How bad is it eating under 1200 calories a day?



  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    I think you really should talk to a qualified nutritionist and doctor.
    People asking such questions should really know better. Sorry but it's also borderline against forum rules too.
  • Go here:

    Read through it, run your stats through the tools int he links provided in that post. Find out what your BMR is (Basal Metabolic Rate) - the amount of calories docs would give you through a tube or IV to sustain your life if you were in a coma. Most people have a BMR above 1200 calories, which means if you're eating 1200 or less, you're barely giving your body what it needs if you stayed in bed all day. Most of us do get up, move around, go to work, do household chores, and exercise, meaning you need even more fuel to keep those functions going.

    Yeah, a lot of people eat 1200 or less, say they feel fine, lost weight, etc. And most do at first - I did! MFP put me at the standard 1200 when I first signed up. After some initial weight loss, I stalled, saw no progress, was hungry, tired, had little energy to workout. Turns out my BMR is around 1400, so 1200 was way too low for me!

    Now I'm eating around 1700 calories a day, usually more, and seeing fat come off of my body like I never did before. I'm not hungry or anxious about what I can eat that will fit in my goals for the day, and I have plenty of energy to get through my day and my workouts (weights/strength 3 days a week, run an avg of 4 miles 3 days, 1 rest day). I'm not a slimmer but still squishy version of my former self - I'm losing the fat, but keeping my lean body mass by fueling my body well, and I love it!

    Check your numbers out through that link. You might be surprised at how much you've been short-changing your body. And eating more calories doesn't mean eating more junk food to meet the goal, or even stuffing yourself with healthy foods - eat small portions of more calorie dense foods like nuts and nut butters, avocados, healthy oils, full fat dairy.
    Thank you I really appreciate the help. I'm just trying to get opinions advice information etc... To learn and adapt more of what I'm doing and to make it all work beat for me as an individual.

    However, to those of you who are being in my opinion a little more rude than necessary I simply asked a question to get opinions and advice. If you found it annoying or whatever you didn't have to answer.
  • You MUST eat at least 1200 calories a day. If you eat 1199 you will instantly go into starvation mode and your body will start to break down your brain, heart, and lungs and store it as fat! Lol a little under is fine. It's best to discuss your diet and exercise plan with your doctor instead of relying on some arbitrary number the MFP staff pulled out of their @$$es. I'm on a medically supervised 800 calorie per day diet and if I logged exercise my net would be much lower. MFP totally overestimates calories burned through exercise. My doctor says my diet/exercise plan is fine and I value her opinion way more than what MFP has to say.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Geez, this seems to be a topic people are torn on lol. I appreciate all the advice and help a lot though. I think as long as I feel strong and healthy I'm ok. Its not like I don't eat when I'm hungry. I listen to my body :]

    Didn't that get you into trouble in the first place? Listening to what you body wanted?

    How long does it take your body to start showing the effects of say vitamin D deficiency? Does it yell at you daily you are low. Or do you just end up with a problem with brittle bones at some point.

    Use your brain before it's too energy starved to be used well.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I think we missed the point. Is 50 - 100 calories a big deal? For me at ~2000 calories a day no. you at 1200, maybe.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    You MUST eat at least 1200 calories a day. If you eat 1199 you will instantly go into starvation mode and your body will start to break down your brain, heart, and lungs and store it as fat! Lol a little under is fine. It's best to discuss your diet and exercise plan with your doctor instead of relying on some arbitrary number the MFP staff pulled out of their @$$es. I'm on a medically supervised 800 calorie per day diet and if I logged exercise my net would be much lower. MFP totally overestimates calories burned through exercise. My doctor says my diet/exercise plan is fine and I value her opinion way more than what MFP has to say.

    Uh not pulled out of their *kitten*. 1200 is considered the minimum number of calories that should be eaten by pretty much all doctors, nutritionists, trainers etc. I can't imagine why your doctor has you on this kind of deficit when you don't have any actual weight you need to lose. Unless you have some kind of medical condition I'd really speak to another doctor about it. Doesn't really sound healthy...

    The problem with super low calorie, even 1200 calories a day is that it's really tough to do that every day. Even the most strong willed person will eventually reach a breaking point. The beauty of MFP is exercise earns you extra calories meaning you get to eat more.

    1200 calories is still too low for most people, as long as you're below your TDEE you'll lose. It's pretty simple. You don't have to be miserable and eating half a carrot at every meal. Some people eat 1800 a day and still lose at a steady rate because they are still burning more then they are eating.

