What was your tipping point?

I was always pretty slim during school and then the first year of university. I put on a bit of weight in the second year and was told to my shock that I looked so much better and had looked 'sick' in the first year. In fact, I remember my room mates commenting on my 'small' portion sizes and always making comments about 'no wonder you're so skinny'. So I decided to continue how I was going, eating more, drinking more...as you do at uni. And completely went overboard with it. I think my heaviest weight was 10 stone 10 or 150lbs. For my small 5'3" frame that was quite a lot and I started to get comments...One comment in particular came from a friends boyfriend whom I couldn't stand "are you pregnant?" even my mother at one point thought I was pregnant when I came home one weekend :laugh:

I've tried all the fad diets: WWs (point system seriously pisses me off), eating one meal a day, even did the cambridge diet. All with mixed results and results I couldn't keep up.

I realised that there was nothing wrong with my portion sizes in the first year of uni - that's just how I was naturally and how I think I should be naturally closer to. I don't wish to be a size zero, I just want to be happy to be in a bikini for the first time in years and wear clothes that I want to wear, not clothes I wear to hide my flabby arms and jelly belly. With the help of MFP hopefully I can get back to realising what normal portions and meals are instead of going back and forth between each extreme...

TL;DR: What was your tipping point that made you want to lose weight?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Answer: my uncle died at 45 from overeating and an unhealthy lifestyle. That, and my gallstones.
  • deep220
    deep220 Posts: 52 Member
    There was a 5k run to benefit blindness so I signed up. I thought I don't run much but this will be fun. Well when I went to run for the first time I could barely make it a quater mile. I realized I was more then overweight but completely out of shape. That was my low point I couldn't have run a mile if my life depended on it.

    I can now though... this spring I am hoping to complete my first 5k without taking a walking break.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I used to be quite fit but never really skinny or thin in school. And like you, once I started uni the drinking and eating unhealthy started, not to forget the not having money for good foods and gym. So the pounds built up. I got to the biggest I ever was when I did my masters full time and also worked part time to afford it. Lots of work and very little time made me reach to a lot of quick fix junk foods while completely neglecting any workouts.

    My real turning point was when I slowly got to big for the size 18s I had managed to eat myself into. No way did I want to have the 2 in the front...
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I had four weddings to attend over the course of a six month period, including my sister's wedding on a beach in Aruba. I was having a really bad time shopping for plus size dresses and finally decided to drop twenty pounds so I wouldn't be miserable at my sister's wedding. Ticker tells the rest of the story.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    Always been overweight, but it never got in my way. I was pretty active, and my health didn't seem to be too bad. Suddenly last year, my blood tests at the doctor's office were coming back with higher than normal fasting glucose levels, which placed me in the pre-diabetic range. This was the turning point for me.

    My grandmother died in a diabetic coma, and I had uncles who went through amputations due to diabetes complications. I don't want this to happen to me, so I'm finally taking it all more serious and doing something about it before it's too late.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I went shopping for new dress pants at Suzy Sheir and could no longer fit in a size 12 (which to me was big already) had to go to a 15!! Then I was looking at pictures of me and how unhealthy chubby my face was getting and that was enough to get me started!!
  • kgoodman0108
    Everything that I was reading. I'm a receptionist, so during slow times I do a lot of reading on the internet. I started reading articles about nutrition, and the guilt started kicking in to the point that I couldn't stand it anymore.
  • Catherine_Stride
    My whole life I've always been larger than most my age. Nothing massively horrendous but noticeably rounder than my friends and for me I have lower self confidence than probably what's even necessary. I am 18 years old and until 4 months ago I had NEVER worn dresses/shorts/skirts only trousers and jeans. I bought a pair of shorts and for me it was a big deal and I was scared to wear them. They were loose and not particularly short. I went to a party wearing them feeling ridiculously self conscious. I heard these 2 beautiful thin girls say "look she's wearing fat shorts" and I left and went home feeling terrible, cried all night and comforted myself with some Ben and jerries. The next morning I decided I wasn't going to put myself through that anymore and decided to make a change. Here I am :)
  • bethany41h
    I am seeing the toll obesity has taken on my father's body. He is only 54 and already has kidney problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, bad knees, bad hip... and so many other concerns. On top of that, I recently got married and my husband is incredibly healthy. When I am 54 I don't want to be struggling like my father and I want to live a long, healthy, active life with my husband.
  • autumnsnow786
    autumnsnow786 Posts: 279 Member
    When I realized that my BMI was over 30.
  • 32thirtytwo
    One picture is all it took for me. I saw how far my gut stuck out and decided that I needed to change how I looked.
  • AmeliaIrene
    Celulite. I was chubby all through school, but ate healthily and danced 5 days a week. Needless to say, even if I was heavy I had muscle tone. At the end of high school I went from a size 14(155lbs) to a size 10, then I got to university and dropped to a size 6 (140lbs). I really fine tuned eating good foods, and cut out all junk food, soda, and juice.

    My senior year of college I was 132lbs, the closest I've ever been to my 120 goal! I then moved abroad and had a series of relationship issues, stress, and hard emotional times. I'm now back up to 150lbs and am so mad! It's the heaviest I've been since high school and I have to re-do ALL that work! It's especially difficult because I eat even BETTER now!

    I recently looked in the mirror and the amount of cellulite I have on my thighs is incredible. I'm still "trim" in clothes, but out of them it's a whole other story. I know if I don't stop this in its tracks now it's going to keep getting worse and worse and I'm going to blink and have gained much, much more. I can just feel myself slipping, and know it's now or never.