Really badly damaged my knee and can't exercise??

Help, never going to meet my 630 cals burnt target this week. I have had to cancel most of my gym classes this week and cannot do any of the running i would normally. I know i need to rest it but really need to do something, suggestions? will a week or so doing bits of walking and weights still be ok? how can i get in some cardio?


  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Can you get to a pool and swim? Most pools have buoys that you can put between your legs to keep you from kicking. If its only 1 knee, you could try a stationary bike and let the bad knee just kind of not work.

    Otherwise, take care of yourself and your knee and do what you can, even if it is just walking and lifting weights.

    You might want to see a doctor or physical therapist about the knee.
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    I recently hurt my ankle (stress fracture) and have crutches. The doctor told me not to do anything for 30 days. He said I could however do low impact exercises...but stay off the foot.

    What Ive been doing is, crunches (various types), push ups with kness, and lifting small weights to work arms, and back.
    Its not much. But its still something, and I can work up a good sweat. You dont want to push yourself and do more damage to your knee. Its best to do as they said and rest it. Stay off the knee and let it get better.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    Seated Shadow Boxing. Crunches and Ab work. Upper body weight lifting.
  • RiotxRiot
    Depending on how it's damaged cycling might work for you. I had very bad knees from years of bad posture and doing long walks with inappropriate footwear. And it left me in a lot of pain all the time to the point where I couldn't do my job (I work in Retail) without using tons of Icyhot, Voltaren and Painkillers. Now I use a stationary bike everyday and I'm doing better. It's low impact for your knees but its still a good work out. I like up right bikes, but you could use reclining if you wanted.

    Also this website was very useful to me. Lots of good information and exercises.
  • babystepsforward
    babystepsforward Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks tons everyone! think i'll see ether i can cycle with it and also gve simming a go maybe although that might damage my newly dyed hair pahah .