How did u break through your plateau??

I am totally stuck!! I can't get past 160lbs and one of my biggest goals has been to get into the 150's (my goal weight is 145-150lbs). This is the point where I have always gotten stuck, I'll gain a few pounds ... loose a few pounds ... but NEVER seem to be able to break the 160lbs mark.

I am 5'8'', I usually eat 1300-1500 calories a day, and I eat a portion of my exercise calories back. I workout 3-4 (usually 3) times a week, mixing strength and cardio. What do I need to do to to break my plateau??

Thanks peeps!!


  • NINAjustdoit
    NINAjustdoit Posts: 80 Member
    Tips and ideas needed!
  • TNT1121
    NINA - I'm going to give this a bump because I am in the same boat around 150lbs (at 5'3"). I have tried eating more, eating less, exercising more......I don't know what else to try!
  • faireplay
    How long have you been stuck?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Diet break every 6-8 to maintenance or just below for a week. Then adjust your calorie goals to be less aggressive. Worked for me.
  • JessXOVanity
    Hi! Although everybody is different, I'll share what broke my plateau when I reached my "trouble spot" at 132lbs.

    I was up until then doing cardio everyday for 30mins (30 Day Shred etc...) but got stuck so I decided to do some weights, and I mean lifting HEAVY not light weights/low reps kind of thing and I got blasted out of my plateau within a week!

    Maybe if you've given the usual avenues a good run, try and lift some heavy weights? Of course I'd recommend you get someone to show you good form/study good form before you attempt to increase the weight you're lifting, its so important.

    Also, I found that I needed to increase my daily cals due to needing more energy/food for muscle repair

    Hope this helps and good luck! :)
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Diet break every 6-8 to maintenance or just below for a week. Then adjust your calorie goals to be less aggressive. Worked for me.

    This has worked for me in the past.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I set my calories according to the tools and info in this topic:

    Been eating that way for nearly a year, haven't plateaued since - have been steadily losing fat and inches, and finally reached goal weight. Although during the year, there was about a six month period of zero weight loss, but I lost inches and dropped a pants size. Make sure you take measurements, don't just rely on your scale, it might not be telling you the whole story. :)
  • NINAjustdoit
    NINAjustdoit Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Amy! I just read the forum you suggested, I am going to try it.
  • Charweezie
    Charweezie Posts: 115 Member
    I've lost and gain but can NEVER get under 147-150lb... once i get to 7-10lbs lost.. everything freezes!.. wth?!!!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    bumping for later
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 5'7", and recently got stuck at a plateau of 155 lbs for about a month. Although sceptical of people telling me to eat more, I decided to eat whatever I wanted for 2 weeks (which meant going over my 1200 calories). I still logged everything I ate so I knew I was going over, and I lost 3 pounds!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    after i lost the first 7 kilos...I bounced around 70-72 kilos for 18 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Until I cut down dramatically on sugar and gave up gluten.

    I still eat quite a bit of natural sugar (fruit, veg, dairy etc) and a treat every now and then (not every day like I used to).

    I am now down to 67 (in less than 2 months) :-)
  • Nelliebird1430
    I started walking every day!! It was the only thing that got the weight moving again! Try adding walks as much as you can along with your regular workouts and see if it helps! Good luck!!
  • Obey46
    Obey46 Posts: 31 Member
    I would make sure you're eating at the right caloric deficit. Eating at very low calories yields results, however your metabolism will eventually palteau. Thus making your caloric deficit next to poverish levels. Eat more(atleast -200 from your TDEE), train harder, zig zag calories are some ways to keep your metabolism guessing.

    I am 5'8", 40 y/o, and can't seem to break the 160 mark, with my UGW being 140. Been this way since last July!
    I do 4 miles on the dreadmill 5 days a week plus weight machines, but just ordered the NROLFW book.
    Started by eating 1200/day and lost 30 pounds really fast then....nuthin'.
    Bumped it up to 1600/day last December when I started the workout above and I GAINED.
    I manage around 1400/day now and hold steady.

    Glad to hear that I am not alone!
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    Great ideas! Thank you everyone. I've hit a plateau for 6 weeks after a very regular loss of over 40lbs over a little over 4 months. I got frustrated and decided to go to a maintenance level for a week or 10 days. That was a few days ago. I see in this thread that others recommend that so now I'm hopeful!