Tipping the scales at 290

Hello Friends,

my name is John and I've given myself excuses for year on not watching my weight and because of that have let myself get up to 290 lbs. I don't want to be this way any more. That's part of the reason that I started walking with my 70 year old father three times a week, why my wife and I started using "myfitnesspal" app as well.

We are kind of easing into this program trying to work our way through the good and bad foods we have on hand and not just going cold turkey. I have tried so many times in the past to eat healthier and work out, but like so many people all it takes is the first weekend out of town to remind me how good cake is, or even worse, a highly stressful week at work. Lets face it to what week is not stressful in it's own way?

So here I am, trying to take to a forum seeking others who are in the same boat to connect with to encourage and hold each other accountable to a healthier life style. I expect to fail ocasionaly, as I think everyone does when trying to loose weight. I just want to be the guy who helps dust some one off after a cheesecake bender and says "Hey it happens, lets just put it behind us and get back on the program".


  • My boyfriend and I are both looking to get into better shape as well. He's lost a good 15 pounds since he started, and I've lost 10. We have different eating styles, but in the end, we both pretty much eat what we want, we just count calories in everything. I had 6 Jolly Ranchers today (70 cal per 3), because I wanted some. I also had frozen yogurt for desert (160 cal). I know when he's had a good calorie day, he splurges on a burger. We aren't looking to deprive ourselves, just get in better shape. I definitely think we could benefit one another. :)
  • Torgrills
    Torgrills Posts: 103 Member
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    "not just going cold turkey"
    Thats what Im doing....gradually easing into eating healthier and exercising.