weigh-in questions



  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I weigh in once a week. Always first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom and before eating/drinking anything. More than once a week and I'll go crazy.

    I take measurements once a month, right after weighing in.

    I also take comparison photos, once every three months.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    It's best once a week to post if it goes down and you're doing it right by morning and after bathroom use and before eating but also it's best to always wear the same thing too. I do it before I get in the shower so I have nothing else on to add lol. Also remember if you are gaining any muscle then muscle weighs more so u won't see lbs drop but inches lost. Now that I am sticking to herbalife I pay more attention to what needs to be watched and not just selling products lol. Stay strong

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat, a pound is a pound.. whether its a pound of lead or a pound of feathers.. muscle is more dense than fat by volume and occupies less space than a pound of fat.. but all in all a 2 + 2 = 4 no matter how you look at it
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    I'm a once a week person myself. Same day, same time of day, etc. etc. It works for me. I say do what works for you.
  • merlot55
    merlot55 Posts: 4 Member
    I think it depends on how much you want to lose and where you are in your weight loss journey. If you are like me and have a lot to lose weighing everyday could be very beneficial as you see the weight come off quickly. If you have just a few pounds to lose or you are getting close to your goal then weighing in less often maybe beneficial as the weight is coming off very slow. Either way you figure out what works for you and go with it.
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I always weigh myself once a week on the day after a full rest day. When I weigh myself when I have worked out hard the day before, I always weigh a little high.

    OMG - I've noticed this too! My weight drops 2-3 days after I've worked out, but the day after, it's up a bit. Thought it was just me.

    Good points! Thats good to know...so do you think it takes about 2-3 days for your body to register weightloss?? I have always wondered after a really good weekof eating well and working out, when I could see it reflected on the scale...

    This is why I weigh myself everyday. I only record it here once a week. I record my weight in a spreadsheet and that way I have been able to figure out how my body reacts to things, like working out, eating different foods, etc.

    Also, muscles retain water while they are healing after a workout.

    For me it's important to understand how my body reacts to things, then the number doesn't freak me out as much.

    Ultimately, you should weigh in as much as you can handle it.

    Good luck!!
  • RougeIllusion
    RougeIllusion Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh myself every Tuesday and Friday. Helps me to stay accountable through the week and gives me an extra day if I get a little crazy over the weekend :wink: I do my measurements the last day of every month
  • I weigh in on Monday morning 1st thing. get up, go to bathroom, then weigh in. I put my scale in the basement so I'm not tempted to weigh in during the week. If you have trouble from repeated checking pull the battery & give to someone for the week.
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    I weigh in every Sunday morning, just like you do (after potty before eating, standing there butt nekked). ---I usually skip weighing in "that week OTM" because I gain a lot of water weight and don't want to get depressed. How fast you lose depends on how much you weighed to begin with and lots of other factors of course; calorie intake, exercise, metabolism, if your sleeping well, what medications you might be taking, any systemic issues you have.......... yadda yadda yadda. not an easily answered question. :wink:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm a weekly although he tempts me every time I step into the bathroom. I do it once a week so I dont go crazy with numbers.
  • I weigh in once a week, your body will go up and down naturally so any more often and you might not get a genuine reading.

    I do it the same day and time every week - Friday mornings after the toilet :D
  • I always weigh myself once a week on the day after a full rest day. When I weigh myself when I have worked out hard the day before, I always weigh a little high.

    OMG - I've noticed this too! My weight drops 2-3 days after I've worked out, but the day after, it's up a bit. Thought it was just me.

    Good points! Thats good to know...so do you think it takes about 2-3 days for your body to register weightloss?? I have always wondered after a really good weekof eating well and working out, when I could see it reflected on the scale...

