help with protein intake!!

Hello! So I'm trying to get lean and toned not bulk up and I find that at least three or four days a week I am going over my suggested protein intake (with exercise.) I consume about 75 grams of protein give or take a day on a 1200-1400 cals a day diet (don't hate! no, i am not starving myself!) Is this too much? too little?

I realize this question may sound stupid but a friend recently told me i'll start "bulking up" if i'm consuming that much protein. Left me very confused! So ladies how much protein do you take in a day? And of course men if you have any input or advice please let me know!

Thanks everyone!


  • dlrosen
    I'm not an expert on this topic, I'm not really sure how much protein is okay. But 75 grams seems perfectly fine. I've been having around 80-100 grams a day, so Ill be interested to see what others say.
  • waterbuglaree
    You won't bulk up. It's very hard for females to "bulk-up" without a stimulant. Plus depending on the protein source you're body most likely isn't absorbing all of it. Plant based proteins are complete and absorbed 100% and animal based proteins are complete but create an acidic environment and are not absorbed completely. You should also consider the type of exercising you are doing... high reps with low weight? low reps with heavy weights?
  • PakiBoom
    PakiBoom Posts: 21 Member
    it;s a whole process.I would suggest slowly increase your protien intake and notice the difference if any. But then again your body weight and bodyfat % matters the most. Try not to rush the proicess or you will not develop muscle density.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You won't bulk up unless you eat at a caloric surplus. Women bust their butts at the gym and eat like fiends and can't bulk up for the life of them.

    Eat 1g protein for every lb of lean body mass... nothing wrong with 75g if you're little. I have a friend here on MFP who regularly gets 150g protein on 1200 calories daily... look up "chickentunashake" for her diary... I think it's public.
  • speedgraphic19
    Agreeing with what waterbuglaree said, but additionally, you're not eating enough calories to "bulk up". You have to basically eat ALL THE FOOD to bulk up, seriously.

    The average I see cited most often (and what I aim for) is around 1g/pound of body weight (or 1g/pound of your goal weight), and even then, I've been told that should be seen as a minimum number. TL;DR, your friend doesn't know what they're talking about and you're not eating too much protein.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Here's a link to an ongoing discussion about it right now:

    I hesitate to refer you to it because there's a lot of bad information being posted in there by one person in particular, but a lot of others have posted useful responses.

    [ETA:] You're not going to "bulk up" from eating protein. Women have a difficult time adding bulk even when actively trying to do so, and you don't put on muscle while in a caloric deficit regardless. If you're worried about bulking up, just stay away from the anabolic steroids and you'll be fine.
  • Mulikme
    Mulikme Posts: 30 Member
    I just started all this 3 weeks ago. My trainer recommended I shoot for 85 g. I'm currently at 178 lbs and trying to lose weight and tone. I try daily for 38% protein, 30% carbs and 32% fat. Hope that helps.
  • JaeDaKing
    JaeDaKing Posts: 50 Member
    Bulking up doesn't just happen over night... Keep doing what you are doing. For the most part your body can only absorb so much protein and the rest goes down the toilet.
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    I honestly would not even worry about going over with your protein. Everyone here is right about not bulking up. Unless you are taking steroids and bumping up your testosterone levels, it won't happen. The body can only absorb so much protein at one time (I think 35 was what I read, but I could totally be wrong) so your body will just pass what you don't need. I have a friend doing a Bulking program with her husband, even taking all the supplements for it, and she still isn't bulking. She is getting amazing definition though! Plus, she is eating over 2000 calories a day!