. Feel free to add me as a friend! Good Luck, Much Success, and Keep us posted on your Journey. I can't wait to read your success postings :bigsmile:
  • kosnow11
    kosnow11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there. I also started using MFP this weekend also. I find this a seriously effective tool in keeping track of daily intakes. From what it seems, it really is helping people control their weight! I can't say I'm super surprised however, when most people really have no idea what they eat on a daily basis anyways!

    Anyways, good luck to you!

  • fmralskn86
    fmralskn86 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome from Memphis! I've been using this for about five weeks now, and as Jonathan said, I think it helps most because it actually makes us look at hard evidence of how much we actually eat. I have lost about 20 pounds; however, I don't weigh in but once every three weeks. Good luck to you. I know we will all accomplish our goals with patience and encouragement from others!! :)
  • grandmaunit
    Welcome!!!!!! Fantastic you quit smoking. Very good choice. I wish you luck and feel free to add me to your friends list. I will be watching to hear all about your success. Everyone is very encouraging on here. I just recently joined myself and find this site very helpful and the people are great.
  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome & good luck on your journey...feel free to add me as a support friend.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    :flowerforyou: Hi and welcome! You've definitely came to the right place! I've been here since January and I love it! Good luck accomplishing your goals here!