Any other breast cancer survivors?

Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
Hi all...I have been on here for about a week and absolutely LOVE this site so far. I have acquired many friends on here but I'm wondering if there are any breast cancer survivors that would like to be friends? There are many reasons that I am changing my life and losing weight but at the top of the list is my health. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 months after my 37th birthday (and BTW, I was the healthiest and most fit of my entire life at the time). After surgery and during treatment I packed on about 20 pounds...six months after treatment I got pregnant. Well...during pregnancy I really packed on the pounds and now I'm in full gear to get rid of this weight. I know that being overweight is horrible for your health and it also increases your risk of reoccurrence of cancer and damn it...I'm going to do what I have to do to so that it NEVER comes back. I'm wondering if there are any other cancer survivors out there that would like to be friends and help each other through this weight loss/life change...


  • sarahmartin2013
    I wish I could Just give you a hug.. I have had family members be effected by Breast Cancer.. Just recently my aunt passed away.. My mom was diagnosed with melanoma about 5 years ago. & my dad was affected with colon cancer a few years ago.. Nothing has came back with my parents.. Cancer is so cruel.. Thank you for winning the fight :) Bless you.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Sent you a friend request!
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    I wish I could Just give you a hug.. I have had family members be effected by Breast Cancer.. Just recently my aunt passed away.. My mom was diagnosed with melanoma about 5 years ago. & my dad was affected with colon cancer a few years ago.. Nothing has came back with my parents.. Cancer is so cruel.. Thank you for winning the fight :) Bless you.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your family members. Yes, cancer is very cruel and I pray that I never have to hear those words again, "You have cancer". I will be walking in my 5th Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk this's a 60 mile walk...I would love to honor your Aunt.

    After my surgery I tested positive for the BRCA II gene so my risk for reoccurrence is very thing that I can do to help reduce the risk is to lose this weight...I'm determined...I have to be here for my 3 children...I can do this...I did it before, I will do it again!!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Momf3boys -

    I am a breast cancer survivor and mom of 3 girls!! I, too, was diagnosed (at 45) when I was in my best shape in 15 years. I credit finding my lump to the fact that I had lost 40+ pounds. I, too, have gained about 20 pounds since then...sigh.

    So, I am back to eating right and excercising...this weight WILL come off.

    Glad to meet you!
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Hi Momf3boys -

    I am a breast cancer survivor and mom of 3 girls!! I, too, was diagnosed (at 45) when I was in my best shape in 15 years. I credit finding my lump to the fact that I had lost 40+ pounds. I, too, have gained about 20 pounds since then...sigh.

    So, I am back to eating right and excercising...this weight WILL come off.

    Glad to meet you!

    Wow!!! Lots in common. Very glad to meet you. I have MORE than 20 pounds to lose (the 20 was gained during treatment) and after that I gained another 65-70 pounds during pregnancy...It doesn't matter...I WILL get it all off :-)

    Let's do this!!!

    We kicked cancers *kitten* now let's kick this weight in the *kitten*
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    While I didn't gain any weight from my cancer treatment, I think I lost every bit of muscle I had in my body. And back then, I didn't know about LBM or anything like that, so after I was better, I didn't actively rebuild my muscle. So now here it is 7 years later, and I'm having to build up that muscle mass that I lost so long ago.

    Interestingly, it wasn't until recently that I figured out why my muscle mass is so pathetic.
  • tcrisafi1
    I would love to be your friend. I too was diagnosed with beast cancer at the age of 37. I too am extremely fit and lead a healthy life style. I am trying to lose the pounds put on from steroids and just being sick and not being able to be active. I had my reconstructive surgery last October and I am fully recovered. I work out with a trainer 3 x per week and ride horses 6 days a week! I was still struggling with the last 20 lbs. So I signed up on here. THis is my first week!
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! I am also a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2006 at age 37. I also found out I'm BRCA2+, so we have lots in common! I have one daughter.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Hi! I am also a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2006 at age 37. I also found out I'm BRCA2+, so we have lots in common! I have one daughter.

