Losing motivation big time

I am losing all my motivation to continue with this weight loss journey. It's very hard when you don't get any support from anybody in your own house. I try to explain it to my older daughter that I need to do this or I am going to die an early death, but yet she still refuses to let me go to the gym when she would have to be home alone. She is 17 years old, and has a son of her own. She is afraid to be home alone with him for even an hour because of her back injury, there are times that she cannot pick him up. I just think giving up would be the way to go at this time rather than go through the disappointment every day of not making it to do my workouts. I wish I had room in my house to set up a space to do it here, but I don't.


  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    Well giving up is definitely an option but if you want to live longer (and from your post I can tell that you do) then you need to stick with it. Do you have a TV / DVD player? They made a DVD called Walk Away the Pounds which to my understand is just walking in front of the TV. You could also throw in any type of exercise tape and do a workout right there. You don't need a lot of stuff to work out with..walking takes nothing. Tell your DD to pop that baby in the stroller and instead of going to the gym go to the mall and walk inside (or you may be somewhere warm and you can walk outside). Your DD can walk along. She'd probably love a mall walk! What 17 year old girl doesn't!

    I am not trying to be mean but really, this baby is hers and she needs to learn how to deal with it. If she's afraid to be alone have her call a friend to come and hang with them while you are gone. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. (I hope I haven't insulted you or your DD and the baby is so cute in your profile picture!)
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    No matter what the problem is, giving up is NEVER the solution. There's a gagillion workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home so that your daughter wouldn't be left.

    If it's important to you, find the time and the energy. You won't regret it...I promise!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Please don't let a 17 year old run your life. Was she letting you run hers when she went out and conceived a son?

    Do what is right for you.
  • Lori603
    My problem is that with all of the babies stuff, I don't even have room in my livingroom to even exercise or walk in place. The malls are too far for me to go to because of timing, by the time I'd drive to the mall I would have to turn around and come back to pick my other daughter up at winterguard practice, the only time I get to go do anything I want is on sundays.
    When I bought my house, I had no intentions of having another baby in the house, so it is very small. It was supposed to be my haven for when my girls left for college. Just me and my 95 pound puppy dog, well now the small house isn't handling all of the extra crap that babies need.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Well giving up is definitely an option but if you want to live longer (and from your post I can tell that you do) then you need to stick with it. Do you have a TV / DVD player? They made a DVD called Walk Away the Pounds which to my understand is just walking in front of the TV. You could also throw in any type of exercise tape and do a workout right there. You don't need a lot of stuff to work out with..walking takes nothing. Tell your DD to pop that baby in the stroller and instead of going to the gym go to the mall and walk inside (or you may be somewhere warm and you can walk outside). Your DD can walk along. She'd probably love a mall walk! What 17 year old girl doesn't!

    I am not trying to be mean but really, this baby is hers and she needs to learn how to deal with it. If she's afraid to be alone have her call a friend to come and hang with them while you are gone. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. (I hope I haven't insulted you or your DD and the baby is so cute in your profile picture!)

    Totally agree. It is your fault if ou don't go and give into her whims/fears. She must have friends. How about the baby's father. You needn't suffer here, but you need to get a bit of a backbone and just say, "I'm going". Think of it this way, if you don't, and you aren't around anymore AT ALL, what would your daughter do then? She'd have to cope somehow.
  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    If you can't walk in place then your other option is to get a cheap pedometer and walk from room to room in the house.

    I can come up with a thousand reasons why I can't exercise and why I can't lose weight but honestly it's up to me to make it happen. I have to be the one to make it happen and that's where you are right now. If you want this bad enough you'll find a way to make it work.

    Go back to having a friend of DD's come over or the baby's Dad and stay with her while you go. Or take her to the gym with you and she can sit in the car or sit in the gym and wait. It's inconvenient for her but she's the reason you can't get healthy so she should share some of the burden instead of you having to shoulder it all. If you drop dead she's in a lot more trouble than sitting at the gym bouncing the baby on her knee for an hour three times a week.