    The people have the most success are those who don't try and have crazily huge deficits. Losing the weight is only half the battle. Keeping it off is the real goal. And that isn't done by eating 1000 calories a day. Eventually you'll have to up your calories if you get your body used to a number that's too low especially under 1200 then you risk gaining when returning to eating a normal amount
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Go here:

    Read through it, run your stats through the tools int he links provided in that post. Find out what your BMR is (Basal Metabolic Rate) - the amount of calories docs would give you through a tube or IV to sustain your life if you were in a coma. Most people have a BMR above 1200 calories, which means if you're eating 1200 or less, you're barely giving your body what it needs if you stayed in bed all day. Most of us do get up, move around, go to work, do household chores, and exercise, meaning you need even more fuel to keep those functions going.

    Yeah, a lot of people eat 1200 or less, say they feel fine, lost weight, etc. And most do at first - I did! MFP put me at the standard 1200 when I first signed up. After some initial weight loss, I stalled, saw no progress, was hungry, tired, had little energy to workout. Turns out my BMR is around 1400, so 1200 was way too low for me!

    Now I'm eating around 1700 calories a day, usually more, and seeing fat come off of my body like I never did before. I'm not hungry or anxious about what I can eat that will fit in my goals for the day, and I have plenty of energy to get through my day and my workouts (weights/strength 3 days a week, run an avg of 4 miles 3 days, 1 rest day). I'm not a slimmer but still squishy version of my former self - I'm losing the fat, but keeping my lean body mass by fueling my body well, and I love it!

    Check your numbers out through that link. You might be surprised at how much you've been short-changing your body. And eating more calories doesn't mean eating more junk food to meet the goal, or even stuffing yourself with healthy foods - eat small portions of more calorie dense foods like nuts and nut butters, avocados, healthy oils, full fat dairy.

  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    You should NET 1200 a day at the least. If you are working out, you need to eat those calories back so you don't drop below 1200.

    Don't pay attention to the naysayers of 1200 cals. I net around 1200 on good days and I've been losing weight for months and have lots of energy. You don't look like you have much to lose, so if you're not hungry, then you're fine.

    Starvation modes is for people with a super low body fat and people in 3rd world countries. You don't have to worry about this.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Don't pay attention to the naysayers of 1200 cals. I net around 1200 on good days and I've been losing weight for months and have lots of energy. You don't look like you have much to lose, so if you're not hungry, then you're fine.

    Starvation modes is for people with a super low body fat and people in 3rd world countries. You don't have to worry about this.

    ^- Don't listen to these people.. clearly they didn't do it for 4 years only to find themselves stalled and gaining in the end.

    I did that for a long time, I'm afraid to eat food sometimes! I wasn't losing weight! I didnt understand why! I barely ate, and even with exercise not much was happening except being tired and crank and hungry all the time. Then I would binge and eat all kinds of crap and GAIN weight.

    Yeah, "starvation mode" is a term that gets thrown around too much.. but LISTEN to the 1200 cal naysayers. I did it for 4 years and got no where.. I used the roadmap (that link you were given from the first real helpful person) and behold, my weight starts going down eating MORE. When I revert to eating around 1200 cals, my weight doesn't move again (so I have seen since using this site).

    The 1200 calories is what MFP tells pretty much EVERYONE.. if it worked miracles and everyone did it we would all be incredibly thin. Don't accept a default setting.

    Go read the road map, it is worth it! Ever since doing it I have seen weight come off after being stuck/gaining for years (yo-yo whoo hoo).. I was always tired (no energy, not eating enough) and always cranky. "Surprisingly" when you eat you're less obsessed with food (mentally) because you're not hungry and thinking about it, so you make better choices than running to the sugar.

    These 1200 cal people will probably find themselves in the situation I was for a while in a year or two. It isn't as simple as eating 1200 cals or less a day.
  • You should NET 1200 a day at the least. If you are working out, you need to eat those calories back so you don't drop below 1200.

    Don't pay attention to the naysayers of 1200 cals. I net around 1200 on good days and I've been losing weight for months and have lots of energy. You don't look like you have much to lose, so if you're not hungry, then you're fine.