    I was also dx in 2006 when I was 37!
  • LJS0411
    LJS0411 Posts: 9 Member

    Great song! I have recently added it to my walking/jogging playlist! Very encouraging to listen to it from the perspective of surviving cancer!
  • she730
    I was diagnosed at 46 in 2011. Menopause is causing me grief! Got used to the hot flashes but this weight gain is stressing me.
  • daniellekarber
    daniellekarber Posts: 11 Member
    I too am a survivor...I was diagnosed in 2009 at the age of 39. I lost 45 pounds on an extremely restrictive diet, and in the year after stopping the diet have gained 30 back (ouch). Mainly my own fault, but it's impossible to maintain that severe food restriction forever. I had to have my ovaries removed due to the type of breast cancer I had to prevent reoccurence, and am currently on tamoxifen. My issue is seems that unless I maintain a crazy-restrictive diet, I just gain weight. For a time, I was literally working out 7-8 times per week (sometimes twice per day), and losing nothing. Then unfortunately, I get angry about the lack of progress, give up and eat.
    So, a vicious cycle of my own making. Is anyone else out there having a difficult time losing and/or maintaining due to forced menopause, ongoing medications, etc? I would love to get some ideas and share support stories, etc.
    Good luck to everyone on your journey!!!
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    My daughter (age 29) was diagnosed with breast cancer in early October of this year. Dec 11, she had a double mastectomy. Now she has begun Chemo and is struggling with the fact that she knows she will lose her hair and has 3 more chemo treatments to endure. I am not a survivor, but I want to believe my daughter will be.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    My daughter (age 29) was diagnosed with breast cancer in early October of this year. Dec 11, she had a double mastectomy. Now she has begun Chemo and is struggling with the fact that she knows she will lose her hair and has 3 more chemo treatments to endure. I am not a survivor, but I want to believe my daughter will be.

    Sorry to hear about you daughter! Having been through it...I know losing you hair is daunting, but it is a phase that passes relatively quickly. I got so many compliments on my wig...
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Diagnosed in 2009 at age 46 - 130 lbs and no risk factors whatsoever. Go figure. I'm nearly 4 yrs out and back to my pre-cancer weight (gained 15 lbs during treatment). It isn't the weight issue so much for me as the amount of muscle I lost. Really hard to gain that back. A very wise man once said to me "You can't always control the situation you find yourself in but you CAN control how you react to it." So....never give up, never give in.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    "never give up"! So true xJTx!

    I did not gain much during treatment (maybe 5 pounds?) but then I gained 12 as I was not working out, but carelessly eating.

    Is everyone still taking tamoxifen?
  • Spunk23
    I am a breast cancer survior too, I was dignosed at age 40 which was 10 years ago and about 50 pounds ago! I was always slim and fit until my medications caused me to gain some weight. I also quit smoking and gained even more weight, My cancer medications sent me into menopause, gaining a little more weight......then 4 years ago had to have a full hysterectomy and have gained even more weight : ( I try all these diets with no long term weight loss! As of yesterday, I told myself that I am not on a diet, I am improving my life day at a time, my goal is to keep my daily calorie intake to 1200 and exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. I have to keep going, I hate looking at myself in a mirror or in pictures......I want to find me again!!
  • kellybeam
    First of all, congratulations on being a survivor!! I am not a breast cancer survivor, but I am an Ovarian Cancer Survivor, diagnosed at 37....pushed into menopause, hot flashes and of course....some weight gain. I would love to lose another 20 pounds and it seems I am at a stand still. I could use all the help and support I can get. I log daily and exercise regular and have recently turned to running. Feel free to add me.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Yup, still taking Tamoxifen. Doc has been wanting to switch me over to one of the aromatase inhibitors but blood counts aren't cooperating just yet. Not so sure I'm too keen on switching anyway. I've read too many stories about their side-effects. I have issues with Tamoxifen side-effects too, but at least I know what I'm getting and can manage them. The aromatase inhibitors scare me. Not so sure I'm going to agree to take them.