Team in Training questions

cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone out there ever do this? What was your experience with it? Is this something where I would have to pay to sign up and if so roughly how much? Not really looking to pay a whole lot of money. I know I can go to a meeting or have them come here for an information session, I just don't want to waste my time or theirs if it's going to cost a lot out of pocket.


  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I went to an information meeting quite a few years ago. You should go to a meeting in your area. It is a fundraiser for the Lymphoma/Leukemia Society, a worthy cause. Out of pocket expense depend on the event you choose. Here is a web site you might find helpful...

    I did have a friend train for a tri in Hawaii and it was a great experience for her. Best wishes!
  • Yes - I did this! And it was the best experience of my life!! Honestly! (I'll try not to write a book about it because I could go on and on.)

    I joined their cycle team because I have an old injury that prevents me from running. But I have a friend who has done a number of runs with them. Basically it all works the same - you pay the registration fee of $75 - then you join the team. You train for your event for however many weeks. Mine was a century bike ride - 103 miles - and we trained for 17 weeks. Which means I trained on my own during the week and then every Saturday morning I trained with the team for a longer ride (or it would be maybe for you a longer run). You have an experienced coach and mentors and they guide you every step of the way with technique, gear, fueling, etc. - its really an incredible way to get into a sport if you want to learn it in a very comprehensive and guided way.

    In terms of money - you pay the $75 registration fee - then as you start training you start your fundrasing. Bascially, the further you are from your event the more money you have to raise. So for me I had to raise $2500 - but what you get out of the money you raise is all the training + hotel, race day support, etc. If you're further away - you raise $4500 and airfare and everything else is paid for (except meals). The ONLY way you have to pay money is if you don't raise all your funds. So if you only raise $2000 and you're supposed to raise $2500 - you have to pay the $500. They need a credit card to secure your 'commitment.' IT sounds like a raquet - but remember that almost 80%, I think, goes directly to the LLS - so its a great cause. I met my fundraising within a month and did it simply with sending a letter out to 50 people including work contacts. I had no trouble and only one person on my team couldn't raise the funds - mostly because she didn't try. So you're really only out the $75 in the very start - TNT even pays the postage for your letters.

    The only thing for me is that I joined to lose weight (of course) and I ended up gaining weight - because I was new to endurance sports and the idea of eating so much while riding was hard for me. But you'll get help with all of it. I think if you want to get into cycling or running WHILE doing something great for an awesome organization - TNT is the way to go. We focused all our rides and efforts on someone with blood cancer - so it takes you out of your own head while your training - into helping someone else. I had no problem with the money mostly because people could relate and wanted to help. My friend that runs has now done many events with TNT - raising money the entire time. She is an avid runner. She agrees with me - CHANGED MY LIFE!

    HOpe this helped - feel free to message me or I'll check back. Honestly - aside from getting me in great shape that summer - it was the most incredible, fun, and self-confidence boosting experience of my life.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    My sister also did it and I think it pretty much changed her life where she meet great people and got on the track to doing all the things she does today. She did the century bike ride around Lake Tahoe. I keep thinking about doing but always keep telling myself maybe next year.
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