2lbs / week ~ Anyone?

:flowerforyou: I am looking to lose 2lbs a week this spring/summer. I know there are plenty of others on this site looking to do the same thing, thought we could use this thread to encourage each other!! I recently started dieting a little differently than I ever have before and it seems to really be working for me. I'm pretty much following the special K diet. Protein shake in the morning, meal bar for lunch, throw a snack somewhere in the mix then a regular dinner and evening snack. I'm sticking to a 1200 Calorie diet. And I totally eliminated POP. I have been following this for a week now and have lost a decent amount of weight and I really want to stick with it.
:flowerforyou: A little about myself: I'm 24 years old and married to a wonderful man. Our daughter just turned 1 last week, she is the light of our lives. I am striving to make these changes to my life so that I can teach her better habits than I was ever taught. I just went back to work after being a stay at home mom for almost a year. It's a great DESK job :yawn: so not much room for burning calories there. I am the Maitron of Honor and a bridesmaid in 2 weddings this summer (August & September) and I really just want to look the best I can for them. I have never in my life been "Skinny" although I would KILL to look how I used to :happy: . I have always struggled with my weight and never felt confident. I think I may finally be getting this under control and would LOVE to have some friends along for the ride!
Please, if you would like to join me just check in on the thread every once in a while.
Most threads weigh in weekly, however, I weigh myself in daily (I know, I know). You dont even have to weigh in at all if you don't like. The choice is yours!
Let's do this!:wink:

Heaviest Weight: 230lbs 5-18-09
MFP Starting Weight: 177lbs
Current Weight: 167.6lbs 5-25-10


  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I am also striving to lose 2 lbs. a week so welcome! I also have a desk job so when I get home I have to be up and moving with my 2 toddlers and then workout on my own after they go to bed. I hear ya!!! I weigh in every Wednesday and please friend me if you want support :bigsmile:
  • rlinson
    rlinson Posts: 62 Member
    Wow - In one year you have already lost 60 pounds!!! That is great! I am on the 2 lb/week plan too. Not sure I am actually getting that result, but I am getting good results and I am happy about it.
  • SassyMissDasha
    Looks like you've done pretty well for yourself!! Keep rocking girl ... I am on the 2 lb a week plan too!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Don't be fooled by the 230lbs on May 18, 2009. That was the day that I gave birth to my daughter, so I definitely was at my largest point then. But the thing i'm most proud of is that my pre-pregnancy weight was 206lbs so I have definitely made HUGE strides towards my goals in the last year. Thanks all!
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    Hey count me in! I seem to be at a plateau in my weight loss but I want to lose more. I am trying to do it the right way with exercise and diet so I am aiming for two pounds per week as well.

    CW 203
    GW 185
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm with ya! How do I keep track of this post though? Not sure how to do that. I started out at 220 and currently at 195 and would like to get to 160 so...let's do it! I'm 34 and I have 2 beautiful little girls 5 and 7. They've seen a difference in me already. My energy level has changed for sure and I'm much more active and willing to leave the house. lol
    Good luck everybody! We can do it!!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I'm with ya! How do I keep track of this post though? Not sure how to do that. I started out at 220 and currently at 195 and would like to get to 160 so...let's do it! I'm 34 and I have 2 beautiful little girls 5 and 7. They've seen a difference in me already. My energy level has changed for sure and I'm much more active and willing to leave the house. lol
    Good luck everybody! We can do it!!

    Click on the "My Community" tab up top then click on "My Topics" and every topic you post on will be listed there. That is the easiest way to find your way back to threads :)
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    I'm in the same situation. I weighed 230 when I became pregnant, weighed 251 the day I delivered my daughter, and now I'm at 203. I ate really healthy the whole pregnancy so the weight literally fell off for a little while. My daughter is 9 months old now and I seem to be at a plateau. I don't want to stop losing weight because I should have never gotten this heavy! I would love to get down to about 160 but my realistic goal for now is 185.
    Don't be fooled by the 230lbs on May 18, 2009. That was the day that I gave birth to my daughter, so I definitely was at my largest point then. But the thing i'm most proud of is that my pre-pregnancy weight was 206lbs so I have definitely made HUGE strides towards my goals in the last year. Thanks all!
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    My goal is also 2 lbs a wk. Earlier this year I fell of the wagon and gained 10lbs. But I am now back on track.

    Prior to joining MFP my highest weight was 301. I just could not believe it. Going over 300lbs was my motivation to change my life style. My current weight is 244. My immediate goal weight is 199. I will celebrate. I have not weighed under 200 Lbs in over 20 years. After that I will decide how much more I need to lose.

    Good luck and much success to everyone!!!!

  • CapeCodGal
    CapeCodGal Posts: 23
    I'm also trying for 2 pounds per week. I know it will be easier now, in the beginning than later, but I hope to be able to stick to it!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    I'm on baord as well! I have lost 103 pounds since July of 09 but been having a very hard time getting the last bit of pounds off.
    33 pounds to go I weigh right know 183 I started at 288 so I have come along way. And trying really hard not to get bored with the idea of lossing weight. Also anyone can add me as a friend as well to help each other out.

    Tks for listening and we will all get our goals of 2 lbs per week!

    Good luck to all

    My weigh is one Wednesday aswell!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    No babies for me, but I'm on the 2lbs/wk plan too! First week under way. Would love to keep up with you ladies and join the team!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Weigh in today lost my 2lbs yay!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck to everyone else this week I hope you get your 2 lbs aswell!

    I will check in next week!