    Someone here mentioned that it had to do with water retention, it's completely possible. There's a lot of variation on the scales because of water, sleep, stress, sodium intake, that's why an "official" weekly weigh-in is better than checking in every day. You can weigh 3 pounds more at night than in the morning, so if you do weigh every day don't stress out about it :-)
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I know in recovery for ED they don't let you weigh in more than once a week. I think it's fine to weigh in as often as you feel comfortable as long as you don't let little mishaps effect you too much. Your weight can fluctuate as much as 5 pounds throughout the day, so perhaps day a day and weigh yourself every couple hours to find the lowest and highest times, if you don't think that will be harmful to you. It's not always (or even usually) right after you wake up that's the lightest.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    First thing in the morning, before you eat but after bathroom is the best time. As a woman, our weight really does fluctuate so much, so doing it more than once a week will only put you on an emotional roller coaster. I used to way myself twice a day for the longest time. Than I friend convinced me to put the scale away! Now I only weight and measure myself once a month (honestly, I might sneak the scale out, but not really much at all any more) I also try to make sure it is right in the middle of my cycle. Not to me too TMI, but like most women, we bloat and retain water. I do not want that in the numbers. Also, you body will retain water right after a workout. So don't measure yourself then either! Although that is a great time to take progress pics!!

    This is what has really worked for me! That scale can play such mind games with you. I have really started to rely on measurements and pictures so much more! Last month I didn't drop a pound, but I love an inch off my waist AND my hips!! That beats the scale moving any day!
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I weigh every day but I only log it once a week. It helps me stay focused and it makes me more aware of the ups and downs for my body. BUT everyone is different and If you do get too caught up in the number on the scale you might want to cut back the amount of times you weigh. Like others have said weigh in the same time everytime before you eat and after you use the restroom in the morning! :)
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    First thing in the morning, before you eat but after bathroom is the best time. As a woman, our weight really does fluctuate so much, so doing it more than once a week will only put you on an emotional roller coaster. I used to way myself twice a day for the longest time. Than I friend convinced me to put the scale away! Now I only weight and measure myself once a month (honestly, I might sneak the scale out, but not really much at all any more) I also try to make sure it is right in the middle of my cycle. Not to me too TMI, but like most women, we bloat and retain water. I do not want that in the numbers. Also, you body will retain water right after a workout. So don't measure yourself then either! Although that is a great time to take progress pics!!

    This is what has really worked for me! That scale can play such mind games with you. I have really started to rely on measurements and pictures so much more! Last month I didn't drop a pound, but I love an inch off my waist AND my hips!! That beats the scale moving any day!

    Ok so I should definitely weigh myself less it sounds like. I should just hide the scale like someone else suggested, because it just stares at me everytime I go into the bathroom! ugh...I always hear people say that they have lost inches but not weight?? How is that even possible??
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I weigh in once a week, first thing in the morning after I potty. I don't like to see the daily fluctuations, plus, after a full week, I can see a bigger loss on the scale.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    First thing in the morning, before you eat but after bathroom is the best time. As a woman, our weight really does fluctuate so much, so doing it more than once a week will only put you on an emotional roller coaster. I used to way myself twice a day for the longest time. Than I friend convinced me to put the scale away! Now I only weight and measure myself once a month (honestly, I might sneak the scale out, but not really much at all any more) I also try to make sure it is right in the middle of my cycle. Not to me too TMI, but like most women, we bloat and retain water. I do not want that in the numbers. Also, you body will retain water right after a workout. So don't measure yourself then either! Although that is a great time to take progress pics!!

    This is what has really worked for me! That scale can play such mind games with you. I have really started to rely on measurements and pictures so much more! Last month I didn't drop a pound, but I love an inch off my waist AND my hips!! That beats the scale moving any day!

    Ok so I should definitely weigh myself less it sounds like. I should just hide the scale like someone else suggested, because it just stares at me everytime I go into the bathroom! ugh...I always hear people say that they have lost inches but not weight?? How is that even possible??

    One pound of muscle and one pound of fat weight the same...obviously. BUT a pound of muscle is about half the size of a pound of fat! Google images of it an you will be amazed! Right now I am doing a weight based workout program. The scale is hardly moving, but I have dropped 1 pant size this month already! Added bonus, muscle burns fat! So, the more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn even when you aren't working out. So inches are gone, but the scale moves a little slower. It's worth it though because everyone looks good with muscle, no matter what the scale says!
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I weigh every day, but only track in on MFP if the number is a new low.
    Example: On the 16th, I weighed 172.2. That was a new low for me so I recorded it. I weighed every day, but it was the same, up a little, up a little, down a little.. Today, I got on and weighed and it was 171.2. That's a new low, so I log it.

    I like seeing the downward progression of my weight loss without all the water retention, TOM, and sodium influences on my weight.

    It's a strategy that has worked well for me and other people on here that I've talked to.

    Maybe it's something that would be good for you?