    Starvation modes is for people with a super low body fat and people in 3rd world countries. You don't have to worry about this.
    Well, I appreciate the compliment. I carry my weight well though. I need to lose about 35 lbs. And its not like I eat exactly 1200 a day or less everyday. I don't have a duck if I'm at 1400 or 1600 it just means to me that I worked out really well and was more hungry because of it. Like I said before I listen to my body because my body knows what it needs and I make healthy choices. And every once in awhile I allow myself a cheat day because I am a food lover and its important to enjoy food I think.
  • nelnova
    nelnova Posts: 57 Member
    1200 is good even less is better as long as the Food is High in nutrients. 100 calories of Broccoli provides you with 12 grams of protein, 0mg of cholesterol and 10,000 time Phytonutrients VS 100 calories of steak which is 2grams of protein and 45mg of Cholesterol. Just look at Gorillas and Giraffes they do not ever stop eating and they grow larger with muscle tone and are never obese. Plus eating less helps you live longer. :wink:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    1200 is good even less is better as long as the Food is High in nutrients. 100 calories of Broccoli provides you with 12 grams of protein, 0mg of cholesterol and 10,000 time Phytonutrients VS 100 calories of steak which is 2grams of protein and 45mg of Cholesterol. Just look at Gorillas and Giraffes they do not ever stop eating and they grow larger with muscle tone and are never obese. Plus eating less helps you live longer. :wink:

    Slower metabolism does indeed help you possibly live longer, some studies have shown. Obviously with slowed metabolism, you eat less.

    But the risk for most needing to lose weight is shortened lifespan right now if they don't do it because of the negative side effects of being overweight - and trying to lose weight on a suppressed metabolism by eating too little is really discouraging because it will take so long, and is prone to plateau out, and with very small window of potential error.

    Is that broccoli a complete protein in humans? You'd have to eat a whole lot of broccoli to provide enough complete protein.

    And which steak did you find that is so fatty? Easly get 8g of protein out of 100 calories of steak - complete protein you can totally make use of. Unlike the broccoli being limited by the smaller than required ratio for Leucine, and only 8g out of 100 calories of broccoli too actually.

    And you do know you produce your own cholesterol.

    Where did you get your figures from anyway? Might want to redo the basic math because even that is incorrect.
    And then recalculate for how much you'd have to eat in order to get complete amino acid profile out of broccoli.

    How about we eat our steak or chicken with broccoli and really have a good meal, probably get the calories correct for the level of activity.
  • A slowed metabolism has nothing to do with ones ability to eat less!!!!! There is NO correlation between the speed of your metabolism and how much food you consume. There is however a correlation between a fast metabolism and the amout of calories you burn. Also a correlation between daily physical activity and daily dietary needs. How much food you stuff in your face depends solely on the choices you make, not your metabolism!!!

    Also, 1200 calories is generic caloric intake for fat loss and should not be sustained 7 days a week for anyone unless they are sedentary.

    Your main diet focus (for fat loss) should be:
    1) A diet consistently of the proper macro and micro nutrients for your bodies needs.
    2) A multi-vitamin
    3) A low and high range of caloric intake (ex: eat close to 1200 calories 6 days/week and on the 7th day eat 1700 calories). Studies have shown the change from "starvation period" to the "cheat meal" and back to "starvation mode" will boost your metabolism.
    4) Limit high-glycemic sugars (anything that spikes blood sugar)
    5) Limit saturated fats, enriched foods, dried fruits, added sodium, etc.
    6) focus on nutrient dense foods (whole grains, fatty acids, fibrous vegetables). The closer it is to its organic form the more filling it will be.

    Sticking to the above will allow anyone to fill fueled on 800 calories or 4000 calories. Personally, I would always eat a minimum of 1200 calories unless you have doctors orders as its insanely difficult to get your macro and micro nutrients in under that amount. If you have issues still, I'd change up when ur meals are (heavier on carbs around workout, more smaller meals as opposed to few large ones). I also suggest protein with veggie at every meal even snacks.

    And remember, the more active you are the more calories you can eat and still lose weight.

    If you are lacking in eating fat you will also feel fatigued. It's better to be on a 1200 calorie diet and go over by a few hundred calories to have a serving of salmon or avocado to boost your energy levels.

    Poor nutrition will hault your progress more than the amount of calories you consume anyway. And you want to be losing fat weight not muscle weight (which means ~1lb a week maximum) So be sure your nutrition is more important than caloric intake or you'll be a skinny fat person with clogged arteries, slow metabolism, a weak heart, and vitamin deficiencies!